We are not so good at talking about stalking in the healthcare arena, even though we know that many of our patients have dealt with or are currently dealing with the issue, particularly as a component of intimate partner violence. So as I was perusing the Stalking Resource Center’s October newsletter I realized this would be an excellent topic for today’s FHO post. Lots of good stuff here:
If you haven’t yet looked at last month’s MMWR that features (among other things) new stalking data, make sure to spend a few minutes reviewing it.
Several archived webinars worth your time, in conjunction with the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center:
*Working with Victims of Stalking
*The Use of Technology to Stalk
*Stalking and the Intersection with Domestic Violence
{all webinars can be accessed here)
Also this: not in the SRC newsletter, but coincidentally just published online this week:
Violence Against Women. 2014 Oct 5. pii: 1077801214552911. [Epub ahead of print]
Edwards KM, Gidycz CA.