Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: November 2014

Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly(ish) overview of what’s new and noteworthy in the peer reviewed literature. There’s a lot to slog through this month (the Journal of Interpersonal Violence is responsible for half the content alone), but definitely some fascinating subject matter (like the relationship between economic status and sexual violence), so I hope you’ll take some time to work your way through the list. Word doc and PDF after the jump:

I go back and forth on the best way to present the active links, and I’ve been in the habit of just putting the whole thing into the body of the post, but I’m really trying to streamline, so let’s see if this works ok.

Articles of Note November 2014 (PDF)

Articles of Note November 2014 (Word)

{Please remember that if you distribute my Word doc it must be unaltered and with full attribution. As my friend Claudia likes to say, please don’t steal my stuff; it hurts my feelings.}

One reply on “Articles of Note: November 2014”

This website is the best resource I have as a new SANE. Thank you! I met you in Phoenix .. thank you for the wonderful workshops on the courtroom.

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