I know that many of you are evaluating drug-endangered children as a part of your practice (or perhaps hoping to expand your practice to include this population), so here’s a brand new resource just out: A Circle of Healing for Native Children Endangered by Drugs is a new 7-part video series available from OVC. You can view portions of it online or order a copy of the full series. Click through for details:
From the site:
This video series features programs and practices that integrate Native stories and cultural traditions to help children, families, and communities in Indian Country to heal from substance abuse-related trauma.
Tribal leaders, service providers, and survivors share testimonials and practices to inform, guide, and inspire tribal communities as they work to help traumatized children on their path to healing.
While you’re on their site you may also want to check out some of the other free videos that may provide great material for continuing education for your team or MDT, including Through Our Eyes: Children, Violence and Trauma, which was recently updated.