Two upcoming webinars from Futures Without Violence this month. The 1st is March 7th, from 5-6:30 ET: Domestic Violence, Mental Health and Substance Use Coercion. The 2nd is March 14th from 4-5:30pm ET: Addressing and Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence in Campus Health Centers. Click through for details about both:
From the site:
March 7th:
There is now a large body of research demonstrating that abuse and violence are associated with a wide range of health and mental health conditions. Some are the direct sequelae of physical and sexual violence; others are related to the traumatic/ psychophysiological effects of ongoing abuse. Less well documented, however, are the ways that people who abuse their partners engage coercive tactics related to their partner’s mental health or substance use as part of a broader pattern of abuse and control. These tactics include efforts to intentionally undermine their partner’s sanity or sobriety, control their medication, sabotage their recovery, interfere with their treatment, and discredit their partners with friends, family, helping professionals, and the courts. Stigma associated with substance abuse and mental illness facilitates the successful use of these tactics. For settings that are integrating behavioral health into primary care – strategies to address domestic violence can be critical.
March 14th:
Campus health centers play a crucial role in a comprehensive, campus-wide response to intimate partner and sexual violence (IPV/SV). This webinar will provide tools and resources for staff working in campus-based health settings to incorporate intimate partner and sexual violence prevention and response into their work. By creating a clinic environment where students have the opportunity to talk about healthy relationships and consensual sexual activity, as well as disclose experiences of violence, we are helping to create a safe and supportive campus culture that does not tolerate violence. This webinar will feature best practices learned by campus health centers, which have begun to implement a comprehensive IPV/SV protocol.