This week is pretty hectic (due dates, holiday mandatory fun, etc.) and we spent part of the weekend working in anticipation of it all, but there was still time to surf the interwebs (hello, procrastination). Honestly, I find my twitter feed overwhelmingly depressing, but somehow I still can’t look away. Here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:
I’ll never watch Sailor Moon with my nieces in the same way again
Some of the best (concise) presentation advice
It’s going to be years of essays like this
And also ones like this (I love her writing, btw)
Still some homicide rates that haven’t decreased
I wish…I have talked to many patients in my career who have made decisions based on inaccurate/nonsensical information; the Internet makes it so much easier to spread.
Medscape’s annual physician ethics survey (interesting)
We will forgive so much for football
Good on Merriam-Webster (I love their Twitter feed)
Still way too many stories like this one
And finally, many of you have asked about the new pup–I suppose it was inevitable, he has his own Instagram account (100% Sasha’s doing). Also, he’s great 🙂
{BTW, you’ll also find me on Insta; it’s mostly travel, dogs and food, but isn’t everyone’s? You can also get there by clicking on the Instagram button at the bottom right corner of every page (Follow FHO on Social Media)}