Well, another morning, another harasser named (by multiple sources, and admitting to the conduct in a released statement). This continues to be something to behold, and not surprisingly, much of what is catching my attention on social media relates to the continued exposure of these men, and the subsequent think pieces that have been rolling out (many of them, really well done). I’ve tried to limit those articles to the best of what I’ve read–here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:
This moment isn’t just about sex (by one of my favorite writers)
Sexual harassment does not occur in a vacuum
Related (and this so speaks to me)
Health disparities are very real, folks
And also…
A very satisfying (and relevant) essay series
Emergency rooms are monopolies.
When victim services don’t actually help
As the mother of a teen girl, yep
Finally, if you aren’t watching this show, you should:
Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.