Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: 15th Anniversary Edition (+a Hiatus)

January 2024 marks 15 years of this nerdy little website and with the anniversary, I am going to be taking a break to reevaluate where this site is going. The truth is, 1.) the money I bring in from the research compilations doesn’t really cover the time and expenses it requires to keep this site going; and 2.) more importantly, I cannot keep the research compilations current the way I would like. So I need to figure out how to revamp the site to make the science widely accessible to the field (always the mission here), but also create some revenue that will support me doing deeper dives for those that want it, in a way that I can maintain. If you have ideas about what you would like to see, or how you think I should tackle that, I am absolutely open to suggestions. For now, I am shutting down for a bit while I regroup (and also finish a major project and some extensive international travel during the 1st quarter).

For now, I leave you with one more Articles of Note, because it would be wrong not to.

Happy reading. See you back here later in 2024.


You can find all of the FHO publications in our store, including the newest publication, Injury Following Penetrative Sexual Contact.

[Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash]

One reply on “Articles of Note: 15th Anniversary Edition (+a Hiatus)”

Just want to say how very much I appreciate your contribution to this field, as well as how much I appreciate you taking time to reflect on how/if to continue. Thank you!

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