
Critical Incident Response in the Workplace

Crisis Care Network has an online training, Best Practices in Critical Incident Response in the Workplace. The course provides attendees with a video-enhanced overview of best practices in critical incident response services. This program summarizes the latest findings in evidence based behavioral medicine as it relates to psychological first aid, addresses the unique aspects of the provider’s role with the employer client and provides an overview of how to deliver critical incident response services in the workplace. This program covers:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Working with LGBTIQ Survivors of Violence

OVC is hosting a web forum June 24th at 2pm on best practices for assisting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexed, and queer (LGBTIQ) survivors of violence. As with other OVC web forums, questions are submitted in advance and then discussed live during the foum. For information on how to participate click here. You can view previous web forum discussions here.



In April, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HRSA) held a webcast on cyberbullying. You can download the slides (PDF) from the webcast on their site, but unfortunately there’s no audio accompanying it. Still the slides have some good info and both prevention and intervention are addressed. There’s definitely an educator bent to the talk, but I think healthcare providers, particularly those dealings with kids/teens, will find a lot of the information helpful.

Sexual Assault

False Allegations

MNCASA is sponsoring a webinar on responding to false allegations of sexual assault, Monday, June 29th from 12-1:30 CDT. From the announcement: False reports of sexual assault are rare yet they attract significant attention from the media and influence public opinion about the prevalence of sexual violence. The webinar will explore this challenging issue from a number of perspectives, with the overall goal of providing tools that will help you respond effectively to difficult questions about victim credibility.


Invisible Injuries of War

The Coming Home Project, a non-profit organization devoted to providing compassionate care, support and stress management tools for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, their families, and their service providers, has a series of videos and podcasts on a host of different issues related to the physical and mental health needs of returning service men and women.

Sexual Assault

HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis & Sexual Assault

Okay, so this is one of the webinars I’ve been waiting for: IAFN is hosting a webinar on HIV PEP that should be stellar (if I wasn’t going to be flying home from California that day, I would already be registered for this one). It will be held July 2nd from 2-3:30 pm ET, and it is free, people. Free. No CEs, sadly, but good (much needed) content.

Topics to be covered during the webinar include incidence of post sexual assault HIV infection; the  role of  advocacy for HIV counseling and assistance for victims related to HIV; the role and responsibility of the SANE for HIV PEP; and an ‘algorithm’ approach for the programs to use for HIV PEP.

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect is hosting a Virtual Issues Discussion (VID), beginning June 15th through the 22nd. The discussion will specifically be on Approaches to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. Advanced registration is required. You can see a list of presenters and access supplemental materials here.


Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

It was a busy week at the sustainability site. I’m happy to return with a new Friday Q&A, this time from IAFN Past-President, Stacey Mitchell. You can read her fantastic responses to the questionnaire here. Also this week:

  • A resource many of you know from this site, The Ultimate Educator and tools for creating courses for adult learners
  • One of those simple, but amazing tools that can distill down the overwhelming into the doable: Performance Vistas’s Decision Selection Matrix
  • A webinar (free!) over at the Goodman Center focusing on their recent survey on using online technologies instead of in-person meetings and conferences–they’ll be discussing the good, the bad, and I’m sure, the ugly during the 1-hour event (love their stuff, BTW).

That’s it for me–I’m knocking off early to spend time with my kiddo after being gone all week. Enjoy your weekend!


Funding Alert

The newest funding alert (PDF) is available over at VAWNet for those of you interested in all things money. In this round:


Rural Mental Healthcare Provision

The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education has a series of grand round webinars on mental health issues for rural and frontier healthcare providers. CEUs & CMEs are available 1 year from the time of the original offerings, so all of these have CEs in place through at least November, ’09 (and 3 of the 4 well into Spring 2010). Access is free of charge; all are approximately 90 minutes long.


Blast Injuries has a 1 credit offering on blast injuries available for $5. It’s your standard article-posttest format. Objectives include:

1.      Identify factors that affect blast injuries.
2.      Describe the types of injuries that can occur from explosions.
3.      Define the two major classifications of explosives.
4.      Describe basic mechanisms of blast injuries.
5.      Identify the types of injuries associated with blast mechanisms.
6.      Identify disorders that might be missed during an initial assessment.
7.      Identify management options for blast emergencies.
8.      Describe plans to care for survivors of blast injuries.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault Testimony

Expert Witnesses

I’m in Boise, Idaho this week speaking at their 2 Days in June conference (with the fantastic Doug Miles, one of my favorite traveling companions). One of the topics we’re presenting is Using Experts in DV and Sexual Assault Cases.  I’ve actually written on the topic before, in a monograph for NDAA: The Role of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners in the Prosecution of Domestic Violence Cases. My friend and new boss, Jennifer Long, formerly of NDAA, wrote a related monograph in that series: Introducing Expert Testimony to Explain Victim Behavior in Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Cases. You can download both of them (along with the rest of the monographs in that series) here. Yes, they’re written for lawyers, but I think there’s valuable info there for anyone working as an expert in these types of cases.

And if you’re attending 2 Days in June, please come by and say hello!

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Intersection of HIV/AIDS & Violence Against Women

HRSA’s Maternal Child Health Bureau has an archived webinar on the intersection of HIV/AIDS and violence against women, originally presented last spring. You can view the offering with slides and audio, or download an MP3 to listen to on your iPod later on. There are also transcripts of the session available. These guys put on a great array of webinars–a lot of topics not being presented frequently that are truly clinically relevant. Now if they would just start offering CEs with them…


DV & Faith-Based Communities

Witness Justice & have just announced a new web forum on domestic violence and faith-based communities, specifically the African-American community. The forum is being facilitated by Dr. Aleese Moore-Orbih from the Faith Trust Institute. “This forum will highlight some of the common, complex and culturally specific contributors to violence against African American women. It will address the role of faith as a resource and a roadblock and offer concrete ways in which faith communities can respond to and support abused women and their children in the African American Community.”

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Child Maltreatment

The California Clinical Forensic Medical Training Center has recently posted 7 lectures with slides from the 23rd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, held this past January. If you weren’t able to get out to the conference, or you just didn’t get a chance to see everything you wanted to while you were there, here’s your chance. Lectures are $1 a piece to access (yup, one dollar–not a typo).

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: June Edition

Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. Most of these are from the June/July issues; I have included a couple articles electronically available now in anticipation of print publication, as well (all from the last 4 weeks). As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. All links lead to PubMed abstracts (unless there isn’t one for that article); from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.


Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

Well, folks–I’m still hoping to get a few of you to come forward to be the focus of our weekly SANE coordinator Q&A at the sustainability site. I could load it with all of my friends, but what’s the fun in that? The idea is to get some new voices out there and demonstrate the breadth of practice that is working around the country (and in fact, the globe, since we have a pretty international readership here and I know some of you are doing this work in Canada, the UK and Australia). If you’re interested, you can find the questionnaire attachment here. So no Friday Q&A this week. Instead we have:

  • A couple resources for guidelines for using grant money, including grant report writing info
  • A look at Google’s Youtube channel, Google for Non-Profits–all kinds of cool tools that are both free and easy to use
  • A more in-depth peak at IAFN’s Online CE site; I know I posted on their death investigation webinar here yesterday, but if you go to the CE site, there’s an incredible array of offerings, all for pretty cheap (particularly if you are a member). And not just sexual assault either.

My guy turns 40 this weekend, so the celebrations continue here in the 216. I hope you’ll have a relatively celebratory weekend yourself. Enjoy!


Death Investigation Basics

IAFN is hosting a webinar July 28th from 2-3pm ET on Death Investigation: The Basics. Bobbie Jo O’Neal, RN, BSN, F-ABMDI, the Deputy Coroner with the Charleston County North Carolina Coroner’s office will be the featured presenter. She will cover coroner versus medical examiner systems, organizations whose influence can impact death investigations, the role of and skills used by a death investigator and suggestions for those interested in entering the field of death investigation. Members can register for $20 (non-members pay $30).


Long Term Consequences of Domestic Violence

The Family Justice Center Alliance‘s next webinar is June 4th at 9am Pacific. The Long Term Consequences of Domestic Violence will be presented by Dr. Ellen Taliaferro. Preregistration is recommended. The site describes the webinar as follows:

Domestic violence has been associated with many different types of health problems, ranging from serious injury and death due to trauma to anxiety, depression, and suicide.  The list of reported health consequences for the victim is long and includes:

  • Chronic pain syndromes, such as chronic pelvic pain, headaches, and functional GI disorders
  • Gynecological problems, including STDs, exposure to HIV, and unwanted pregnancies because of unprotected coerced sexual activity by the battering partner
  • Pregnancy-related problems, such as prenatal fetal injury, complications of pregnancy, or presentation in labor without prenatal care
Child Abuse Sexual Assault Testimony

Child Abuse Evaluation & Treatment

If you have not yet perused this site, Child Abuse Evaluation & Treatment for Medical Providers is a virtual one-stop for all things on this subject. It’s essentially an e-book, with chapters that are well-organized and easy to read. The site is pretty accessible and plentiful links allow you to delve more deeply into subject matter as warranted. And if you’re helping to train police and prosecutors, some of the charts and outlines would be pretty useful for them, as well. My biggest complaint so far (because I’m still working my way through the site, and admittedly, it’s not my area of specialty) is that some of the resources are out of date (read: IAFN, which according to this link still has us in NJ), or just missing (like NSVRC).