
Funding Alert

The newest funding alert (PDF) is available at VAWNet, for those of you interested in such things. In this round:

Elder Abuse/Neglect

Elder Abuse & Neglect

USC Ageworks has an online tutorial on elder abuse and neglect. It’s a free course and may provide 2.5 CMEs for physicians (sorry, no nursing CEs available), but you’d need to check to see if that’s still an option (the expiration date has passed, but not everyone adheres hard and fast to those dates, and not everyone updates their sites with newer info). Either way, it specifically addresses some forensic issues, and couldn’t be easier to access.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Inbox: Sexting, Pt. II

Looking through my inbox this morning, what do I find but an email alert from Medscape Emergency Medicine with a new article on sexting. This article has a decidedly healthcare bent to it, so I’m including it here. Sadly, there aren’t any CEs attached to it, but since we’ve so recently discussed the topic, I thought it would be a good follow-up.


Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents

Medscape has a new CE offering: Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents–Risk Factor Identification, Screening & Prevention. 0.25 CEs are available for both physicians and nurses. Access is free, but registration is required on the site. As with all of their offerings, it’s in a standard article-posttest format; there is also a pretest (2 questions) that must be completed prior to reading the article.

DV/IPV Testimony

Expert Witnesses in DV Cases

JWI has announced their next teleconference: Expert Witnesses in Domestic Violence Cases–How They Can Assist Survivors. The call will be held May 21st from 12-1pm ET. Cost is $25 (unless you’re a member–then it’s free). Based on the agenda, it would appear that this call will be useful to those who would like to be experts (advocates, nurses, etc.), as well as those who would hope to use them in their cases (prosecutors, family law attorneys). Preregistration is required and space is limited.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: May Edition

Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. Most of these are from the May/June issues; I have included a couple articles electronically available now in anticipation of print publication, as well (all from the last 4 weeks). As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Most links lead to abstracts (unless otherwise indicated); from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.

Child Abuse

Bonding & Attachment in Maltreated Children

The Child Trauma Academy has a free web-based course on bonding and attachment in maltreated children. It’s broken down into a series of 4 sections, each with a lesson and an assignment.  The interface is pretty bare-bones, but it’s easy enough to use. Please note: CEUs are no longer available for this course.

Sexual Assault



[Callout Card from That’s Not Cool]

The Family Violence Prevention Fund has a relatively new page about sexting on their website, which in part discusses some of  the legal questions this activity raises. Sexting is essentially teens (often) sending text messages with sexual contact, and it seems like it’s received a flurry of media attention lately (you can check out major media outlet coverage here, here and here).


Weekend Inspiration: Mother's Day Edition

I am looking forward to a (relatively) relaxed mother’s day–if for no other reason than that I don’t have to head to the airport after breakfast (as has been my pattern for the last 4 or 5 Sundays). I do have a boatload of work to catch up on, but not until after I have brunch with my people.

I hope your mother’s day looks relaxing, as well. In honor of the day, a video from one of my favorite performers at one of my favorite venues–Playwright and UNICEF Violence Against Children Goodwill Ambassador Sarah Jones at TED, talking about the many voices of women. Pay special attention to her 1st “guest”: I swear to you it’s my grandmother and every one of her Rummycube pals.


PTSD & Traumatic Brain Injury

The University of Louisville Health Sciences Center has a free online course on PTSD & traumatic brain injury. Presented by Humana Military Healthcare Services, the course is meant to benefit “both civilian trauma patients and affected service members. Improved quality of care will reduce healthcare costs and morbidity related to these conditions. This course is designed for all physicians who provide care for civilian, veteran, and active duty military patients who have witnessed or have been exposed to serious trauma.”


Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

Some good stuff over at the Sustainability site this week. We talk money, we talk meetings, and we talk about having a passion for the work:

Enjoy your weekend and your Mother’s Day!


Domestic Violence in the Workplace

The Family Justice Center Alliance is hosting a webinar on DV in the Workplace May 14th, 9am Pacific Time. Kim Wells from the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence will be the featured speaker. The webinar “will identify the impacts of domestic violence in the workplace, discuss the role of a FJC in addressing the issue of domestic violence at the workplace, and examine ideas for partnering with employers toward prevention and intervention.”

Participation is free, but pre-registration is recommended.

UPDATE: You can view the video of the presentation here; PDF here and additional resources here.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Child Sexual Abuse

Stop It Now is hosting a webinar about their new Online Help Center. The Center is described as “an interactive tool where adults can get private, 24/7 access to customized information and resources for preventing child sexual abuse”. The sessions (there are 2 dates) are scheduled to last an hour and are free of charge.


Electronic Aggression

Sitting in the airport in Moline, IL, looking for something completely unrelated, and I came across this podcast from the CDC on electronic aggression. It’s a little over 12 minutes and looks at online bullying and youth violence. You can also view a transcript of the session on the same page, or download a PDF here. For more on the issue, you can check out their related page, which links to other resources, including a brief for educators and caregivers.


Victim Impact Statements

I’m a huge fan of The Moth, a nonprofit storytelling website (I think storytelling is the greatest form of communication ever). The site is a catalog of stories from people famous and not-so-much. Writers, comedians and musicians like Malcolm Gladwell, Moby & Lewis Black turn up for unscripted storytelling (that’s the rule) and it’s all captured on audio & published as podcasts. One of those storytellers is Ed Gavagan, a furniture maker and gang violence survivor whose personal story of victimization, and the climb back out is poignant and funny at once. He’s been featured on The Moth twice now, and both podcasts are worth listening to, if only to gain some perspective on the complexities of recovery and the realities of our patients’ lives after they leave our care.


Sexual Abuse History & the Childbearing Years

Mickey Sperlich, a community-based nurse midwife, has been coordinating research on a study of PTSD in women in their childbearing year at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Research on Women and Gender. Specifically focusing on mothers with sexual abuse histories, she and colleague Julia Seng published a book, Survivor Moms: Women’s Stories of Birthing, Mothering & Healing After Sexual Abuse. One of my students introduced me to the book and their work last year, but I hadn’t come across anything that would fit with this site–until now.

Sexual Assault

Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault

The San Diego District Attorney’s Office has recently published a new site about alcohol facilitated sexual assault. Know the Price, which focuses solely on the issue of rape by intoxication, is filled with local & national resources, information about prevention & bystander intervention, and best of all, video clips that could be great teaching tools for both professionals and the general public (warning: video begins playing automatically). While the legal info is California-specific, most of the message appears to be pretty generalizable.

I haven’t finished watching all the clips, but I must admit, I’m happy to see the topic find the light of day online. Not a whole lot out there on AFSA meant for the lay public…


Addressing Health Literacy, Cultural Competency, and Limited English Proficiency

HRSA has an online course available on addressing health literacy, cultural competency and limited English proficiency for clinicians. The course consists of 5 modules; CEUs/CMEs are available. All that’s available about the course is on the site page:

  • Improve your patient communication skills
  • Increase your awareness and knowledge of the three main factors that affect your communication with patients: health literacy, cultural competency and low English proficiency
  • Implement patient-centered communication practices that demonstrate cultural competency and appropriately address patients with limited health literacy and low English proficiency
Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

It’s been a busy, but productive week for me. However, I am excited at the prospect of heading home tonight. And I’m particularly excited that I have only 1 trip scheduled over the next two weeks, and it’s an overnighter at that (Quad Cities anyone?). So postings will increase again beginning next week.

Over at the Sustainability site, it was a lighter week for us, too, but you’ll still find a few of our regular features, including:

Have a great weekend everyone!


Funding Alert

The newest Funding Alert (PDF) is available at VAWNet. I’m not sure why it hadn’t occurred to me to highlight the alerts here before now (it seems pretty relevant), but I will try and add them as they come out. If you don’t yet subscribe to the alerts and would like them to show up in your inbox every couple weeks, you can sign up here. In this round: