
Motor Vehicle Crashes has a CE offering on motor vehicle crashes. It’s the standard article-posttest format and will net you 2 CEUs (at a cost of $18). It caught my eye because it has a section on assessing the scene, which might appeal to some of you.


An FHO Extra: Plan B & the FDA in Fed Court

I’m a bit late to this story, but last week a federal court judge ordered the FDA to make Plan B available to 17 year olds without a prescription within the next 30 days and consider making it OTC for younger girls, as well. The judge  essentially ruled that the FDA had acted in bad faith and in response to political pressure. You can read the story here, here, or here. Or listen to it here.

(Hat tip to FVPF)


Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

Probably the most important thing that happened over at the Sustainability blog this week was that we got our comments widget fixed (and our 1st conversations have begun)! Also this week:

Next week I’ll be back in the CLE, posting regularly. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Sexual Assault

STI Clinical Guide

I’ve been wanting to start publishing guides on this site for some time, and just haven’t gotten around to doing it until now. Because there’s so much content on this site (and still more out there in the interwebs) I figured it might be useful periodically to provide a post that gives you some ideas of how to use the content more broadly than just individual professional enrichment.


Emerging Legal Issues in Nursing

The Center for American Nurses is offering a 4 part webinar series on emerging legal issues in nursing, beginning with part 1, Emerging Issues in Electronic Health Records for Nurses, Wednesday, April 15th. The webinar begins at 7pm ET and runs 75 minutes. CEs are available for nurses; each webinar will net you 1.25.


History & Future of the Family Justice Center Movement

The Family Justice Center Alliance is hosting a webinar on the history and future of the Family Justice Center movement. It’s being held April 2nd from 9-10 AM Pacific Time. Casey Gwinn, JD (PDF) will be the featured presenter. Preregistration is required and space is limited. You can go here to register.

UPDATE: You can access a PDF of the presentation here; video here.


Youth Violence Prevention

This week is Youth Violence Prevention Week and NCJRS has a site dedicated to the topic. By clicking on the right hand column of the main page, you can access fully-linked separate pages on stats; gun violence; youth violence; research; school violence; and gangs. Most of the links lead to federal sites (most of those within DOJ/NIJ), so it’s not definitive, but it’s pretty extensive.


An FHO Extra: DermAtlas

Have you visited DermAtlas? Fully searchable with photos galore…and a differential tool, to boot. Man, I love derm. Add that to your list of weird bits you know about me.

Elder Abuse/Neglect

Elder Financial Exploitation and Abuse

Here’s a really interesting multimedia site on financial expoitation of the elderly: from, Mary Ellen’s Will: The Battle for 4949 Swiss. The site provides the viewer with the story of Mary Ellen Bendtsen and includes case details, transcripts from interviews and video footage. Pay special attention to notes in the right hand column of each section–they will guide you to  resources and information related to financial exploitation and other issues discussed in the story. Even the viewer feedback is fascinating on this site…

Sexual Assault

Emergency Contraception

I have found that while people are pretty interested in the topic of emergency contraception, there’s not a lot of understanding about how it does (or doesn’t work). In fact, I continue to be surprised at how many SANE/SAFE trainings out there don’t really cover much about EC beyond the type of meds and doses to give. So I was happy to run across Contraception Online’s downloadable slides on the topic.


I'm going on vacation (allegedly)…

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This weekend I’m off to my beloved mountain house, where I will allegedly be on vacation for a week. Allegedly, because we all know full-well that I will still be working, just from the Mountain Time Zone. However, I won’t be posting as much content next week, so please accept my apologies in advance. I will be posting a few guides while I’m gone, so check back for those. The 1st one up will be using content from this site for staff updates. Stay tuned!


Weekly Wrap-up @ the Sustainability Blog

To make things easier for those of you going between the two blogs, I’m going to provide a weekly wrap-up of what’s over at the other site so I don’t end up drowning you with sustainability materials if that’s not your thing (and for many of my readers, I know it’s not). It was our inaugural week; thanks to all of you who made it such a great one.

(I promise next week we’ll get back to business as usual, and not have so many announcement-y posts.)

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault in the Military

Tuesday, the Department of Defense released a new report on sexual assault in the military. Those of us who do this work won’t find the results particularly shocking (no glibness intended in that statement), but they are disturbing, nonetheless. Tuesday night CBS Evening News did a report on the story. You can watch the video here. Wednesday, they followed up with a piece on whether US military policies endanger female soldiers (clip and story here).

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Injury Research

From VAWNet: The CDC has released their Injury Research Agenda for 2009-2018. You can see the full report here (PDF).

Child Abuse

Pediatric Submersion Injuries

CMEweb has an offering on pediatric submersion injuries. This activity is approved by the American College of Emergency Physicians for 2.5 ACEP Category 1 credits (sorry, no CEUs, but they say the target audience includes nurses). This is a standard article-posttest format.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Violence Against Native Women

Over at The Hub, they are featuring a page on Violence Against Native Women in North America. Aside from multiple short videos about the scope of the problem, there are also several good links. One of those is to Amnesty International‘s recent report, Maze of Injustice. Follow that link for even more (heartbreaking, disturbing, enraging, _______ your adjective here) information on the issue.


Email subscriptions

If you’re trying to sign up for an email subscription to the site, please make sure you remember to click the link sent to your email once you’ve signed up for the subscription. If you don’t click on that, your subscription won’t be activated. I’ve noticed several subscribers have not yet activated their accounts. If you don’t see the link in your inbox (from Feedburner, the service that makes this happen for me), please check your spam filter to make sure it didn’t get routed there. If you continue to have difficulties, let me know.

And to those who have successfully subscribed–thank you! I am overwhelmed by the number of you out there.


TBI in Children and Adolescents

From Medscape: A CE offering on mild TBI and transient, persistent symptoms after injuries. This offering specifically looks at  TBI in kids and teens, and is based on a study published in this month’s issue of Pediatrics. 0.25 CEUs/CMEs available with completion of the online test. Registration on Medscape is free and required.


Collecting DNA in High Volume Crimes: UPDATED


Sorry that this is a very last minute post (I just got the announcement for it this morning, so subscribers, you’re probably not going to even see this until it’s too late), but the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices is holding a webinar TODAY (3/17/09) from 2-3:30pm ET titled The Future of DNA: Collecting DNA in High Volume Crimes.

Sexual Assault

Announcing a new resource…

nsvrclogoAnd we’re live! I am pleased to announce the unveiling of the National SANE Sustainability TA blog (a project of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, funded by the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women). Because I maintain that site, in my role as project manager, you will start to see some cross-referencing between the two blogs. Although the project focuses on sexual assault (across the lifespan, BTW), the resources posted there will be useful for any program manager, particularly nonprofit healthcare program managers. Sadly, there’s no email subscriber service there, but there is an RSS feed for your daily doses of sustainability information…