
Communicating with Patients: Using Translators

Providing linguistically and culturally appropriate care is a mandate for all clinicians. How we do that, particularly for our patients in crisis, is often easier said than done. There is an art to using translators in the clinical setting that is almost never formally taught. However,  there are actually a few tutorials out there for effectively engaging translation services when working with patients/victims of violence. They range from simple slide presentations to interactive multimedia courses. So I’ve highlighted a few notable ones, which you can review after the jump.


Disaster Health Care

Audio Digest has free podcasts available on a range of disaster-related healthcare topics. You can download audio files on PTSD, principles for initial response, infectious disease, incident management and disaster mental health. Even better, they have kindly segmented the files, so you have the option of downloading just parts of the podcasts or the whole megillah.


Female Genital Mutilation, Pt. II

Looking for more on FGM? Check out the Female Genital  Cutting Education and Networking Project for a host of resources and up-to-date information.

Child Abuse

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

USAID has an online education site with quite a few reproductive health courses. One of them is on female genital mutilation/cutting. Because this issue is coming up for us in a variety of clinical situations, I thought it would be helpful to post a course providing a basic overview of the clinical picture.


Legal Nurse Consulting

Here’s a post for those of you interested in exploring other aspects of forensics (assuming this isn’t your current focus): Introduction to Legal Nurse Consulting. It provides 2 CEUs and if offered in a typical article-posttest format. Cost is $60.


Prepping for Depositions

Continuing the legal theme: What the Nurse Should Do to Prepare for a Deposition is a CEU offering that just showed up in my inbox over the weekend. o.5 CEUs are available and the cost is $15. It’s a standard article-posttest format, from what I can tell. Could be pretty basic. However, legal CE offerings for healthcare providers are few and far between, so it’s worth checking out. If anyone takes it, please let us know.


International Forensic Investigation Course

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has a pretty incredible online course on international forensic investigation. What may be most unbelievable is that it is offered free of charge. Although it doesn’t appear that CEs are attached, don’t let that deter you–there is some seriously chewy content in this offering.


Some Weekend Inspiration

I’m a big fan of ideas. I love hearing about the creative ways people view the world; I love hearing about people’s successes (and failures, from which I learn quite a bit). I keep a notebook with my own ideas, many of which have meade their way into the world in one fashion or another. And  I am always impressed when people do things others said were impossible. So for your weekend inspiration, here is a video of Bill Strickland’s talk at TED in 2002. I won’t introduce him, because I can’t possibly do the intro justice. Suffice it to say: he’s inspirational and he provides a great example of how to give a presentation that gets the job done. Enjoy.


Lateral Violence

The American Nurses Association is offering 1.91 CEUs for their online course, Lateral Violence: Nurse Against Nurse. Cost is $20 ($15 if you’re an ANA member) and is in traditional article-posttest format. CEUs are available for this course only through the end of 2009.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Child Trauma Academy Spring Series

The Child Trauma Academy in Houston, TX is now accepting registrations for their Spring Clinical Teaching Series. The series offers 10 online sessions on a variety of topics related to working with high-risk children using the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. All courses take place on Fridays from 11:30-1pm, Central Time.


Family Justice Center Webinar

The Family Justice Center Alliance is hosting a webinar March 5th, 9am Pacific Time: An Informational Webinar Featuring the Family Violence Project (FVP) of Waterloo Region. FVP is the only center of its kind in Canada; the webinar will highlight their development, implementation, challenges and successes.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Working with Victims of Stalking

Lewis and Clark Law School (NCVLI), has an archived podcast (from Jan 2007) on working with victims of stalking. Although it is geared toward advocates, it looks specifically at safety planning and threat assessments, both of which can be useful skills for forensic healthcare professionals, as well. The speaker, Sandy Bromley,  from the National Center for Victims of Crime, provides a national overview of, as well as Oregon-specific information about, the issue.


Trauma-Informed Ethics

Trauma-Informed Ethics: Promoting Hope and Embracing Healing, is an online forum hosted by Witness Justice for domestic violence service providers. “This forum is designed as an interactive tool for discussion and learning amongst a virtual community on how ethical standards can be used to integrate a trauma-informed approach across systems. Areas for discussion include the ways trauma-informed ethics provides a vehicle for sustaining health care reform across systems that is responsive to the needs of trauma survivors and that can be applied to any setting, system and level of practice.” Participation is free, but registration is required.

Sexual Assault

"Very Young Girls"

Have you seen Very Young Girls on Showtime? If you haven’t it’s still possible to see it On Demand through March 3rd and it’s well worth your time. We don’t often think about trafficking victims as being young American teens and pre-teens, but as this documentary clearly shows, the problem is rampant right here in the US.


Adolescent Injury and Violence

The CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) has a slide presentation on injury and violence in schools, available for use by the public. It addresses intentional and unintentional injury; suicide/violent deaths; and prevention and response strategies. The stats are a bit old, so it would probably be beneficial to update them if you were to use them for more than just self-education. You might also want to run spell-check on the slides before using them in any formal way (because someone at CDC didn’t).


Compassion Fatigue Prevention

PESI is hosting a webinar on compassion fatigue prevention and resiliency, Friday, March 13th from 2-3:30pm ET. Cost is $59, but that fee allows an unlimited number of participants at any one site. Participants will receive 1.5 CEUs per site (additional CEs are $39 each). CEs also available for psychologists and social workers. You can see the outline for the presentation here.


Help Fellow FHO Readers

Help out your fellow readers, please. If you’ve participated in something you learned of on this site that was either really useful OR a colossal waste of time, do us all a favor and post your review in the post’s comment section. It’s particularly helpful for items which have an associated fee.

Thanks to all of you who have done so already.


Emergency Preparedness

AHRQ hosted Lessons Learned from the Field of Emergency Preparedness, last November. You can listen to a webcast of the session and view PowerPoint slides in their archives at no cost. According to the site, presenters shared key insight on customizing tools in order to address the distinct needs of their communities. Emergency preparedness planners as well as Federal, State, and local community health planners, providers, and first-responders attended.



alltop_125x125_we So, our little blog has been added to Alltop: confirmation that we kick ass (seriously–look at their badge). We’re in the health section.

Check it out here.


Cultural Competence Health Practitioner Assessment

Because prior cultural competency posts have been popular among visitors to this blog, here is a self-assessment tool created by the National Center for Cultural Competence at Georgetown University. It is specifically geared toward healthcare providers and is web-based, so it’s easy to complete.