
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center has published a series of podcasts on HIV. This offering is a 2-part series on post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Each podcast is 58 minutes long and free to access. However, you will need iTunes to access them and the process is a bit clunky:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Intimate Partner Sexual Assault

The National Judicial Education Program, part of Legal Momentum, has an online course for judges: “Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: Adjudicating This Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence Cases”. Although it is clearly geared toward legal professionals, it has some great information that would be beneficial to several different disciplines. According to the website, the course provides current interdisciplinary research from law, medicine and the social sciences that is applicable to judicial decision-making and case management. The site can be treated as a course or as a resource to be consulted as needed.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Physical and Sexual Assault of Women with Disabilities

The University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurological Surgery’s Center for Injury Research and Control has a series of Grand Rounds in webinar format archived on their site. One of the grand rounds from last November is Dr. Cari Casteel’s presentation: National Study of Physical and Sexual Assault of Women with Disabilities.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

VAWNet Online Learning Tools

VAWNet, one of the great sources for information on violence against women, has just published their collection of online learning tools. There is a wealth of offerings here, ranging from videos to podcasts to slide presentations. The vast majority are not specific to healthcare, but there’s great multidisciplinary information here on a spectrum of issues related to trafficking and sexual and intimate partner violence (including several I have already featured or are in my queu). If you aren’t already acquianted with the site, this is the perfect opportunity.

Child Abuse

Shaken Baby Syndrome

The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome has an online training center for professionals and the lay public. One of the professional courses they offer is an intermediate course on Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma. It is comprised of 4 lessons, including an Overview of Shaken Baby Syndrome, Medical Perspectives, Investigation and Legal Issues, and Prevention.

Child Abuse

Child Abuse Evaluation Guidelines

In the Summer of 2007 the American Academy of Pediatrics issued guidelines for accurately evaluating and diagnosing children appearing to have been physically abused. While this information is not new per se, Medscape is still offering a CE unit on the guidelines (for nurses and physicians), valid until June 10, 2009.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Spectrum of Prevention

The Spectrum of Prevention is a tool developed by the Prevention Institute to help develop strategies to prevent violence against women. It has been featured frequently as a way to mobilize communities to develop solutions to prevent sexual violence, as well as a tool for educating individuals and communities about engaging in the prevention process.


Domestic Violence and Homelessness

On February 9th, Jewish Women International’s National Alliance to End Domestic Violence is hosting a teleconference entitled, The  Impact of Our Economic Downturn on Domestic Violence and Homelessness. Featured speakers include Lynn Rosenthal from the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Mary Lauby from Jane Doe, Inc.


Human Trafficking

The US Department of Health and Human Services created the Campaign to Rescue and Restore Victims of Human Trafficking, and with it, an online toolkit for several different disciplines. The Toolkit for Healthcare Providers includes an annotated Powerpoint presentation that focuses on our role in identifying and assisting victims.


Starting a Nonprofit

Wow–the traffic that the post on grantwriting received was enormous! Apparently this is an issue for many of you. Several people had questions about starting a nonprofit, so as nod to those of you who emailed me, here’s an hour-long podcast on the subject.


Workplace Violence

ANA is offering 1.52 CEUs for completion of Workplace Violence: The Nurse Victim. This is a standard article and posttest. Cost is $20 ($15 for members). Objectives include:

1.    Describe secondary traumatization to care providers.
2.    Describe the signs of stress and anxiety disorders associated with secondary traumatization.
3.    Discuss interventions which assist the victim to deal with the sequelae of secondary traumatization.
4.    Discuss prevention strategies.



In the 2 weeks this site has been up and running, almost a thousand hits have been recorded and many of you now subscribe. Looking at the site stats, it’s clear that vicarious trauma, bioterrorism and sexual assault are the most popular topics so far. If there is information you are looking for, please feel free to post a comment asking for it. I have a wide variety of sources I cull from and receive many email updates that feed this site. I’m happy to search for special requests. However, your fellow readers may also know where to find some of that information, so it’s always worth a post. Additionally, if you have information you think would be appropriate, please send it on to me ( and I will get it up on the site.

In the coming weeks, I will be adding information to the site in a new series that focuses on  creating your own online offerings. Stay tuned!


Treating the Addicted Survivor of Trauma

The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is hosting a webinar January 28th at 12pm ET, entitled Treating the Addicted Survivor of Trauma. Cost of the webinar is $95 ($65 for ISSTD members); it’s scheduled to last 90 minutes.


Grant Writing

Many of you are looking to grants to help support and grow your programs. For my money, the Foundation Center is one of the best resources out there for grant seekers, with an online library, information about a large number of funders, and brick and mortar locations in 5 cities around the US. And now, they are offering webinars on key topics like basic proposal writing, which used to only be available in the form of live classes.



Nurses can earn 5 CEs for completing Western Schools’ Bioterrorism and the Nurse’s Response to Weapons of Mass Destruction. This is in a text-posttest format; however it is much longer than your typical article-based CE offering, running 65 pages (so pace yourself).  It’s currently available at the sale price of $19.95 (you save $5).


Vicarious Trauma

The Headington Institute (“psychological and spiritual support for humanitarian relief and development workers“) has a  self-study module available on their website, Understanding and Addressing Vicarious Trauma. The module is text-based and requires registration to access–it’s free of charge once you are registered.


Intimate Partner Violence

The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is providing 1.0 CEUs for their offering: Violence Against Women: Identification, Screening and Management of Intimate Partner Violence. Of note is the fact that this one is co-authored by Dr. Jacqueline Campbell (creator of the frequently used Danger Assessment tool) and is well-resourced, with downloads that include the Abuse Assessment Screening Tool.


Danger Assessments

Since we are on the topic of IPV and Danger Assessments, professionals working with victims of intimate partner violence can complete online education for Dr. Jacqueline Campbell’s Danger Assessment. $125 will get you the online course, a posttest, certification and scoring system for the tool.


Disaster Planning and Response

ReachMD did a segment in their series on Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness entitled, Finding Your Niche in Disaster Planning and Response. Because so may of my forensic colleagues are either currently working on disaster response teams or have expressed an interest in doing so, this is a great, brief overview of how each of us can play a role in disaster planning and response.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Reminder: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Tribal Communities

Just a reminder to those of you wanting to participate in the webinar on domestic violence and sexual assault in tribal communities January 22nd. You can read the full posting here for registration and participation details.