
Virtual Journal Club?

I have had many requests for a virtual journal club. I am happy to host one. We tried to do one via Twitter several years ago with *very* limited participation, so I am hesitant to jump back in again. That being said, if folks want to try it out, I would be game to give it a go. Only this time using a different medium.

FHO readers have historically been very shy about public engagement. You all are far more likely to contact me offline than comment On Here. So we can do this one of two ways, I think–either use the site to host a series of ongoing questions about a particular article (that I can then digest for everyone at the end of the series so it’s all in one place) OR if people are feeling more reserved about putting themselves out there, have folks submit written responses about a chosen article and compile the responses for readers afterward. I would prefer the 1st option since it feels more akin to actual journal club, but I am open to the 2nd (or another) option.

So what say you, dear FHO readers? Shall we try journal club again? And if so, how should we make it happen? Because I have the perfect article to start us off if we do…


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Child Abuse

Children in Detention: Critical Clinical, Legal, Policy, and Human Rights Issues for Health Professionals

The National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse (NHCVA) is hosting a webinar, Children in Detention: Critical Clinical, Legal, Policy, and Human Rights Issues for Health Professionals. It will be held on September 25th at 2pm ET. From the website:

Thousands of children seeking refuge from life-threatening danger in their home countries have been detained by U.S. immigration authorities, and in some cases, separated from their parents and caregivers. This urgent webinar, sponsored by the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse (NHCVA) and presented by colleagues from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) addresses the clinical, mental health, policy, legal, and human rights issues faced by detained migrant children and their caregivers. Particular attention will be paid to how participants can harness their own professional training and standing to become more involved in both direct service and advocacy, in order to address what many consider to be an urgent humanitarian crisis and a deliberate assault on human rights.

Register for the session here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


Welcome New Subscribers!

Welcome to all of you (wow!) that have subscribed to FHO following the IAFN conference. Just a reminder that you need to verify your email via the Feedburner link that went to the email you used in order to activate the subscription. If you don’t see it, please check your spam filter–it often ends up there. I cannot activate your subscription manually.

Thanks for reading FHO!


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


Since Last We Spoke, 9-16-19

It was so good to see so many of you in New Orleans last week. We had lively, packed sessions, which makes my heart happy. Lots of great discussions. I look forward to keeping that going here.

If you’re playing along at home, I’m at Ft. Bliss this week in El Paso, and as usual, my time is not my own. I will try to get a few posts up this week, but it may be pretty quiet. I had a very short turn around between trips, so I didn’t even get much chance to catch up on my feeds, but a few things caught my eye since last we spoke:

Rape as a woman’s first sexual experience

This beautiful piece about fear

After 9/11

Why don’t doctors trust women?

Related: reading this right now (it’s good)

Native women say police ignored rapes

Love this quote

Six men tell their stories of sexual assault in the military


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


IAFN Handouts: Words Matter

Leslie and I tweaked our session, Words Matter: The Art and Science of Trial Testimony at the 11th hour, so the handout on the conference app is not as robust as the session ended up being. An improved handout can be found here for those who would like the additional FRE702 and research content. It still doesn’t have all the case law and testimony examples we use, but the remaining content is there. Thanks to everyone who came and participated. I love a standing-room-only crowd 🙂


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


Working for the Defense

I’ll be talking quite a bit this week about expert consulting and testimony, so the topic of what it means to be an ethical defense expert is on my mind. But the truth is that lately, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to work for the defense, particularly when you may be interviewing and/or testifying opposite a treating medical-forensic examiner. The reality is that no one really teaches a clinician how to be good defense expert and the ways in which that role differs from being a good prosecution expert. However, there are differences, even as the goal (regardless of who has hired you) continues to be objectivity.

There seems to be a common misperception that in order to be helpful to the defense you must destroy the treating clinician, and this is an unfortunate approach. With very few exceptions, I take the good camper approach to all treating clinicians, even as the defense expert: leave people a little better than when you found them. People are naturally wary of talking with the defense team; it costs you nothing to be collegial even while identifying issues on the part of the exam, the clinician or the documentation. There are a million ways to determine what success looks like in this work, but one sure-fire way to know that you have failed is when the clinicians you come in contact with want to quit the profession after talking with you. And yet, that’s exactly what I have heard on more than one occasion after clinicians have finished interviewing with defense experts. Can you imagine being so caustic that you literally drive someone from the profession?

By the way, the flip side also holds true: in order to be helpful to the prosecution, it is not your job to save the treating clinician. Sometimes exams are done badly; sometimes the documentation is so poor as to be utterly unhelpful. Sometimes people embellish their credentials (true story) and they have to face the music on cross-exam. Experts don’t make these cases. Experts are simply one part of a larger strategy. We educate, we advise. We don’t win or lose trials.

Every interaction with other clinicians is an opportunity for mentoring, even in the courtroom. Anyone who has been doing this work for the years it takes to be a good expert at trial should commit to growing the profession, not tearing it down. It is the very least our patients deserve.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


Since Last We Spoke, 9-9-19

I’m off to New Orleans for what is one of my favorite weeks of the year, the IAFN annual conference. I hope to see many FHO readers in person (please stop me and say hi!), plus I am looking forward to two sold-out sessions, and another 2 that should be pretty lively, even if we don’t reach bodies-on-every-surface type numbers for those (c’mon guys. 3-hours of ethics isn’t your jam?). With everything going on in my world right now, I am grateful for this week, which always recharges my batteries. Particularly because it gives me facetime with so many like-minded folks. Can’t wait to see y’all there.

After a really terrific course at Ft. Hood last week, I spent much of the weekend playing catch up. Still, there was time for some surfing–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Good news! Shaving/waxing your pubic hair doesn’t increase your risk of STIs. We can all breathe a bit easier (thanks, Kim Day for the link)

New ACOG Committee Opinion on Human Trafficking

Words. Mean. Things.

When death shuts down justice, it also shuts down the voices of victims.

The role of nurses when patients decide to end their lives

Don’t want to provide abortions? Don’t go into healthcare.

Related, from NEJM: The Dangerous Threat to Roe v. Wade

Great interview questions, in case that’s a thing you have to do soon

And because this week is the 9/11 anniversary, one of my favorite StoryCorps animations:


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: September 2019 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. Nothing free this month, but plenty worth tracking down, so I encourage you to spend some time with the list. It’s particularly fitting that I get a new edition up since I am sandwiching it between two weeks of teaching testimony, this week at Ft. Hood and next week at the annual IAFN conference, where we discuss at length the importance of fidelity to the science.

All links lead to PubMed abstracts. Happy reading!

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Human Trafficking: Shooting Our Wounded and How to Stop

IPSCAN has its lasted webinar posted for viewing, Human Trafficking: Shooting Our Wounded and How to Stop. From the website:

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and the human rights issue of our lifetime, affecting the vulnerable, poor, and oppressed around the world. In this FREE webinar, Dr. Celia Williamson, director of the Human Trafficking and Social Justice Institute at the University of Toledo, will give an overview of trafficking in the U.S. and around the world, including the process of trafficking, indicators to identify victims and traffickers, and how to report it. Rather than continuing to “shoot the wounded” with quick fixes or less-than-best practices, Dr. Williamson advocates for meaningful interventions at the individual and system levels. These can interrupt this practice, create collective change, and transform the way we think about trafficking, from a “Rescue and Restore” mission to a matter of Human Rights.

This is definitely a more introductory webinar, so if you have new members of your team (clinical or MDT) who haven’t had much continuing education on issues of trafficking, particularly trafficking of children and teens, this is a decent option. Nothing revolutionary, but solid info.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Sexual Assault

Virginity Testing: A Mini Clinical Guide For a Thing That Doesn’t Exist

This post on Reddit’s Relationship Advice forum from a young woman whose fiance wanted her to have her hymen checked before their wedding (by his dad!) has been making its way around my Twitter feed, so I thought it would be a good time to re-up a few resources here. (BTW, here’s her update for all of you wondering.) Of course, virginity testing isn’t an actual thing, but we know that sometimes patients are brought in for that very purpose, so you can consider this a mini clinical guide:

Virginity and Hymen Testing: No Factual, Scientific or Medical Basis (Physicians for Human Rights)

Myths Surrounding Virginity: A Guide for Service Providers (International Rescue Committee)

Virginity Testing: A Systematic Review (Olson & Garcia-Moreno, 2017. Reproductive Health; FULL TEXT)

Eliminating Virginity Testing: An Interagency Statement (World Health Organization)

As always, I encourage you to follow the footnotes in these documents because there is a treasure trove of related readings that are relevant to practice.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Sexual Assault Testimony

Going Beyond Rape Kits

I am in Hawaii this week and while I will try and get posts up with some regularity, it will be a long week and the hours here are not my own. So, we’ll see how it goes. In the meantime, I’d like to draw your attention to this excellent article by IAFN CEO, Jennifer Pierce-Weeks, Going Beyond the Breakthrough Means Going Beyond Rape Kits. It beautifully encapsulates why the sexual assault medical-forensic exam is so much more than just collecting samples for a kit. Trying to figure out how to articulate in court why it’s important that patients come in and see us, even if they don’t want evidence collected? Well, Jen just helped you out by putting it down on paper. And she did it in less than a thousand words. Do yourself a favor–read it and then share it with your team.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Five Lies We Tell Ourselves About Trauma

Jason Kander and his wife Diana published an excellent article over at Crooked Media today, Five Lies We Tell Ourselves About Trauma. It’s 100% relevant to the work we all do because it applies equally to the issue of secondary trauma, which is something we should be discussing far more in our field. It would be a great topic for an upcoming staff meeting–particularly as a way to check in with the team.

There’s a lot that resonates, but one thing in particular:

I made the mistake of trying to rank—and therefore disregard—my own trauma for many years, and that only made things worse. If something happened and you haven’t felt right since, then you should address it. To quote a friend, “Somewhere there’s a vet who was in the first wave at the D-Day invasion telling himself to get over it because he was all the way in the back of the landing craft.” 

Thinking “other people have it worse” doesn’t actually diminish your own trauma, it just diminishes your power to heal, because your brain only knows what you experienced. Whether it’s combat, a serious accident, or an assault, there are many possible sources of trauma. Telling yourself to get over it, or thinking “I shouldn’t let this bother me,” will get you nowhere. 

Read the whole article here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Sexual Assault

STI Update

After testimony, FHO readers like a good STI update best, and that’s what we have today. The National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers is offering a one-hour webinar providing an update of the info presented at this summer’s National Sexual Health Conference. It’s free and has 1.0 CEU/CME attached, so it’s good for all your board certifications/licensures. The session will be held September 3rd at 12pm MST. I do not know that it will be archived–you would need to contact the site directly to find out. From the site:

This one hour webinar will cover national clinical highlights of the 2019 National Sexual Health Conference originally presented in Chicago, IL, July 10-12, 2019. 

(Sorry–not a whole lot of info to go on, I know.) Register here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


Since Last We Spoke, 8-19-19

I’m home with the girlchild this week for her last few days before she starts college. She’ll move in this weekend and I’m off to Hawaii for work (and as of right now, I’m on the road every week until Halloween, although that could change). Certainly a pretty magical time.

Much of this weekend was consumed with reading one thing: the phenomenal 1619 Project published by the New York Times. If you can’t get past the paywall, you can find a pdf of the whole thing over at the Pulitzer Center where they have created a curriculum for teachers. It is worth every minute of your time, especially if you yourself are a medical/nursing educator. Check out also Random House’s 1619 Book List, which features some great titles, old and new.

The other thing I leave you with if you haven’t yet seen it is this video clip from Anderson Cooper’s interview with Stephen Colbert in which they discuss grief. It is one of the most powerful and lovely exchanges on the subject:


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Child Abuse

Burns in Pediatric Abuse

An FHO reader sent me a request looking for an educational session focused on burns in child abuse. I got you–the National Children’s Advocacy Center has an archived webinar, Burns in Pediatric Abuse. Dr. Jonathan Thackeray is the featured speaker.

It’s free–you just need a one-time registration to log-in. And FYI, their complete list of medical webinars includes:

All of them are available to view once you’ve registered on the site.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Collaborative Strategies and Tools to Meet the Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking

Futures Without Violence has a good SART/MDT/CCR* flavored webinar coming up for those of you looking for something for your local teams: Collaborative Strategies to Meet the Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking. The session will take place on August 22nd at 2pm ET; it will also be archived. From the website:

This webinar will highlight collaborative work undertaken by multi-disciplinary teams across the U.S. to support domestic and sexual violence and human trafficking (DV/SA/HT) survivors.  Presenters will share how their partnerships or task forces were initiated; strategies to enhance client services and case coordination; and tools and training opportunities to build or expand collaborative responses for HT survivors across communities and states.  The webinar will share lessons learned from a community-based DV/SA/HT advocacy program, a law enforcement-led program, and a statewide task force operated by the Attorney General’s Office. It will also feature technical assistance and training resources offered by Futures Without Violence.  Time will be included for audience question/answer and discussion.

After the webinar, participants will be better able to:

  • Define the unique service needs HT victims that differ from domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • Identify community and state-wide strategies to develop new collaborations or expand existing networks to support survivors of HT.
  • Clarify multidisciplinary professional and organizational roles in coordinating services for trafficked survivors.
  • Utilize resources to help build or expand multi-disciplinary teams and task forces to support survivors of HT.

Register here.

*Sexual Assault Response Team/Multidisciplinary Response Team/ Coordinated Community Response because, acronyms 🙂


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


Since Last We Spoke, 8-12-19

I’m up at Michigan State University for a good part of this week, and happily, I am spending much of it writing with my dear friend Kim Day. This should result in some innovative and creative work since Kim is one of my favorite writing partners. It should also mean some long days, but I’ll try and get posts up regularly. In prepping for my time on-site at MSU, I spent most of the weekend working. But Sasha was at Ft. Bragg, so I was left with lots of time surfing the interwebs. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

I followed her accounts on Twitter and was treated to such a valuable education about the dying process. Truly nursing in action.

Why mental illness is not responsible for the epidemic of mass shootings

Related. Thank you, AMA.

HOWEVER, in a surprise to none of us in this work, the connection between misogyny and mass shooting

“The vulnerability and targeting of our Native women is undeniable, and we must begin looking for new ways to urgently address this plague of violence and disregard…” This is a must read.

Available now (in some places), gender non-binary IDs

Amnesty International has now issued a travel advisory for the US because of gun violence

Toni Morrison’s life and work has been memorialized in some stunning ways in the past week; find some of my favorites here, here and here.

A Utah nurse is facing negligent homicide charges after the death of an inmate from dehydration

This horrific story of an American woman who went to Uganda and administered medical care to children without any training whatsoever is stomach-churning (and also, the arrogance!)

And finally, an excellent video on how to tell someone they sound like a racist (this is truly the most practical advice on the topic):


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

New Clinical Guide: Caring for Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming and Non-Binary Patients in the Forensic Setting

In doing some writing this week for one of my projects I realized I had a decent collection of resources for a much-needed clinical guide: Caring for Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming and Non-Binary Patients in the Forensic Setting. It’s long overdue, and while I know it is not exhaustive, it’s a good starting place for everyone who hasn’t given this enough (or any) attention in their programs. To be clear, most of the guidance is focused more on general care issues than forensic setting-specific issues, which means it would be ideal to take one (or a few) of the resources listed here and have a robust discussion with your team about how to apply the recommendations to your own policies, documentation, and general approaches to patient communication. It’s a great topic for your next staff meeting.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: August 2019 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our regular romp through the peer-reviewed science. Check it: we have not one, but two scientific papers this month on physicians committing misconduct, so that’s fascinating. We also get a look at how a clinician’s personal history of domestic violence impacts clinical care. Needless to say, there’s some good reading to be done in this edition (as always). Most links go to PubMed abstracts except where otherwise indicated.

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.


LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence In Later Life

Long-time readers of FHO know I don’t generally post educational sessions here that aren’t free, but every now and again I make an exception if it’s a topic that doesn’t come along very often (and also comes with CEs). The American Society on Aging has a webinar coming up on LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence in Later Life. It will be held September 12th at 10am PT. It’s free for ASA members, but $49 for non-members. From the website:

This web seminar will provide an overview of domestic violence and how it presents in the older adult and LGBTQ+ communities, and the dynamics of abuse in the older adult LGBTQ+ community. This web seminar will equip participants with a foundational understanding of trauma, and how the symptoms of trauma present in the LGBTQ+ older adult community across the lifespan from a trauma-informed framework.

Register here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.