Sexual Assault

Identifying and Protecting Campus Survivors’ Privacy Rights: Schools, SANEs, and Student Survivors

Victim Rights Law Center has a webinar coming up on one of my favorite topics–patient privacy. That will be the focus of the session, Identifying and Protecting Survivors’ Privacy Rights: Schools, SANEs and Student Survivors, which will be held May 16th at 1pm ET. It’s a topic that’s pretty relevant to my work right now, and I know I’m not the only one. The always excellent Kim Day and Jesse Mindlin will be presenting, so try and attend if you can. I imagine it’ll be archived, but I don’t have fidelity on that yet. From the registration page:

During this webinar, Jessica Mindlin and Kim Day will discuss unique privacy issues campus sexual assault survivors face. Objectives include: outlining care-related privacy issues a survivor may confront post-assault; describing SANE privacy obligation when providing care to student survivors; and identifying and anticipating medical forensic exam-related privacy considerations for student survivors and the sexual assault examiner who provides their assault-related care.

You can register here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


Since Last We Spoke, 4-22-19

For those of you celebrating, I hope your Pesach/Easter was filled with peace and love (and good food). We had a house full, and the aftermath took a full day from which to recover, but it’s still one of my favorite holidays of the year. Especially because this year the guests ranged from 10 months old to 90. I was heartbroken to wake up Sunday to the news in Sri Lanka; one of the couples around our Seder table had recently been there, which is really neither here, nor there, but just one of those small details that make me cherish the here and now in all its small and messy glory. With the cooking and the girlchild being in town and all of the cleanup after, there really wasn’t much time for surfing, but here are a couple things that caught my eye since last we spoke:

Getting home from MSU Friday was an ordeal that included multiple modes of transportation, a canceled flight, and a lucky spot on the standby list. On the 2-hour bus ride (!) that unexpectedly became part of my journey, I finished the new Beyonce documentary. Here’s your reading list once you’ve watched it (and you really should watch it).

Stop treating nonprofits like businesses

A look at Queens’ Human Trafficking Intervention court

Your weekly dose of rage-inducement

…And maybe the story you need this week

Forced sterilization is not just a historical artifact

As someone who believes in getting paid for their labor, this article really spoke to me. I do not work for exposure. That’s not to say I don’t donate my time to causes I deem to be important to me, but there is a calculus behind that decision, and it’s one I make. If you ask me to speak, you must pay me.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Sexual Assault

A Few Updates RE: STDs

A few new updates re: STDs (since April is STD Awareness Month, in addition to Sexual Assault Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention Months)

There’s new surveillance data out from the CDC on extragenital chlamydia and gonorrhea infections in men who have sex with men, and it’s certainly relevant to sexual assault practice, so if you haven’t read the report, you can find it here. The study’s limited in that it only includes samples from 5 cities (and it’s critical you know what the incidence and prevalence rates are in your own service area), but it’s a good reminder that we need to consider more than just potential genital infection.

Not so coincidentally, I noticed IAFN posted this report to their social media pages today–apparently once again we can blame it on the hive mind. I haven’t had the opportunity to read it yet, but I’m about to get on a plane, and nothing says leave me alone like a report with the words syphilis and gonorrhea in the title 🙂


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Examiner Skills Sustainability

The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project has a webinar coming up in June that touches on a topic I have yet to see as the subject of a webinar: Sexual Assault Examiner Skills Sustainability. The session will be held June 21st at 1pm ET. All their webinars are archived; the session includes nursing and physician continuing education units (so it’s great for those of you looking at SANE recertification). From the announcement:

It can be difficult to maintain and practice the specific skills required to remain competent and confident in the role of sexual assault nurse examiner. This webinar will discuss the need for assessing competency, a variety of ways to address or measure competency, and review the process of moving from novice to expert in this specialty role.

Register here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


Since Last We Spoke, 4-15-19

I’m heading back up to MSU this week, and then I come home to seder-hosting duties (we’ll be 10 at my table this year), so the week is a hectic one. I’m trying to finish off the draft of my next FHO research brief– my goal is to have it in the store by the end of next month, so I spent most of the weekend working on that while Sash was down at Ft. Bragg. But I managed some late night surfing–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Mothers vs fathers on the campaign trail

Applying for a new job and need a great example of a cover letter? This is an excellent one.

A tragic tale of being a woman in the world

Time for women in the world to set the agenda.

If you are a list person, this is a good read

America’s leaders need sex ed

By now you’ve probably heard about the woman whose work allowed black holes to be photographed, but have you also heard about how this has made her a target for trolls?

Tips for receiving critical feedback

Protecting yourself on airlines

Here’s the piece you need to start your week off right


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note, April 2019 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly frolic through the peer-reviewed literature. I assure you, this month’s is *full* of science you’re going to want to read, some of which is freely available through the links posted below. Everything else takes you to PubMed abstracts, which should take you down some excellent rabbit holes of their own. Happy reading!

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Sexual Assault Testimony

SANE Expert Witness Training Update

I recently posted about the live SANE Expert Witness Training we hold annually at the NAC. The application for that training is now available for those interested in applying. Here is the updated information:

The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Indian Country Training Initiative, in partnership with the International Association of Forensic Nurses, is pleased to announce the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners’ Expert Witness Training.  The seminar will be held July 9-11, 2019, at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina.  Travel related expenses will be covered by the U.S. Department of Justice.  There is no tuition charge for this training.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) are specialists in one of the most well-known fields within the field of forensic nursing.  Many prosecutors are comfortable using forensic nurses to testify to the facts of a case.  However, forensic nurses are often overlooked as accessible expert witnesses.  Prosecutors can use forensic nursing expert testimony to educate the jury on the characteristics of battered individuals (to include minimizing and recanting, mechanisms of injury and wounds) and to inform the jury why there may be an absence of injury.  Forensic nurses can also assist prosecutors by reviewing medical records prior to trial and identifying relevant portions of the documentation.

This training is designed for SANEs interested in providing expert testimony and for prosecutors assigned to sexual assault and domestic violence cases who want to learn more about the effective use of a SANE as an expert witness in their cases.  Priority consideration will go to SANEs and prosecutors working on cases arising in Indian Country. 

This class has a mock trial component, and prosecutors and a SANE(s) who work cases together are encouraged to register as a team.

Please complete and submit the nomination form at the following link for each of your nominees:

Nomination forms are due by May 3, 2019.

The NICTI will review all nominations and the NICTI will send an e-mail advising nominees of their selection on or about May 13, 2019. Selected nominees will also receive information on how to book travel and lodging.

In order to ensure that our records are correct, please type in the required information when completing the nomination forms.  Illegible and/or incomplete forms will not be considered.

Due to the increasing number of last minute cancellations, we must ask that only nominations for those who are certain to attend be submitted.

The Executive Office for United States Attorneys will provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities.  Requests should be made to Delores Johnson as early as possible, preferably at least two weeks in advance of the seminar.  No nominee will be excluded from a course on the basis of a disability-related accommodations request.

This training is authorized under the Government Employees Training Act. 

Any questions regarding this training seminar should be directed to Delores McCarter Johnson at

(803) 705-5123 or Leslie A. Hagen at  

Here is a bit of inside baseball: priority really is given to SANEs and prosecutors whose cases arise in Indian Country. Also, if you as a SANE apply along with a prosecutor from your area, that will also increase your chances. There is always a significant wait list for this course, so I encourage you to try and put together a nurse-prosecutor team if you are able.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Sexual Assault

New ACOG Opinion on Sexual Assault

Ahead of this month’s Articles of Note, I wanted to highlight the newly published American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) committee opinion on sexual assault. You can read the full text here for free. However, the bottom line for those who just want to know are, of course the recommendations:

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists makes the following recommendations and conclusions regarding sexual violence:

  • Sexual assault and rape are pervasive problems in the United States, creating a major effect on public health.
  • Obstetrician–gynecologists and other women’s health care providers should screen all women for a history of sexual assault.
  • Clinicians who evaluate survivors of sexual assault in the acute phase must comply with certain medical and legal requirements.
  • Clinicians should recognize the short-term and long-term health consequences of sexual assault, such as infection, pregnancy, and mental health conditions and manage them appropriately.
  • Clinicians should incorporate a trauma-informed care framework when assessing the needs of sexual assault survivors.

Pleased to see a shout out to forensic nurses and links to IAFN resources in the full opinion.

Full opinion here.

Summary here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


Since Last We Spoke, 4-8-19

After a fantastic weekend back in the 216, I’m in my writing chair and staring down deadlines, so we’ll make this quick. I’m back in the office this week, and then–well, I don’t really know, because the travel calendar has gone pear-shaped. I do know I’m on the road next week, and then we roll into Passover (we’re hosting seder, so much planning left to do). After that…really it’s anyone’s guess right now. So here’s what caught my eye as I desperately procrastinated since last we spoke:

Things you can do to end the nonprofit Hunger Games

What a fantastically simple (yet lifesaving) idea

Someone is always trying to kill you: this amazing piece about women in Honduras is worth the (long) read

An interesting idea: deep listening

I can’t believe only 5 states currently ban the practice of pelvic exams without consent–NY is trying to be #6

How to criticize with kindness

This opinion piece is beautiful (and if you don’t follow Charlotte on Twitter, you really should)

Finally, here’s a bit of inspiration to take you into your week (in case you haven’t seen it yet):


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


How Can the Internet of Things Be Misused?

Here’s a really interesting session for those of you working with patients experiencing intimate partner violence and/or stalking: the National Network to End Domestic Violence has a webinar coming up April 25th–How Can the Internet of Things Be Misused? It begins at 3pm ET. Details from the registration page:

As everyday items from thermostats to toothbrushes become internet-connected, these items are being misused by offenders to harass and stalk victims. This workshop will explore how the Internet of Things (IoT) devices may be manipulated by abusive people while examining safety planning strategies for survivors.

Register here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Child Sex Trafficking Webinar Series

Children’s Healthcare Of Atlanta has a webinar series on child sex trafficking available for professionals looking for more education on the topic. The fundamentals webinar will be held April 9th at 1pm ET. It looks like they archive, so if you can’t attend live, you should be able to listen in at your convenience. Although they will be talking state-specific info (Georgia), it also appears federal research and legislation will also be covered. And there are CEUs, so [jazz hands].

If you don’t need the fundamentals, or are just interested in what else the series is offering:

Talking to Children About Child Sex Abuse Prevention (4/16)

Human Trafficking Around the World: A Global View of Labor and Sex Trafficking (4/18)

Hidden Victim of Trafficking: Male and LGBT Victims (4/25)

Medical Feature: Pediatric Strangulation Cases (5/7)

Technology and CSEC (5/14)

Supply and Demand: The Role of Traffickers, Buyers and Gangs in CSEC (5/23)

The Medical Evaluation of Victims of Child Sex Trafficking (6/11)

Moving Forward After Victimization: Helping Victims Survive and Thrive (6/20)


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


Since Last We Spoke, 4-1-19

Well, I was supposed to be working on the west coast this week, and suddenly–I am not. That’s just how this goes, and that’s okay, because I have *projects*, so this week at home is a gift. I head to CLE on Friday to see the fam, and rejoice in the fact that the girlchild has committed to the University of Virginia, so we will be rocking the orange and blue around here for at least the next four years (we are insanely proud of this kid).

It was a pretty glorious weekend all the way around as we took advantage of gorgeous weather and peak cherry blossoms to spend some time in our city and be among (all) the people. Sash headed up to Brooklyn yesterday for work, though, so I had a bit of time to surf. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Oh my, lets be better than this

Actually–here’s a pretty good example

What’s happening at Pine Ridge isn’t getting nearly the attention it deserves, which is disheartening

This is old, but still relevant: the art of asking

April, of course, is Sexual Assault Awareness Month: find all your resources here

I have to agree with Rebecca Traiser here: Joe Biden isn’t the answer

Have I been doing this work too long? Because…


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Elder Abuse/Neglect

National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative Healthcare Training Module

Last year I posted about the toolkit published by the National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative, and mentioned that they anticipated publishing a module for healthcare providers. I finally revisited their site, and the module is now live. It does a nice job of tackling a variety of issues related to recognition, the interplay of culture and understanding of abuse, and diagnosis and documentation, so if you’re looking for a place to start delving into this topic, it may be just what you’re looking for.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Sexual Assault Testimony

SANE Expert Witness Training Course

First off, sorry for being absent this week. It’s an involved week, and you know how it is sometimes. Secondly, I know that normally I only post online events, but this is our (almost always) annual testimony course at the National Advocacy Center, and it’s one of the most fun courses I get to teach, so if you’ve got the space on your calendar, and you’re eligible, you should think about joining us this year–it is free. We have a great time, it’s a fantastic networking opportunity, and very hands on. Details:

The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Indian Country Training Initiative, in partnership with the International Association of Forensic Nurses and the SAFEta Project, are pleased to announce the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners’ Expert Witness Training.  The seminar will be held July 9-11, 2019, at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina.  Travel and lodging accommodations will be provided by the Office of Legal Education. There is no tuition charged for this class.

This training is designed for SANEs who are going to be providing court testimony and for prosecutors assigned to sexual assault and domestic violence cases who want to learn more about the effective use of the SANE as an expert witness in their cases.  Priority admission will go to those medical providers working on cases arising in Indian Country

This class has a mock trial component, and prosecutors and SANE(s) who work cases together are encouraged to register as a team. Training Officers/SACs/SSRAs are invited to nominate individuals from their division or department who would benefit from this training opportunity. 

If interested in attending the class you will be required to fill out a Preregistration survey. The preregistration survey will be forthcoming, please check back for further instructions. The point of contact for the training is Leslie Hagen, who can be reached via email at or Kim Day here.

More information here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Elder Abuse/Neglect

New Research in Elder Abuse: Developing a Geriatric Injury Documentation Tool

Sometimes with as much content contained on this site, things get lost. So I wanted to make sure I took a minute to highlight an article that has recently been published that might otherwise get missed in my usual roundup of research pubs every month. It’s in the elder abuse arena and has more of a medical-forensic focus, making it a comparatively less common finding in our world.

Developing the Geriatric Injury Documentation Tool (Geri-IDT) to Improve Documentation of Physical Findings in Injured Older Adults (Kogan, et al). The objective of the study: “To (1) use insights from experts to develop a tool to assist clinicians in appropriately and completely documenting physical findings in injured older adults for potential future forensic investigation of abuse or neglect and (2) to assess the feasibility of incorporating this tool into clinical practice.

Very excited to read this.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

New HIV Data from CDC

A few things of which to be aware from CDC on HIV in the US that may impact your forensic practice:

Understanding the Impact of HIV: Diagnoses, Incidence and Prevalence (PDF)

HIV Among Women Fact Sheet (PDF)

HIV Infection Risk, Prevention, and Testing Behaviors Among Men Who
Have Sex With Men—National HIV Behavioral Surveillance, 23 U.S. Cities, 2017

Transmission Patterns in a Low HIV-Morbidity State — Wisconsin, 2014–2017

*And your reminder for assessing risk for HIV following sexual assault:

Recommendations for postexposure HIV risk assessment of adolescent and adult survivors within 72 hours of sexual assault

  • Assess risk for HIV infection in the assailant, and test that person for HIV whenever possible.
  • Use the algorithm to evaluate the survivor for the need for HIV nPEP (Figure) (312).
  • Consult with a specialist in HIV treatment if nPEP is being considered.
  • If the survivor appears to be at risk for acquiring HIV from the assault, discuss nPEP, including benefits and risks.
  • If the survivor chooses to start nPEP (312), provide enough medication to last until the follow-up visit at 3–7 days after initial assessment and assess tolerance to medications.
  • If nPEP is started, perform CBC and serum chemistry at baseline.
  • Perform an HIV antibody test at original assessment; repeat at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.

Assistance with nPEP-related decisions can be obtained by calling the National Clinician’s Post Exposure Prophylaxis Hotline (PEP Line) (telephone: 888–448–4911).


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


Since Last We Spoke, 3-18-19

I’m heading to ATL in the morning to teach for a few days, but before I head out, it’s worth mentioning a couple things. One, it’s spring here in the District, which is a gift. Every damn year this city takes my breath away. The cherry blossoms are out, and well–you know the rest if you’ve seen them, and if you haven’t, might I suggest putting it on your to-do list. Two, we are in the throws of college notifications around here, so everyone’s just a bit on edge in my house. I don’t know who’s more anxious–the girlchild or my wife. It’s a toss-up really. Prayers would be appreciated that we all make it through this with our faculties intact. (I know she will end up where she’s supposed to be, and she’s already been accepted to one school, so we know the kid is going somewhere. Four more to go.) Anyway, the sun was out, the wife was baking this weekend, and I had a few projects of my own going on, but here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Speaking of college admissions

Related (but in the best possible way)

What happened in Christchurch is unspeakable, yet terribly familiar at this point. A lot has been written, but 2 things worth mentioning: Not debating with Islamophobes and a piece from the folks at the Capital Gazette (who have seen their own terrible violence)

EMRs haven’t been the revolution we were promised

Tattoos as therapy

I am ready to vote for her if she runs

How Inuit parents raise their children without yelling

In the South, many gay and bisexual black men don’t know the extent of the HIV problem… And, if they do, they may not have access to the tools to prevent and treat the disease.

10 life lessons horrible bosses taught me

Some of the best (condensed) presentation tips

A pretty important ruling against nurses in this case. Some lessons for practice that shouldn’t be ignored (whether you agree with the Board decision or not).

“A beautiful woman dies and a man feels bad about it” A perfect 2(ish) minute animated monologue by the crime writer Laura Lippman on the problem with dead women.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Sexual Assault

DNA Evidence Collection in Groping Sexual Assault Cases: Practice Implications for SANEs

If you missed Julie Valentine’s webinar last month on DNA in groping cases, you’re in luck–aside from listening to the archived version of *that* presentation, Dr. Valentine is presenting a SANE-specific talk for SAFEta. The webinar will be held April 11th at 2pm ET. From the registration page:

Improving the overall response to sexual assault includes understanding how touch DNA evidence impacts groping sexual assault cases. This webinar will illustrate the importance of these cases and highlight proposed guidelines for evidence collection

Register here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Sexual Assault

Buried Abuse

Last week, Latino USA (in conjunction with Rewire. News) reported on this story of sexual abuse in US immigration detention centers. It is powerful and raw, and much of what you’ll hear is sadly familiar:

“There’s a long and extensive pattern of sexual abuse and harassment in immigration detention facilities, even though the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was introduced in DHS facilities in 2014. Over a ten-month period, Latino USA partnered with Rewire.Newsand dug into one specific case: that of Laura Monterrosa’s sexual abuse allegations at the T. Don Hutto Detention Center. What we learned after reviewing documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request raised questions about the efficacy of internal investigations at immigration facilities across the country and the safety of thousands of people detained there.”

It’s an important news story, and incredibly well reported. Take the time to listen if you are able.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


Medical-Forensic Evaluation of Asylum Seekers: Physical Exam & Utilizing the Istanbul Protocol

IAFN is hosting the continuation of their series,  Medical Forensic Evaluation of Asylum Seekers; part 3 of 5 will take place next month, Physical Exam and Utilizing the Istanbul Protocol. The session will be held April 17th at 1pm ET. CEs will be available. The live session will be capped at 200 participants, but it will be archived in the Online Learning Center.

Still to come (dates TBA):

  • Specific Forms of Torture & Corresponding Clinical Findings
  • Writing a Medical-Legal Affidavit & Providing Oral Testimony

Register for the webinar here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.