It’s time once again for Articles of Note, and at least here in the US, we need it now more than ever. As access to science appears to be drying up, I will be doing what I can to make things available over here. That means my regular monthly article updates, plus a concerted effort to update clinical guides and some new things, as well (more below). You’ll see a tip button at the bottom of the post, should you have a few extra bucks and want to support the work I do here. With the exception of the long-form monographs and research compilations, everything here at FHO will remain free. I can’t bring myself to start putting anything else behind a paywall, so this will be what I do for now.
Here’s what we have new this month:
1.) Articles of Note for February, full of good science, including a lot of IPV-related work this month, for those of you in that arena.
2.) A variety of CDC docs that were wiped off the website and then were made available again, and then may be gone in the near future. Mostly STI and HIV treatment guidelines, vaccine info and some of the violence data. [The nice thing about getting stuff from me or others who have warehoused it and not from the CDC right now is that you won’t be subjected to their nauseating and inaccurate disclaimer about gender.]
3.) I have a new updated clinical guide, thanks to one of my readers, who requested an updated guide on QA/QI/peer review. It had been 15 years (!) since I had looked at that one, so it’s now completely overhauled and available along with the others.
4.) Finally, in the next few weeks, my plan is to start recording a monthly video journal club (of sorts) where I discuss a recent article with a colleague, one that would probably be frowned upon by the current administration. I’ll pop the links to those on the site as they come available so that people have access to the discussions, which will center on how the articles impact practice, implications for research, policy concerns, etc. It’s possible they may also be done with a cocktail in hand, so be forewarned. I thought about making these live, and maybe I will, if enough people want to participate, but I am keenly aware that many of you who are federal workers or grant-funded cannot because of the various EOs, so they need to be recorded for viewing on your own time.
Thanks to those of you who have checked in to see how we are holding up in my household. I think you can guess. Community is how we get through it, and I have one of the best, for which I am grateful. Happy reading and thanks for showing up. See you back here next month.
Happy New Year, friends! FHO is 16 years old, so to commemorate that big anniversary, I will be doing a giveaway (more below). But first, it’s time once again for our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. I want to point out two contraception-related articles for those of you who deal with that particular issue: one general overview of what’s new and one on whether there’s a need to double dose obese patients when it comes to ulipristal, which is an important read. So, something a little different in the mix. As always, links go to PubMed abstracts except where otherwise indicated.
As for the giveaway, I’m going to gift one early conference registration to this year’s IAFN conference in Omaha. It is transferrable, so if you aren’t sure yet whether you can go, no problem–I will just need to know a final name by the time early registration closes. To enter, just let me know in the comments one thing you are going into this new year with. Doesn’t need to be a resolution. Attitude, ideas, stuff, whatever. Make me laugh, make me think, make me tear up–I’ll choose one winner on the evening of 20 January, so make sure you enter by then. [EDIT: Congratulations, Rachel Henderson! I’ll be reaching out to you to talk details.] In the meantime, I’m off to Kentucky, and then on to England, so I have some packing to do 🙂
It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our (last) monthly romp this year through the peer-reviewed literature. It’s been a pretty robust year of science; this month is no exception. Pay particular attention to the large number of IPV homicide and human trafficking articles this month.
I’m winding down work in my office this week after 80 flights and almost 108,000 miles on the road this year. It ramps back up pretty quickly after the new year, so I am looking forward to a few quiet weeks. My hope for all of you is a peaceful and restorative holiday season. I will see you back here in January, where maybe we will do something special to commemorate FHO’s 16th anniversary 😉
I’m a little late getting to this because I am still trying to wrap my brain around the recent election here in the US. If you know me at all, have been a reader here on the site for more than a minute, then you are well aware of how I feel about the results. I am still processing and am not ready to write a lot about the outcome because my household is queer, female and will definitely feel the impacts of the new regime both personally and professionally. But suffice it to say, if you are uncomfortable with more discussions over here on the importance of caring for society’s most vulnerable, racial and reproductive justice, and why forensic healthcare is so much more than collecting samples for an evidence collection kit and cataloging injury, you definitely don’t have to enjoy my free labor. Smash that unsubscribe button.
For those of you sticking around, here’s this month’s Articles of Note, our monthly waltz through the recently published peer-reviewed science. As always, links take you to PubMed abstracts except where noted. I’d like to direct your attention to a couple of interesting articles on burns this go-round: Bista, et al. and their examination of burn-related deaths; Lorenzo, et al. looking at reducing burn and bruising injury diagnostic errors in pediatric populations; and Wayne, et al. and their article on burns and IPV in the US. I would also be remiss if I didn’t point out I contributed to one of the articles on the list this month on genital injury (Crawford, et al.).
Next week is Thanksgiving in the US–I am hosting 15 in my tiny little row house. It’s my family’s big holiday, so our one major get-together for the year. My dad is battling bladder cancer, has been for several years now, and I lost my brother 2 years ago, so these things feel all the more precious. It is the thing to which I am so looking forward. We can seriously bang some pots in this tiny space. Here’s hoping those of you celebrating have a peaceful and joyous celebration, wherever you are. I’ll be back in December with our final post of the year.
[BTW, I gave up Twitter/X. You can now find me at Bluesky:]
Welcome back to Articles of Note, our monthly review of what’s new and notable in the peer-reviewed literature. This month finds some new work from respected colleagues: Berishaj, et al and their article on strangulation and women with disabilities; Campbell, et al, on multidisciplinary, trauma-informed sexual assault cold case investigations; and Wegrzyn, Greeson, & Rice’s examination of SART development, to name a few. Worth checking out.
Good morning from Charleston, SC! I am here for a couple days teaching for the Coast Guard, and then I’ll be in the Dallas area next week doing the same for Army. In my couple days in the office following the IAFN conference and my Asia trip, I was able to compile this month’s Articles of Note–it’s a bit delayed, but it’s here. As always, links go to PubMed abstracts except where otherwise indicated.
It was wonderful seeing so many of you in Denver at Conference this year. It was one of the best we have had, and personally speaking, I have never enjoyed a session more than the one I had the privilege of doing with Jess Pieklo on reproductive justice and forensic nursing. Jess, of course, was incredible. And our participants brought their A-game with the questions and comments.
Back here in October, where we will [hopefully] be talking about new resources for the field (among other things). Happy reading.
It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the newly published literature. I am finally home after some significant travel this summer, and am catching up on reading and editing before I head to Denver for this year’s IAFN conference (more on that in a minute). This month’s edition is replete with relevant research for all of you working with strangulation patients, in particular (I point you to a couple of articles by Adhikari et al; the Gbadebo article, and the Khurana et al. article to name just a few). This is a hefty one, so prepare yourself–lots to go through on the list.
We’re just two weeks out from the annual International Conference on Forensic Nursing Science and Practice. This might be my 25th year attending the conference. I will be particularly busy in Denver, as I have several sessions of my own, plus I am moderating the general panel on Ethics and Forensic Nursing. Regardless, please come say hi if you see me. I love, love meeting FHO readers. It is one of the highlights of conference for me every year. And it will be time with my people before I head to Korea and Okinawa for ten days immediately after. Looking forward to face time with so many of you.
Greetings from my dining room table. I am just back from Tampa and on my way to Alaska. You’d think this would be the season when things would get slower, but they do not, so I am happy to have two entire days in my office before I am gone again. Lots to get done in that time, so let’s not waste any with nonsense–it’s time once again for Articles of Note. If you’re new here (and there is a sharp uptick in subscribers over the last month–welcome!) that’s our monthly romp through the recently published peer-reviewed literature. Note a heavy emphasis on pediatric content this month. No reason–just what came across my desk. As always, most links lead to PubMed abstracts unless otherwise noted.
Something else to mention: IAFN’s annual conference in Denver is coming up next month. I will be there, presenting a couple of fun sessions and moderating a general session panel. I hope to see you. If you haven’t registered yet, there is, of course, still time. We’re earlier this year, so take note of that.
It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. I’m checking in from Norfolk, where I am working this week, in between trips to Japan and Albuquerque. The long-haul flights gave me plenty of time to read, and there are some fascinating things on this list. I point you toward Khurana et al. and their examination of anoxia and neck injuries; Theodorou et al. on burn injuries; and Bauer et al. and the use of MRI in strangulation (as a start).
As always, links lead to PubMed abstracts unless otherwise noted. If you’re having trouble finding articles, let me know, and I’ll see what I can do to assist.
I know this joint doesn’t actually look any different, but under the hood, we’ve done a total refurb. I’m pleased to be back in time for the summer travel season. I am still tinkering a bit, but I was getting emails it was time to come back from hiatus. I’m trying to update the old clinical guides and may update some of the store docs soon. I am also in hard-core editing mode for a different project. First things first.
But for now, it’s time for Articles of Note, our renewed monthly romp through the newly published, peer-reviewed literature. Quite a bit of child abuse lit in the list, plus some interesting items: for example, Oke’s article on improving the exams of trans and gender-diverse patients, and Walsh and colleague’s telemedicine and sexual assault article. Plenty to keep you occupied for awhile. See, just like old times.
January 2024 marks 15 years of this nerdy little website and with the anniversary, I am going to be taking a break to reevaluate where this site is going. The truth is, 1.) the money I bring in from the research compilations doesn’t really cover the time and expenses it requires to keep this site going; and 2.) more importantly, I cannot keep the research compilations current the way I would like. So I need to figure out how to revamp the site to make the science widely accessible to the field (always the mission here), but also create some revenue that will support me doing deeper dives for those that want it, in a way that I can maintain. If you have ideas about what you would like to see, or how you think I should tackle that, I am absolutely open to suggestions. For now, I am shutting down for a bit while I regroup (and also finish a major project and some extensive international travel during the 1st quarter).
For now, I leave you with one more Articles of Note, because it would be wrong not to.
Good morning from San Diego, where I am waiting for a flight back to DC after a few days teaching here for the Army. One more work trip (down to Huntsville) next week and then I can call it for 2023. With almost a third of the year spent on the road, it was a busy, but satisfying one. I am glad to put it to bed, though.
We end with one last Articles of Note, our monthly waltz through the peer-reviewed literature. It’s short(er), but sweet, with plenty for readers. I am particularly interested in reading Oke’s article on improving forensic genital exams for trans patients, and Kane’s series of articles (with various co-authors) in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.
As I sign off for the year, a heartfelt thank you–hundreds of you continue to show up here every month to read this nerdy, niche-y little site, and many of you have been doing so for years. I love the connectedness I have to so many of you through this space. It gives me incredible joy when this site is the impetus for real life introductions, which happens with mind-boggling frequency. So thanks for being part of the FHO community, happiest of holidays to you and yours, and peace and health in this new year.
Good morning from Germany, where I am sitting in the Frankfurt airport after a very abbreviated trip over here. No worries, I come right back after Thanksgiving, so if I didn’t get my fix of schnitzel on this go-round, there’s more to be had in about 10 days. Regardless, there’s a really good crop of articles to get to this month, so here’s your Articles of Note for November, our regular romp through what’s new in the peer-reviewed literature. As always, links lead to PubMed abstracts unless otherwise noted. I point you toward several strangulation articles in the mix, as those are always among the most frequently requested. And Rakoff & Liu’s interesting piece about what judges think about the current state of forensic science, which is a quick read.
Don’t forget: we are in the last days of sign-up for this year’s virtual gift exchange so if you want to participate, you must register by 17 November. Once we hit the 17th, people are automatically matched so there’s no way to add people later. I hope you’ll join us–it’s a lot of fun every year. And easy.
It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly waltz through the newly published peer reviewed literature. It’s also time for this year’s virtual gift exchange sign-up (what? already?!) But more on that in a minute. First, the nerdy stuff–which is to say, plenty of excellent and useful research in the pubs. As always, most links take you to abstracts over at PubMed, unless otherwise specified. I’d like to point out a couple particularly good selections: Naumann, et al. and their meta-analysis of anogenital injury following both consensual and nonconsensual sexual intercourse; Kellogg, et al. and their 2023 update on interpreting medical findings in child sex abuse; and a trio of articles by Karr and colleagues on head trauma and IPV.
As for the virtual gift exchange, this will be the fourth year, and each year it gets bigger and more fun. Please consider joining us. All the instructions are over on the Elfster site, where you can sign up to participate. It’s a $25 max; anyone in the world can participate, you just have to add your name by November 17th. You are welcome to forward the link on to others, as well. Sign up here. It’s always a blast seeing what comes in the mail and from whom. It’s a very low-threat way to bring some holiday cheer to a colleague, and get a bit back in return.
It’s time for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the newly published and peer-reviewed. Our offering is a bit briefer, but still worth your time. While there wasn’t a ton that caught my eye in the sexual assault realm this go-round, I point you toward a few articles that contribute to our understanding of imaging after strangulation and hanging–see Swendiman, et al., Hopkins, et al., and Heimer, et al. Several articles in here related to IPV and head trauma, as well.
I’m well into the fall travel, and look forward to seeing so many of you in a few weeks out in Phoenix. Work on my most recent writing project prohibited me from being able to pull together an actual gathering, but I appreciate everyone who got back to me expressing an interest. If we can make something informal happen, I am game. And please come find me and say hello while you’re there. All of my talks are on Thursday (except the testimony post-con). But I’ll be around the whole week.
Greetings from my home in the DMV, where I am (not so) surprised to find myself after a last-minute continuance that gives me two gloriously unscheduled weeks working from my dining room table. No trial means plenty of writing time before a quick vacation that is the line of demarcation between summer travel season and fall travel season. Which right now looks–intense. So be it.
But it’s time once again for Articles of Note, our regular romp through the peer-reviewed and mostly newly published literature. [I tossed in a few things I missed earlier in the year, since the list is light.] A couple things particularly worth your attention: Khatlani, et al. examining the relationship between IPV and stillbirths; and Liden, et al., on reducing bias in forensic medical expert opinions (related: one of the co-authors of that article is giving a webinar for AAFS on cognitive bias in forensic decisions that will be free for members, $35 for everyone else). As always, links lead to PubMed except where otherwise indicated.
Greetings from somewhere above the continental US, where I am making my way home for a brief period of time before I head to California, then Germany, then California again. There’s a lot of work this summer (thank you to the employment gods), and I have gotten the chance to see some of you on the road. The real prize comes at the end of September, though, when we get to convene in PHX for conference.
But here we are again, already time for July’s Articles of Note. Unless you’re brand new here, you are aware it’s our monthly romp through the monthly peer-reviewed literature. A shorter list, because let’s face it, a bunch of you are on vacation, and the rest of you are picking up shifts for everyone else who is on vacation. Links lead to PubMed abstracts except for the few that are free full text. A couple this month on pediatric nonaccidental burns that look particularly interesting. I’d also like to point out the social media and the law article I stuck in here. It’s written for neurologists, but most of it is generalizable to a larger healthcare audience.
Greetings from Korea, where I am working for a few weeks. I hope you’ve had the opportunity to check out the new IPV National Protocol by now; if you haven’t seen the interactive version, please also spend some time with that one. My understanding is that the kinks are still being worked out of the tablet version so that it is easier to view (last I checked, there was a lot of white space, making it hard to see everything), but the mobile and desktop versions both look great.
It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the newly published and peer-reviewed literature. Some interesting articles on gender-affirming care in the mix (Mackler, et al.; Alcock, et al.); I can’t wait to read the article by Carthy and colleagues on male IPV victims. And the Brady, et al. article on racial disparities in strangulation is topping my reading list (once I track the article down–that’s one I seem to be having trouble getting if someone has it and wants to send it to me). As always, links go to PubMed unless otherwise indicated.
Registration for the IAFN conference in Phoenix recently opened–I hope to see people there. Some exciting stuff will be happening, and for once, I won’t be completely overloaded with my own sessions. I’m thinking about putting together an informal mentoring breakfast while we’re out there, pairing veterans of the work with newer nurses. If this sounds like something you might want to be a part of, let me know. If I have enough interest, I will definitely make it happen. There’s never enough time for networking and connecting with others doing the work, so this may be a fun and relaxed way to have time with folks in the field. Plus, breakfast.
Welcome, friends, to our monthly round-up, Articles of Note, where we attempt to corral what’s new and noteworthy in a single location. This one is, I admit, a bit rushed, as I am hardly in one spot long enough to compile this list. We are bouncing between time zones in a significant way this month (just back from Ireland; popping down to Maxwell AFB next week; San Diego the following). In between flights–somehow–we are graduating this kid of mine from college (what?!). And that just gets us to the Memorial Day weekend. Time has no meaning in this household. But it is good and meaningful travel. I will miss seeing many of you at CCAW–lucky people, that’s always a good conference, so enjoy your time and the big brains down there.
Take note of a few things among the articles–the new JFN editorial by Burton and Draughon Moret that I have downloaded and waiting for my flight Monday; PettyJohn and colleague’s article on institutional betrayal (for all of you who have been doing campus work); and several articles looking at the pandemic’s impact on violence and victimization among different populations. As always, links take you to PubMed abstracts, unless otherwise specified.
Greetings from the DMV, where I am firmly in place for an entire two weeks. It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly waltz through the newly-published peer-reviewed literature. Although the list is a bit lighter this month, its pretty heavy on child abuse articles. I’d also like to point you to a couple of other items worth your attention: two strangulation articles (Swendiman, et al. in a peds-focused review, and Sharman, et al., looking at prosecution-related issues). Also nice to see several friends with publications here.
As always, links lead to PubMed, unless otherwise noted. Many free pubs listed this month. Let me know if you can’t access an article and I will see if I can assist.
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