Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/24/14

Greetings from beautiful Eagle, CO! This is truly my happy place and I feel very fortunate that I get to spend time so much time here with my whole family in celebration of my dad’s 70th (except sadly my spouse, who headed back to work today–you’ll find her teaching here the next couple days, for all you peds folks). Granted, skiing and party planning has taken up most of my time, but here are a few things I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/17/14

Sorry to have been absent so much last week–the one-two punch of a difficult trial and an epic migraine made the latter half of last week challenging (I have a string of four-letter expletives that’s probably more accurate and descriptive, but we’ll stick with challenging for now). However, my kid is in town and we are heading to my happy place this week (Eagle, CO) for some family time. Posts should be regular–I’m stacking them in advance, and I’ll periodically check emails if you’re looking for me. But don’t expect responses during prime ski hours. I’ll be busy:)

Speaking of vacations, in an unprecedented move I am taking time off during two consecutive months, and need some input from my well-traveled readers. Next month, my best friend and I are heading to Argentina–Buenos Aires and Mendoza specifically. If anyone has some ideas for must-see/eat/stay places, please do let me know. Off the beaten path is particularly appealing. This will be my 1st trip to South America, so I’m pretty stoked.

Anyway, let’s get back to the matter at hand–a little taste of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Recognizing and Responding to Trauma: The ACE Study and Trauma-Informed Care

The Children’s Safety Network is hosting a webinar March 20th from 2-3:30 pm MT, Recognizing and Responding to Trauma: The ACE Study and Trauma-Informed Care. The session is part of their 2014 webinar series, Improving the Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Communities Through the National Prevention Strategy.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/10/14

I’m in court this week AND trying to finish off a brand new curriculum (a project I can’t wait to talk more about–just not yet), so it was a busy weekend prepping and writing. There were a few things, though, that caught my eye in moments of downtime. So here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse

Full-Text Friday: Bruising in Children Assessed for Abuse

I love FHO readers–the emails I received about last week’s choice were comical to say the least. If only I could get you to share them with one another [sigh]. I taught for the Army this week, and amidst some fantastic questions was the issue of bruising. Made me realize it was high time for an article focusing on the subject. There’s a new one available that looks at bruising in child abuse–seemed like a good choice for our full-text friday offering:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Child Sexual Exploitation

This month’s pediatric offering from Tribal Forensic Health is on child sexual exploitation. The session will be held March 12th from 3-4:30pm ET, and as with all webinars in this project, CEUs and CMEs are available. The inimitable Dr. Sharon Cooper will be presenting, so it should be a great talk. No description for the session is currently available.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note, February 2014 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, a look at some of the newest literature published in the peer-reviewed journals with the last 30(ish) days. There’s a lot to look at this month, although most of it requires a subscription or library access, sadly. It’s a pretty diverse lot this month, so you’ll want to wade through the list and see what catches your eye.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault Testimony

Intimate Partner Violence Clinical Guide

I have been working on a project for many months now. As a part of that project I have put together a fairly large electronic library on IPV. I have taken that library, indexed it and modified it for FHO readers, because that’s the sort of thing people ask for. So if you click through you’ll find the newest Clinical Guide: Intimate Partner Violence. Not everything in this clinical guide is brand new, but I have tried to balance some of the old, but relevant, with some of the newer resources and science available. While this is the most extensive Clinical Guide to date, I make no claim that it is exhaustive–for instance, the project (on which the guide was based) focused on a specific patient population, so other populations and circumstances are most certainly under-represented here. Reader input and suggestions for additions to the guide are both wanted and appreciated. Keep in mind that there is plenty that would interest the non-clinician in this guide, but it was absolutely compiled with the practice of the forensic healthcare provider in mind.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 2/10/14

Sorry I missed you all on Friday–I stole away for a weekend with my kiddo. I don’t need to tell you how special that kind of time is. So not much work happened this weekend. But lots of reading did–airport delays and all that leave plenty of time for scanning my Twitter feed. I thought about calling this the sexually assaulted by powerful men edition, but while my list is definitely dominated by that topic, it’s not the entirety of it. So here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke.

Child Abuse

Child Abuse at the Extreme: Torture

The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project’s pediatrics webinar for February is Child Abuse at the Extreme: Torture. Dr. Barbara Knox will be the featured speaker. It will be held February 11th from 3-4:30 ET. As with all sessions offered by this project, CEUs and CMEs are available, free of charge. Sessions are available in the archive if live attendance doesn’t work for your schedule.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault Testimony

Tips for Testifying in Child Abuse Cases

The Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center is offering a webinar February 12th, Tips for Testifying in Child Abuse Cases. The session will be held from 1-3pm CT and it would appear that CEs are available for this one for both docs and nurses.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 1/27/14

With trips to 3 different continents in the next 3 months on the books (along with multiple trips within the US on the calendar) I am not complaining about my time at home. It is, in fact, the exact right time to be at home for an extended stretch, what with major project deadlines looming. I took a little time this weekend to visit friends down in Charlottesville, though, and the drive home (with me in the passenger seat) afforded me a bit of time to pleasure read. So here’s what I was perusing since last we spoke:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Full-Text Friday: Achieving a More Effective Health Response to Trafficking of Women & Girls

This week’s featured article initially appeared in November’s Articles of Note, but at the time it was not available free full-text. Not so now. Since the peer-reviewed literature has far less on this healthcare response to trafficking patients than, say, IPV or sexual assault patients, I will happily highlight what I can find. After the jump, all the details:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault


This morning I bundled Sasha up and sent her out the door to watch arguments at the Supreme Court in Paroline v United States. If you’re not familiar with this case, check out the summary at SCOTUSblog. In the most simplistic terms it’s about restitution and the continued impact images of child sexual abuse and exploitation have on victims.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: January 2014

So I feel like I say this every month, but holy hell there’s some *awesome* stuff in the literature this month. How can you not get excited by some of the articles being published right now? (Don’t roll your eyes at me, people, I can totally see you.) Even the stuff that’s not 100% relevant to our practice is just fascinating. Add to that the fact that more articles than usual are free full-text and that just leaves me beyond excited. As always, keep in mind this isn’t an exhaustive list; just the articles that caught my eye as I reviewed the new literature. Links lead to PubMed abstracts unless otherwise indicated.

Articles of Note January 2014 (Word)

Articles of Note January 2014 (PDF)

Child Abuse DV/IPV

The Impact of Family Violence on Military Families

The National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse is hosting a webinar January 21st from 1-2:30 pm ET, Supporting Our Troops’ Families: The Impact of Family Violence on Military Families. There are CMEs available; nurses you get the bum deal on this one–no CEUs (which I have to say is disappointing considering the chair of the Collaborative is a nurse; there are nursing organizations participating in the Collaborative, including IAFN; one of the speakers is a nurse; and the moderator is a nurse–tough to understand how that happens). Still, it looks like a good session, being familiar with several of the folks presenting. Details after the jump:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Trafficking of Minors on Tribal Lands

{Don’t forget to enter our anniversary giveaway here! Time is running out!}

One of my favorite speakers, Dr. Sharon Cooper, will be presenting the pediatric webinar for January on Tribal Forensic Healthcare: Trafficking of Minors on Tribal Lands. The session will be held January 15th from 3-4:30pm ET. As with all offerings through Tribal Forensic Healthcare, CEUs are available and CMEs have been applied for.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 12/23/13

After a grueling week in trial, I was able to get back home this weekend to begin the holiday season in earnest. I had the overnight flight home from Honolulu, and thanks to an upgrade, actually slept the whole way back; I’ve been in a jet-lagged haze for the past 36 hours thanks to that questionable decision. So last night while unable to sleep I finally caught up on some reading (and some emails). Here’s what’s caught my attention since last we spoke:

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note, December 2013

Well, my friends, I am heading out the door bright and early tomorrow for a week of work in the Pacific. I will be putting in some guaranteed long hours so posts next week may be spotty. Please note that if you send me requests or questions I may be a bit delayed in responding, so thanks in advance for your patience. In the meantime, here’s this month’s Articles of Note. Some great stuff out this month, and even a few free full-text articles. There’s a lot to slog through, but I couldn’t help myself. Enjoy.

Child Abuse

The Science of Neglect

Check out this new (brief) video about the science of neglect from the nice folks at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard. I promise it’s worth the 6 minutes:

You can see all of their multimedia resources here.
{h/t ACEs Too High}