Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Worthwhile Read: Brain Injury Lingers at Least 4 Months After Concussion

Medscape has an overview of an article (recently published in Neurology), Brain Injury Lingers at Least 4 Months After Concussion, about the length of time it takes to fully heal from mild traumatic brain injury. As professionals caring for assaulted patients it’s certainly worth a read (and some ensuing discussion) considering statements such as this:

He said it was not possible from this study to give advice on how long the brain takes to return to normal. “But I would say that the current advice that the patient just sits out for a week is really not satisfactory. Our results suggest a much longer period is needed for healing. If it was my child with a concussion I would try and preclude activities that might result in another mild traumatic brain injury for at least a couple of months and probably longer.”

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Leveraging Hospitals to Stop the Cycle of Violence

The Children’s Safety Network is hosting a webinar on December 11th: Leveraging Hospitals to Stop the Cycle of Violence. The session will be held from 2-3pm ET and is free of charge. Details after the jump:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 12/2/13

I hope all of you who were celebrating the holiday(s) last week had a lovely time of it; we certainly did. And what a luxury to just take 5 days off, with minimal connectedness for most of that time. But today it’s back to my fully-plugged reality, and the sprint to get everything done before folks scatter during the last 2 weeks of the year. December means the end of a project; what appears to be the beginning of another; one more military trial; and some quality time with a few of my favorite JAGs. This week I’m home, though, which will hopefully translate to serious productivity and catching up on some reading. Speaking of which, here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11/25/13 (#16Days Edition)

I’ll keep this brief, because I have much to do today and intend to take the rest of the week off (surrounded by family and eating my weight in Thanksgiving/Hanukkah treats). Also, we’re nursing colds in the FHO household right now, so some prescribed down time is in order. First things first: today begins the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender Violence Campaign. Head over to their site to read up on the campaign, get some ideas for how you can participate and check out their downloadable resources.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11/18/13

An unexpected week at home means serious immersion into curriculum writing and some work for the military. There really is nothing so amazing as finding out that your week of travel is now being covered by someone else (although I am missing the opportunity to cross off my 50th state by staying home). Knowing I’d be home this week meant a low key weekend with plenty of time to read. So here’s what’s caught my attention since last we spoke:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault Testimony

Child Neglect: A Review

The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project’s pediatric webinar for December is Child Neglect: A Review. The session is being offered on December 2nd from 3-4:30pm ET and has CEUs available at no cost (CMEs have been applied for). Even if you don’t take care of AI/AN patients, these webinars are a great opportunity to enhance your skill set and get free CEs, so I encourage you to check them out.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: November 2013

Time once again for this month’s Articles of Note, a look at what’s new in the peer-reviewed literature. Naturally this isn’t a comprehensive overview, but simply the research that has caught my eye recently. What follows is a list of articles with links; contact me if you’d like the information in a word doc.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11/4/13

I’m in Montana this week, teaching a SANE course, so you know it’s going to be a busy one. I’ll try and keep posts regular, but I’m asking for a bit of leeway on that. You just never know what your connectivity and your time looks like during one of these weeks. My hope is that among other things, you’ll see a new Articles of Note (I may be overly optimistic). In the meantime, here’s some of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Children’s Exposure to Violence and the Intersection Between Delinquency and Victimization

OJJDP has a new bulletin out: Children’s Exposure to Violence and the Intersection Between Delinquency and Victimization (PDF). This is the latest in their series on the National Survey of Children Exposed to Violence–find all of them here. And you can review the full survey results here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Pathology of Asphyxial Death

A reader sent me a question asking if I had anything concise and, more importantly, free on asphyxia versus the narrower topic of strangulation. Turns out I do. Medscape published an article on this very subject: Pathology of Asphyxial Death. Even if you’re not interested in the death investigation aspect of the article, there’s still some useful information, including epidemiology and mechanisms of morbidity and mortality for clinicians of all stripes. There’s also an ancillary and adjunctive studies section at the end with links to some other fascinating topics.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke (+ Our Giveaway Winner)

Greetings from sunny Naples, FL, where I have been immersed in family for the weekend. A couple pieces of business for this Monday. First, congratulations to Deb O’Hay who is the winner of our latest giveaway! Deb, please contact me with your address so we can get your book to you. Second, although I have been surrounded by continuous family all weekend, I have managed to bookmark a few things for my flight home today. So here’s what I am (planning on) reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Practical Approaches with Patients Exposed to Multiple Types of Violence

{Don’t forget to enter our current book giveaway!}

The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Medical Home for Children and Adolescents Exposed to Violence is hosting a webinar, Practical Approaches with Patients Exposed to Multiple Types of Violence. The session will be held November 5th from 11am-12pm CT. You can see the details after the jump. If this one isn’t relevant to your practice they also have multiple archived webinars on their site, including this one: Beyond the First Exposure: The Physical, Mental, and Emotional Toll of Violence. Good stuff.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Role of Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships in the Intergenerational Continuity of Child Maltreatment

{Don’t forget to enter our current book giveaway!}

The Journal of Adolescent Health has a special issue out: Examining the Role of Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships in the Intergenerational Continuity of Child Maltreatment. The entire issues appears to be available online free full-text so there’s no reason not to check it out. It’s a really interesting topic for a special issue, and one that we don’t see receive much air play, so I’m pretty excited about this.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September/October 2013

Let me just preface this by saying that my beloved PubMed has essentially been furloughed with this shutdown, so it has a sad little message when you visit it right now–“PubMed is open, however it is being maintained with minimal staffing due to the lapse in government funding. Information will be updated to the extent possible, and the agency will attempt to respond to urgent operational inquiries. For updates regarding government operating status see” [insert nerd frownie face here] But we can’t stop with the Articles of Note just because the US has a spectacularly dysfunctional congress, so banish that thought.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the US

The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released their report, Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the US this week. There’s a research brief to accompany the full report, along with a slide deck for briefing.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Developmentally Sensitive Interviewing of Children

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our webinar yesterday. The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project actually offers two webinars a month: one pediatrics, one adult. October’s peds webinar is Total Recall or Mission Impossible? Developmentally Sensitive Interviewing of Children. It will be held October 9th from 3-4:30 pm, and as with all of the webinars from this project, free CEUs are available (1.5) and CMEs have been sought.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault Testimony

Since Last We Spoke, 9/23/13

A Happy Monday to you all (or Tuesday for my subscribers who get this one day late)–I am finally back from Japan after a longer-than-anticipated trial and am thrilled to be home for the next 5 days. Hopefully some of you will be joining my colleague Jen Sommers and me on Wednesday for our webinar (a very clinically-focused session). And  speaking of that webinar: a special congratulations to a member of our IHS project team–Sarah had her baby on Saturday–Noah James. If you’ve seen the photos on Facebook than you can back me on this–she grew herself a good looking baby boy.

I put in some long days in Japan, but had plenty of time to read while jet lagged out of my skull this morning, so here’s what I’ve been checking out since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Worthwhile Read(s): Full-Text Research

I received a request for some new research that was available free, full-text, so what follows is some of the recent literature, all full-text PDFs. As with Articles of Note entries, this is not an exhaustive list; just a sampling of what’s come across my radar. I’ll try and do this type of post periodically…

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the US

IOM is having another report release event–this one is Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States. It will be held live and via webcast September 25th at 1pm ET. Registration is required for attendance online or at the event in DC. I will post the report when it becomes available.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 9/16/13

I awoke in Japan this Tuesday morning (way too early) to news from my spouse that all of our friends are okay and accounted for at the Navy Yard, so I am grateful for that blessing, and also angry and horrified at the violence in a place where I have spent a significant amount of time professionally. There are plenty of links to the shooting and there will be much to read in its aftermath, so I am going to forgo that here, and share instead what I’ve been reading since last we spoke: