Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research

The Institute of Medicine is releasing their report, New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research this Thursday, September 12th, at 1pm ET–live and via webcast. If you’d like to participate you can register here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Child Trafficking, Girls, and Detention

Late notice on this one (sorry, that’s 2 for the week), but here’s another webinar for Tuesday, September 10th from 2-3:30pm ET. OJJDP is offering Child Trafficking, Girls and Detention: A Call to Reform. From the announcement:

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: August 2013

I meant to post this Friday before I knocked off for the day, but somehow never hit the publish button. So here (belatedly) is August’s Articles of Note, a compilation of some of the newest and most relevant research in the August/September/early October journals. Remember, this isn’t an exhaustive list, just some of what has caught my eye.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Implications for Policy, Practice and Prevention

The National Conferences on Child Abuse and Neglect folks are hosting a webinar September 12th at 2pm ET, The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study: Implications for Policy, Practice and Prevention. Objectives for the session include:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 8/12/13

One of my favorite military destinations is my annual trip to the Naval Justice School in Newport, RI. Never a bad place to go, but particularly lovely in August. So aside from getting to teach with one of my besties, I get the added benefit of the prime seaside location. Before I get on my plane, though, here’s a bit of what I’ve ben reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Sexually Transmitted Infections in Pediatric Patients

Our Tribal Forensic Healthcare project has an upcoming peds webinar this month–Sexually Transmitted Infections in Pediatric Patients. The session will be held August 27th at 3pm ET. CEUs and CMEs have been applied for for this webinar.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Recognizing Human Trafficking Victim Experiences

Polaris Project’s National Human Trafficking Resource Center has a webcast available, Recognizing Human Trafficking Victim Experiences. The presentation is about 35 minutes long and is interspersed with case studies and linked resources. Access the session here.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: July 2013

Time once again for Articles of Note, in which I share the recently published literature that’s capturing my attention. Please remember this is not an exhaustive overview of what’s newly available, but it should give you a good place to start. There’s some amazing stuff out this month, so I think this list is a particularly rich one. Plus several familiar names among the authors, which is always fun.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Developing a Welfare Response to Child Trafficking

NCVC is offering a webinar coming up next week: Developing a Welfare Response to Child Trafficking. The session will be held July 25th at 2pm ET. You can register here.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Rape on the Reservation Podcast

Mint Press News has a podcast now available, Rape on the Reservation: Sexual Assault in the Native American Community (not to be confused with the must-watch documentary report by Current TV with the same name). While it addresses sexual assault, it also looks at its intersection with human trafficking, and perspectives in the piece are those of survivors and professionals.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-15-13

Home is a good place to be. Getting home from the Pacific is a slog, but it’s a journey I will happily take when it means getting back to my people. Plus it allows plenty of time for reading. Here’s what’s been capturing my attention since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Use of Alternate Light Source for Identifying Bruising

Just a quick note this morning: I have updated the clinical guide on using alternate light sources for identifying bruising. There’s still not much in the way of solid research on this one, so keep that in mind. But I am regularly asked about it as a tool, so look through what’s available. And if I’m missing anything critical, please let me know and I’ll add it.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Gender Responsive and Trauma-Informed Care in Nursing Practice

Our colleagues over at Essentials of Correctional Nursing have an excellent post up, “What is gender responsiveness and trauma-informed care in nursing practice?” Do not skip this just because correctional healthcare isn’t your field–this is a worthwhile read for all clinicians.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-1-13

Let me just start by saying: I like you people so much. The comments and emails from Friday’s post were awesome and I thank you for being such fantastic clinicians and allies in this work. Much of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke are notes from readers–my inbox has been overflowing this weekend with kindness and words that remind me that the vast majority of people who visit this site get it. However, I have a few other things to share, as well, so let’s get down to the business of Mondays at FHO:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Two New Reports Now Available

In case you haven’t seen them yet, there are two new publications worth noting that just came out this week. One is the Trafficking in Persons Report for 2013, released by the US Department of State; the other is the World Health Organization’s Responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women: Clinical and policy guidelines.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note, June 2013 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, a review of what’s new in the peer-reviewed journals. Keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive overview; it’s simply what’s caught my eye over the past month. It’s kind of a quiet month for the research, but there’s good stuff to be found here, especially for the peds folks. As always, please contact me if you want the word doc. Otherwise, the printable and hyperlinked doc can be found after the jump.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Understanding Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Research

Something for the entire multi-disciplinary team: NCPTC is offering a webinar on Understanding Adverse Childhood Experience Research. This research is central to what we know about how violence impacts health, so again, if you’re looking for a great opportunity for some team continuing education, here’s a great one.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Sustaining Ourselves in the Work: Trauma-Informed Approaches, Self-awareness, and Self-care

Hey–want to know something we suck at? Acknowledging and managing our own trauma from this work we do. Everyone I know in this field (including me) could probably do a better job at the whole self-care thing. And if you’re a program manager, you especially need to be concerned about this issue, because it’s critical that we give members of our teams space to talk about how this work impacts our lives and figure out healthy ways to address the trauma.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 6-17-13

There is *so* much in the news that is pretty fascinating. I tried to unplug this weekend, but when I was awake at 3am this morning there was plenty to keep me occupied, article-wise. What follow is just some of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Girls at Risk: A Trauma-Informed Approach

OJJDP is offering a webinar June 26th, Girls at Risk: A Trauma-Informed Approach. the session will be held from from 2-4pm ET (please note the 2 hour timeframe) and is free of charge.