Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 2/25/13

Back in my office after a lovely visit with a really diverse group of forensic nurses in Australia. The trip back from Australia? Less lovely. Much. The good news about the cluster&*@k that was my trip home? Well, I might need some time before I can come up with something, but the extra time added to my return trip gave me plenty of time to read. Here’s some of what I was perusing since last we spoke:

Child Abuse

Clinical Guide: Bite Wounds

I had a request for some information on bite wounds in living patients, so I decided to create a new clinical guide on the subject. However, there are caveats to this one–I only included research that was applicable to the work we do as clinicians. Any of the research on bite mark impressions and the challenges to that science are not included here (no disrespect to our forensic odontology colleagues, but that’s a very different area of science). I have only looked at issues related to identifying, treating and swabbing for the purposes of this clinical guide. If I have left something out that you feel is particularly important, please let me know and I’ll add it in. As with all of the guides, contact me if you’d prefer a word doc with hyperlinks.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 1-28-13

Mark your calendar: the inaugural Forensic Journal Club is coming up 12 February. Find all the information you need to participate here.

An FHO reader sent me a message this week asking when I was going to resume posting the lists of what I’ve been reading over the weekend. I hadn’t realized until receiving that email that I had actually stopped. So in between flying home from a week working in Colorado Springs on Saturday and (maybe) flying south for a trial beginning tomorrow, here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse

Child Maltreatment 2011: Key Findings and Expanded Discussion

February 7th from 12-1pm CT there is a child abuse and neglect webinar being offered: Child Maltreatment 2011–Key Findings and Expanded Discussion. From the announcement: The Child Maltreatment report series presents national data about child abuse and neglect known to child protective services agencies in the United States. [more after the jump]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: January 2013 Edition

I am a bit late on getting an Articles of Note post up, but hopefully what I lack in timeliness I make up for in volume. There’s some really interesting research to be found in the current journals, so I encourage you to peruse the list and see what looks relevant to your practice. Not too many free full-text articles, sadly, so hopefully you can access the articles via your local medical library or hospital. What follows after the jump is the embedded Scribd doc for printing; the list with live links is after that. As always, contact me if you want all of this in a word doc.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

End of Year Continuing Education Credits, Part II

I hope everyone had a peaceful holiday (or at least enjoyed a few days off if you don’t celebrate). Today I want to round out some continuing education sources for those of you in need of finishing the year with a few extra in hand (see here for Part I). All are available for nursing CEs; CME credits are available as indicated.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

End of Year Continuing Education Credits, Part I

If you’re looking at your licensure and certification requirements and realizing you need to garner some additional CE hours before the end of the year, here are some ideas for  credits that are $25 or less. All have some forensic healthcare application, whether directly or as related to patient education, discharge planning, etc. I’ll be back with Part II later in the week.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Go-to Guide and a National Day of Remembrance and Action

Today (December 6th) is Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action To End Violence Against Women. So it’s only fitting that our Go-to Guide for the day comes from someone who has been working doggedly to address and enhance the response to victims of violence–not just in Canada (where she works and lives), but globally.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note, November 2012

Time once again for this month’s Articles of Note, a review of some of what has caught my eye from the recently published peer-reviewed literature. Please keep in mind this is not exhaustive, just some of what I am currently reading this month. You’ll note that there are several free full-text articles in this month’s review. For those of you who want a word doc, feel free to contact me. Otherwise the Scribd doc is embedded, followed by the list of articles with links.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11-26-12

Taking time off leaves a good chunk of time for reading, especially on road trips. In my household, my partner likes to do the distance driving, which leaves me the job of reader. Once I have finished reading aloud the day’s newspaper (or at least the interesting-to-me parts of the Washington Post or NY Times), it’s on to all manner of electronic articles (thank you wifi and consistently good cell service between DC and Cleveland). Here’s some of what caught my attention since last we spoke:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Managing Traumatic Genital Injury in Children

IAFN has a webinar coming up of particular interest to those of you who take care of kids: Straddle Injury vs. Sexual Abuse–Managing Traumatic Genital Injury in Children. The session will be held December 12th from 12-1:30 pm ET. Cost is $30 for members ($60 for non-members) and will net you 1.5 CEUs.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11-19-12

I am back in the CLE for the week of Thankgiving, with my daughter, partner, parents and my little brother and his family. Every free moment is being spent immersed in family, so I haven’t been reading as much as I normally do. However, there are certainly a few things that have caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11-12-12

After a very long (but very productive week) in Portland last week, I unplugged for the weekend (sort of). Mostly I just tried not to do work, instead enjoying being home after 5 days on the opposite coast. As much as I like Portland, I like DC more, and DC was lovely enough to provide a gorgeous weekend with very little in the way of a schedule. So that left plenty of time for reading–here’s a sample of what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Beyond SANE: Expanding your Practice

If you were in Puerto Rico last month, you may have heard Jennifer Pierce-Weeks’ excellent session on expanding SANE practice. If not, you’re in luck–she’s repeating it via webinar for IAFN’s next online offering. The session will be November 29th at noon, ET. The cost is $15 ($30 for non-members) and will net you 1 CEU. Trust me–it’s worth it.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last we Spoke, 10-29-12

A slightly abbreviated list of things I’ve been reading since last we spoke, as we anticipate worsening weather (with potential power outages) as Sandy hits. Hope everyone in the storm’s path is hunkered down, safe and warm (and dry).

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Health Care Providers’ Training Needs Related to Human Trafficking

Long time readers know that FHO often serves as my virtual filing cabinet. It’s one of the reasons I started the site–so I’d have a place to keep (and share) relevant info I run across in my travels. Here’s a resource shared with me today to add to the file folder marked human trafficking: Health Care Providers’ Training Needs Related to Human Trafficking: Maximizing the Opportunity to Screen and Intervene (PDF). It was published last year in the Journal of Applied Research on Children. The whole issue is dedicated to human trafficking and is available free, full-text.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: October Edition

Happily, my trip to Japan has been cancelled (I remember a time that would be devastating news–now it is an absolute gift); this means I can catch up on a few things, like an Articles of Note post for instance. What follows are articles that have caught my eye from the late September/ October/ November new publications. All links lead to PubMed abstracts unless otherwise indicated. As always, contact me if you want the full list in a word doc with hyperlinks.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Depictions of Children in Media and Pornography: Implications for Prevention

PreventConnect has a webinar coming up, Depictions of Children in Media and Pornography: Implications for Prevention. It will be held November 14th from 2-3:30pm ET. If you’re planning on attending, my recommendation is that you register ASAP, as their offerings usually fill quickly. Click through for info about the session and the presenters (including one of my favorites)…

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

International Day of the Girl Child

October 11th, 2012 has been designated as the 1st International Day of the Girl Child by the United Nations General Assembly. “The day was established to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges they face around the world.” Check out USAID’s page commemorating the day and providing links to the assorted USAID’S programs supporting the health and welfare of girls and young women around the world. This includes programs focusing on trafficking, child marriage and gender-based violence. You can also check out UN Women for articles and resources related to the day. And on Twitter: #dayofthegirl or #girlsday.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

The Impact of Human Trafficking on Children

The National Child Protection Training Center is offering a webinar: The Impact of Human Trafficking on Children. The session will be held Thursday, October 18th at 2pm CST. There is a $30 registration fee, which unfortunately doesn’t provide CEs for medical folks (but does for law enforcement and attorneys, so please share).