Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect

Injury Grand Rounds from the CDC

Tuesday, January 17th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is offering the next in their Grand Rounds series: The Science Base for the Prevention of Injury and Violence. The live webcast will also be archived for 48 hours after the event. And if you’re interested in CEs, you can register for them here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: January Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note. These are a selection from the late December and January peer-reviewed journals that have caught my attention. Remember, it’s in no way a comprehensive or exhaustive list, but it’s an excellent place to start. The majority of the links will take you to PubMed. There are also a couple free full-text article in here. I’ve tried to add in a few more non-North American studies at the request of a few of my readers.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Combatting Child Trafficking

I missed this offering when it was live, but happily for us, it’s been archived:

The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation held a webinar in November, Best Practices to Combat Child Trafficking. The archived webinar also includes downloadable slide decks from each of the 3 speakers, as well as a nice looking resource page.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

In the News Today

UPDATED 12/15/11

With the massive amount of media buzz surrounding Jerry Sandusky’s pretrial hearing (or waiving there of, as I have just read), I figured I’d point you toward a couple of recently posted (related) resources at the NSVRC site. The 1st is Answers to Questions About Recent Child Sex Abuse Case, written in conjunction with ATSA.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Self-Care in the Wake of Intense Media Coverage

I’m headed to the 216 for some quality family time, to practice a little self-care of my own in the wake of some very trying times. I leave you with this blog post over at Psychology Today by Olga Trujillo: Getting Through Sex Abuse Scandals and Depression.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: December Edition

With it being a slow time of year for educational offerings, I’m thrilled the research journals hold some amazing treasures. This month feels particularly useful, especially if you’re a pediatrics person. As always, this is not a comprehensive overview of what’s newly out, but it is a good selection of late November and December articles you might want to check out. Even if you don’t fancy yourself a journal person, there’s some really clinically applicable material here on everything from STI testing in kids, to emergency contraception and implantation, to evaluating digital photography.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Tyler Perry’s Open Letter to Penn State 11-Year-Old

Several folks sent me this yesterday, and I see it making the rounds on Twitter and Facebook. I just got around to reading it this morning. If you have not seen it yet, please read Tyler Perry’s Open Letter to a Penn State 11-Year Old published this week in Newsweek.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Making Your Case

I almost titled this post, “Everything I need today can be found over at the RWJF site”, but I didn’t feel like it would really grab anyone’s interest. However, I spent a lot of time trawling through their Vulnerable Populations portfolio, and frankly, there are some tools there that could help us make the (stronger) case that prevention is a part of forensic healthcare; that engaging our communities to support our work means thinking about the messages we craft about our work; and that conversations about social determinants of health must address the impact of violence in the home, in the workplace and in the schools.

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Violence and the Nurses’ Health Study

When I think about the research out there being done on the impact of violence on health, I typically don’t think of the Nurses’ Health Study. So I was surprised to see this article in HuffPo about the linkage between childhood abuse and heart disease, as presented at the American Heart Association meeting this past weekend. That got me wondering…

Child Abuse

Mandatory Reporting

In the wake of the serial child sexual abuse and assault being uncovered at Penn State, it seems prudent to make sure we all understand what our obligations are regarding reporting these types of crimes. Mind you, these are just our legal obligations. As we’ve seen in the Penn State case, doing the right thing is about much, much more than just fulfilling legal obligations.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: October/November 2011

It’s time once again for Articles Note. These are a selection from the late September, October and November peer-reviewed journals that feel particularly relevant to our practice. Remember, it’s in no way a comprehensive or exhaustive list, but it’s an excellent place to start. The majority of the links will take you to PubMed. There is also one free full-text article in here. Lots of sexual assault and elder abuse research this month.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

CMEs, Scary ED Visits and Plenty More Violence

A few things that have been piled up in my inbox that are worth mentioning. The first is a new CME offering (and really, Medscape, you could only manage to make this one for docs?): Domestic Violence Intervention Improves Referral, Disclosure Rates, based on research published this month in The Lancet.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Social and Economic Cost of Violence

If you know me, you know I am very interested in the business aspect of the work we do, including the cost of violence itself. You can check out the clinical guide on the subject if it’s of interest to you, as well. I am adding a new report to it today: The IOM has just released their workshop summary, The Social and Economic Cost of Violence.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Violence and Health Equity

The Prevention Institute’s UNITY project has a new fact sheet on the links between violence and health equity. Please read and tuck away in your “reasons why evidence collection should not be the guiding principle behind the work of forensic clinicians” file.

See also: fact sheets on links between violence and mental health; violence and chronic disease; and  violence and learning.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September Edition

It’s time once again for Articles Note. These are a selection from the August, September and October peer-reviewed journals that feel particularly relevant to our practice. Remember, it’s in no way a comprehensive or exhaustive list, but it’s an excellent place to start. The majority of the links will take you to PubMed. There is also one free full-text article in here.
Here’s the printable version. The active links follow below.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Misconduct and Abuse by Faith Leaders

Don’t miss our current giveaway. Get all of the details here to enter.

The FaithTrust Institute has a fascinating webinar September 7th at 11am PT–Misconduct and Abuse by Faith Leaders: An International Conversation. A description of the session after the jump:

Child Abuse

Book Giveaway: Child Fatality Review

Our friends at STM Learning are back with a new book giveaway for FHO readers. Details on how to enter and what other special offers are available to readers after the jump:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Veto Violence

The twittersphere has been awash with Veto Violence posts, so some of you may be familiar with this site already. If you’re not, you should head on over and spend some quality time trolling through the different sections. It’s a source for online violence education tools, but it’s grounded in prevention. Specifically a public health approach, using a social-ecological model.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Odds & Ends Wednesday: Medscape and NPR

There are several things I wanted to bring to your attention this morning:

Medscape has some good stuff this week:

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note, July/August Edition

Don’t forget: FHO’s latest giveaway is going on now through August 3rd! Get all the details here to enter.

It’s time once again for Articles Note. These are a selection from peer-reviewed journals that feel particularly relevant to our practice. Remember, it’s in no way a comprehensive or exhaustive list, but it’s an excellent place to start. The majority of the links will take you to PubMed. There are also several free full-text articles in here, so we can all be happy about that. Peds people, you guys have a boat-load of good stuff in here, but trust me when I tell you this–there’s something for everyone in the journals this month.