Child Abuse

Improve the Care of Pediatric Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

CDC has a new online course available on improving the care of pediatric patients with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). CEs/CMEs are available upon completion (NAPNAP/AAP), so for those of you in need of continuing education credits, this is worth checking out. The corresponding website also has a number of resources for clinicians and patients.

Description of the online course:

HEADS UP to Healthcare Providers is a free online training developed by CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. The goal of the training is to provide an overview of the evidence-based recommendations outlined in the CDC Pediatric mTBI Guideline and to equip healthcare providers with practical strategies to integrate these recommendations into clinical practice.

By the end of the training, you will be prepared to:

  • Discuss what happens to the brain during and after an mTBI.
  • Identify at least three best practices related to diagnosis of mTBI.
  • Devise an appropriate management plan for pediatric patients with mTBI.
  • Describe prevention strategies for pediatric mTBI.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

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Child Physical Abuse: A Guide to the CAC Response

(Have you entered our giveaway yet for IAFN conference registration?)

Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center is offering a webinar next month, Child Physical Abuse: A Guide to the CAC Response. The session will be held February 7th at 1pm CT. Like all of their webinars, this one will be archived. From the website:

Brief Overview: A child abuse pediatrician will review the considerations for the MDT, medical, mental health, forensic interview and victim advocate response that a CAC-MDT should consider when evaluating expansion of service to include child physical abuse. The presentation will discuss the role of the medical provider on the MDT, and will present an overview on the specifics of the medical response to suspected physical abuse including recognition of red flag indicators of physical abuse (such as patterned and sentinel injuries) and evaluation of potentially abusive injuries.

Expert Presenter: Karen Farst, MD, MPH, has worked as a child abuse pediatrician with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Center for Children at Risk and Arkansas Children’s Hospital since 2004. After an internal medicine/pediatrics residency, she was in primary care private practice for 3 years before completing a fellowship in child abuse pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Her work duties at Arkansas Children’s Hospital include medical evaluations and court testimony for cases of abuse and neglect, education of medical and non-medical professionals on the medical aspects of child maltreatment, and administrative leadership of the Center for Children at Risk located in the Clark Center for Safe and Healthy Children on the campus of Arkansas Children’s Hospital.

Register for the session here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

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Shining Light on the Response to Child Sexual Abuse & Exploitation

(Have you entered our giveaway yet for IAFN conference registration?)

Out of the shadows: Shining light on the response to child sexual abuse and exploitation is a 40-country benchmarking index examining how countries are responding to the threat of sexual violence against children. “It explores the environment in which the issue occurs and is addressed; the degree to which a country’s legal framework provides protections for children from sexual violence; whether government commitment and capacity is being deployed to equip institutions and personnel to respond appropriately; and the engagement of industry, civil society and media in efforts to tackle the problem.” You can check out the website that contains a host of resources, including the complete white paper, a recorded webinar, and what will be of interest to most of you, a significant number of links to other resources on these issues. Even if you are not interested in the macro-level policy issues set forth here, there’s quite a bit that can ultimately inform practice issues at the local level.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Notes: January 2019 Edition

(Have you entered our giveaway yet for IAFN conference registration?)

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the newly published peer-reviewed literature. I hope you’ve made room on your nightstands and your e-readers, my friends, because there’s plenty to keep your brain occupied for a good long while. Links take you to PubMed abstracts except where indicated. Be a dear and cite back to FHO if you use our compilation 🙂

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: December 2018 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed science. There’s a lot to work through here, but that’s a good thing, right? I have a ridiculously long reading list myself. So in the spirit of the holidays, here’s to chewy stats, lit reviews that make your pulse race (no? just me?) and topics that hit that sweet spot between I just saw this in clinic last week and holy crap there’s a subpoena waiting for me on my desk. Cheers everyone!

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

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Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences

New from VetoViolence, a project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: online training modules on preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The initial introductory modules are now available–module 1 is an overview of ACEs; module 2 focuses on public health approaches to preventing ACEs. Next up will be profession-specific modules on ACEs, so check back on the site for those.  You can also access their ACEs resource center for links to current literature, media, and relevant projects on the topic.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: October/November 2018 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our mostly-monthly romp through the newly published peer-reviewed literature. This edition is a whopper. Almost six pages of science for you to peruse, and it’s worth going through the whole list because there’s so. much. good. stuff. there. Seriously. Links take you to PubMed abstracts except where noted otherwise. Happy reading!


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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Healthcare Needs of Trafficking Victims

An FHO reader asked if I would do a review of the literature on the healthcare needs of trafficking victims and the answer is no, because it’s already out there. Allow me to point your attention to the library over at HEAL Trafficking. No need to reinvent that wheel–they’ve got you covered, plus they make it super easy to stay current with their RSS feeds. Aside from the peer-reviewed literature, they also have a variety of reports and assorted media, making it a pretty decent place to start your lit reviews. See also: their toolkit for developing a protocol for responding to victims of human trafficking in healthcare settings.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

A National Training Standard for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiners 2nd Edition: A Training Blueprint

SAFEta has a webinar coming up on the new edition of the National Training Standards for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiners. The session will be held October 3rd at 3:30pm ET (and it will be archived). Obviously, it is in support of this. From the site:

Since 2006, there has been an update to the National SAFE Protocol in 2013 (SAFE Protocol 2nd Ed), which reflected changes in science and practice that had occurred over the 7 years since the original document had been written. In 2016, OVW spearheaded the development of a National Protocol for Sexual Abuse Medical Forensic Examinations: Pediatric (Pediatric SAFE Protocol) to meet the unique healthcare and response needs of the prepubertal pediatric population. In addition to these 2 sentinel document updates, there were also new releases and updates of documents reflecting changes in healthcare response to violence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), laws and evidence collection. As a result of these developments OVW sponsored efforts to revise and update the Training Standards and on August 29, 2018 the Training Standards 2nd Ed. were released. Presented by: Marnie Shiels, Attorney Advisor, Office on Violence Against Women & Kim Day, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P, Forensic Nursing Director at the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN).

Keep in mind, this educational offering counts toward renewal of both SANE-A and SANE-P (not to mention many of your state SANE requirements), so if you’re looking at renewal, this is an obvious one.

Register for the session here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Childhood Trauma And Its Lifelong Health Effects More Prevalent Among Minorities

As I was waiting for my flight Monday I happened to catch this story about the fact that (not a surprise) childhood trauma and its health effects were more prevalent among minorities. And I received the research alert in my email from JAMA, upon which this NPR story was based (FULL-TEXT). And also this excellent blog post on the topic from PreventConnect. So suffice it to say, I present all three here for you, because it’s important, and these are our patients, now, and in the future. And because yes, we’ve pretty much suspected all of this, but here is the data.

A healthcare response to violence has to be more than just a medical-forensic response on our end. It has to be partnering with, and participating in prevention programs early on, and following up after the fact, and integrating into other community services that speak to the wide range of needs and experiences of the people for whom we care. But it also has to be the integration of our services into the greater healthcare communities in which we are situated, so it is not a handful of clinicians who understand the connection between the work we do and the health and well being of our patients over a lifetime. There should be a flow of patients between our programs and the clinics and departments of the healthcare agencies with which we are affiliated. And as much as people bristle at the idea, we should be talking about how we can bill for the healthcare services we provide–where plausible and where patient safety isn’t compromised by doing so. It’s the only way we can realistically expand and integrate our services fully, like the consultative healthcare service that we are. Without a steady funding source for the totality of the care we provide, our future is not a sustainable one.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September 2018 Edition

I had planned to post this yesterday, but I seem to have a gremlin in my Adobe Pro software right now, so apologies for the delay. I’m finally back in DC for a couple days before I head cross country to Fort Huachuca, and I desperately wanted to get this up, if for no other reason than it replenishes my reading stocks for these long flights and days that can often entail lots of sitting and waiting. As always, it’s not an exhaustive list, just what’s caught my attention in the new crop of peer-reviewed research. Several free full-text articles indicated on the list this month, so look out for those. Otherwise, all links lead to PubMed abstracts. Happy reading–lots of good stuff to occupy your time.

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

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Working Effectively with Muslim Youth and Their Families

Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center has a two-part webinar series coming up next month, Working Effectively with Muslim Youth and Their Families. Part one will be held October 11th at 1pm CT; part two will be held October 25th at at 1pm CT. From the site:

This presentation will discuss how to effectively work with Muslim youth and their families by bringing attention to potential bias, as well as providing a foundational overview of Muslim customs and practices, emphasizing the continuum of diversity of practice within the religion. Participants will leave this session with a greater understanding of Muslim demographics, globally and locally, as well as information regarding how best to engage with Muslim youth and Muslim families.

Register for the sessions here and here.

Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

New Edition of SANE Education Guidelines Now Available

Not to be confused with the new SAMFE National Training Standards published by the Department of Justice, IAFN has just released the new edition of the SANE Education Guidelines. Keep in mind, these are two completely separate and distinct documents. If you hope to be SANE-A/P certified, your education must be in line with the IAFN guidelines (although when we were working on the National Training Standards we worked hard to make sure it reflected recommendations consistent with IAFN’s education guidelines so the documents wouldn’t be at odds with one another). According to the announcement, there aren’t a host of substantive changes in the update to the education guidelines. IAFN has provided an overview on the website of the major differences between the old and new edition; they include:

  • Updated reference section
  • Evidence-based resource section
  • Competency Checklists for SANE Clinical Preceptorships
  • Links to updated Educational Planning Tables for SANE didactic courses (reflecting the 2018 Education Guidelines)
  • Addition of clearly stated Gap Analyses and Learning Outcomes (reflecting the most recent continuing nursing education standards of the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation)
  • Addition of concise Learning Objectives per section as stepping stones for reaching Learning Outcomes
  • Addition of Trauma-Informed Care and the Duffy Model of Caring® as foundational concepts

Congratulations to the workgroup on getting this updated. Job well done. Download the complete education guidelines here.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Just Released: National Training Standards for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiners (2nd Edition)

I am thrilled this is now available, as I was fortunate to work on this project–the 2nd edition of the National Training Standards for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiners (PDF) is now available. Published by OVW, it updates the original training standards, incorporating pediatric practice and the corresponding national protocols for the 1st time. Of particular importance is a note about its intended audience:

The intended audience for the National Training Standards are clinicians (registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants and physicians) who have been specially trained to provide comprehensive, specialized care to patients1 who present with known or suspected sexual assault or abuse, including the medical forensic examination, evidence collection and testimony. Patients who have experienced sexual assault and abuse have a variety of complex concerns at the time of the examination, such as safety; injury; pregnancy and disease risk; legal reporting and evidence collection options and requirements; and both short- and long-term health sequelae. For these reasons it is critically important that healthcare facilities provide specially trained examiners to properly provide care for this patient population. For communities unable to provide specially trained examiners, Appendix C outlines the training all providers should have prior to performing an examination on a patient who has been sexually assaulted or abused.

You can download a copy over at the SAFEta website.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

New Issue of Journal of Forensic Nursing

Don’t know if you saw, but the new issue of the Journal of Forensic Nursing is out and there is a lot in this edition that caught my attention. I was particularly interested in the HPV prevention article and the article looking at stigmatization of overweight/obese patients during medical-forensic exams, but there’s quite a bit that’s worth your time. Free with your IAFN membership (a lovely perk of investing your dollars in organizations with scientific journals), so go through the Member Center to access the full article; the links will only access the publisher’s abstracts.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.


Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: August 2018 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our mostly monthly romp through the peer-reviewed research. As always, this is not an exhaustive list; simply what has caught my attention upon reviewing what’s new and noteworthy–and relevant to practice. All links lead to PubMed unless otherwise specified. Enjoy!


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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Child Abuse

The Tale (A True Story of Child Sexual Abuse)

Did you see the HBO film, The Tale? I haven’t, but I was fascinated by this Fresh Air interview with the filmmaker, Jennifer Fox. It’s a pretty thorough examination of many facets of child sexual abuse (for a radio interview), and while it’s obviously not everyone’s experience of abuse, there are some fascinating revelations about other people’s reactions, the grooming behaviors used, and the filmmakers own complicated feelings about her abusers (there were two–a man and a woman, both coaches). She also speaks at length about language: survivor vs victim. If you’re in the headspace for it, it’s worth listening to the full interview:



Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

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Pediatric Strangulation Case Review and Assessment

A brand new resource is now available from IAFN: Pediatric Strangulation Case Review and Assessment. Although it’s more expensive than items I normally post, it’s such a fantastic educational opportunity, it’s hard to pass this one up. The cost is $199 for 20 CEUs (IAFN members can obtain a code for $50 off). There are also institutional access options available. From the website:

IAFN Pediatric Strangulation Case Review and Assessment is an accredited e-learning module developed by the International Association of Forensic Nurses. It contains 29 cases of living pediatric strangulation patients evaluated and treated in the medical setting, presented in conjunction with evidence-based knowledge on pediatric strangulation evaluation and treatment. 

Assess your knowledge acquisition through review of:

  • Definitions and terminology
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Manner and associated signs & symptoms
  • CE post-testing: 20 credits 


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: July 2018 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Noite, our monthly romp through the new peer-reviewed literature. As usual, it’s not exhaustive–just the articles that have caught my attention and feel relevant to our practice. It feels like there’s a lot of good stuff to be found in this month’s roundup–I encourage you to spend some time wandering around the list. With the exception of a few noted citations, all links lead to PubMed abstracts.

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

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Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Clinical Guide Update

Summer can be kind of slow in the webinar department, so I am trying to take advantage of the lull and get the clinical guides updated. As that happens, I will date them so it’s easy to tell. First up: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting.


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.