Child Abuse

Consent for Kids

I’m just going to go ahead and leave this here (although feel free to share with some of our politicians…)

{By @BlueSeatStudios; h/t NSVRC}

Child Abuse

Trauma Informed Care of Immigrant and Refugee Children

The National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse has a webinar coming up next month: Trauma Informed Care of Immigrant and Refugee Children. The session will be held November 16th from 1-2:30 pm ET. CMEs will be available for physicians (sadly, with all of the nursing representation in this organization, they still aren’t offering CEUs for us, but a girl can hope). Click through for available details:

From the email (no session description available):

Learning Objectives:

  1. Examine the effects of trauma on immigrant children
  2. Discuss mental health screening of immigrant children
  3. Discuss strengths based approaches to build resilience and heal trauma
  4. Learn how to utilize the medical home/care coordination models to more effectively meet the unique needs of immigrant children and families.

Featured Speakers:

Andrea Green, MD, Director of the Pediatric New American Clinic at UVM Children’s Hospital

Cathleen Kelley, MSW, LCSW, Pediatric New American Clinic at UVM Children’s Hospital

Register here.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: October 2016

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our (mostly) monthly look at what’s new and noteworthy in the peer-reviewed literature. Click through for the active-linked Word doc and the printer-friendly PDF. As always, please provide attribution if you distribute either or use the information for other than personal purposes.


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Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Digital Photodocumentation Techniques

A reader asked me about forensic photography education geared towards pediatric practice. Good news–the Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center has an online course, Digital Photodocumentation Techniques. It’s available on-demand, so you can take it at any time. Click through for details:

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: August/September 2016 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, our (almost) monthly guide to what’s new and interesting (to me) in the peer-reviewed literature. Click through to find both the printer-friendly PDF and the Word doc with active hyperlinks. As always, please provide attribution if you reproduce any portion of this or share with others–a lot of work goes into compiling these.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Pediatric Sexual Assault Examiner (Web-Based)

The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project is offering the pediatric sexual assault nurse examiner course online. Registration is free to providers from IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian health care facilities. Providers from referral facilities that serve American Indian or Alaska Native victims of sexual abuse are also eligible to attend at no cost. If you’ve been hoping to expand your existing practice to peds, this is a great opportunity.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 8-8-16

Just returned from teaching in Newport, RI, and I’m now happily home for 2 whole weeks. Of course, I have a trial next week, and my kiddo heads back to CLE for school this weekend, but between now and then my folks will be here, and I will squeeze out every minute I can with the girl child. There’s plenty to capture the attention online, but we’ve been streaming Olympic coverage during most of our free time. Still, a few things have caught my attention since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Identifying and Responding to Urban Refugees’ Risks of Gender-Based Violence

Sorry I missed you all yesterday, but it simply got away from me. I’m heading to Ft. Drum tomorrow, so it should be a fun week. One of the things I will be reading on the plane is a new series from the Women’s Refugee Commission on gender-based violence: Identifying and Responding to Urban Refugees’ Risks of Gender-Based Violence. There are multiple papers for review, including those addressing LGBTI refugees and those with disabilities. Click through for more information:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: July 2016 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly walk through what’s new and noteworthy in the peer-reviewed literature. As always, this is not an exhaustive review, but a list of what’s caught my eye and feels relevant to my own (and hopefully your) practice. Click through for a print-friendly PDF or the Word doc with live links. Please provide attribution if you share or use any portion:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-25-16

I worked all weekend (more on the fruits of that labor coming soon), so my list is a bit paltry this week. Plus I needed a break from the lunacy of the s#@%show that is American politics, so I largely avoided the interwebs (and watched a marathon of West Wing last night instead, in hopes that President Bartlet might run for another term). Still, a few things caught my eye. Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse

Making the Most of Your Medical Team Expertise for Physical Abuse Evaluations

Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center is hosting an upcoming webinar, Making the Most of Your Medical Team Expertise for Physical Abuse Evaluations. The session will be held August 11th from 1-2:30pm CT. CME is available for physicians (sorry, doesn’t appear to be any CEUs for nurses). Click through for details:

Child Abuse Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Worthwhile Read: License to Betray

{Don’t forget, we have a giveaway going on through Friday, July 8th, noon ET!}

I’m finishing up vacation with the family, and the beach summons. So I leave you with this compelling long read from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, License to Betray: Doctors and Sex Abuse. To give you a taste:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Nursing Assessment of the Female Genitalia

{Don’t forget, we have a giveaway going on through Friday, July 8th, noon ET!}

UT Health and the TX chapter of IAFN are offering a webinar series. The first one is coming up July 21st at 7:00am CT (!): Nursing Assessment of Female Genitalia, featuring Jamie Ferrell. One CEU will be provided. Cost is $15 for IAFN members/$25 for non-members. Details for the session are forthcoming.

Updated description: 

The forensic nurse must have expert knowledge of assessment findings with no room for error in interpretation. This webinar will provide the forensic nurse with advanced knowledge of normal, abnormal, and abnormal normal findings when assessing the female genitalia including appropriate and accurate use of terminology and documentation. After attending this event the forensic nurse will be more competent and confident in the nursing assessment of female genitalia during the forensic examination.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Paper Tigers

Has anyone seen the film Paper Tigers yet? I really want to see it, and I’d love to hear from folks who already have. It doesn’t have the kind of distribution that makes it easy to go see, but you can host a screening or buy the film (hard copy or digital) for educational purposes. Click through for info about the film:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

HIV PEP in Pre Pubertal Patients

IAFN has a new session in their online learning center: HIV PEP in Pre Pubertal Patients. The better news is that until 30 June, it will only cost members $10 to participate (which includes 1 CEU credit). Click through for all the details:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 6-20-16

It was lovely to spend the weekend outdoors, with my spouse and kid–we managed to get the kayaks on the water yesterday, there was grilling, dog walking, and many treats from our local farmers market. Very cathartic after these last several weeks. I’m headed out west to give a few talks (Jackson Hole, with a brief stopover in Eagle, CO) tomorrow morning, so we’ll see what the week brings here on the site. Until then, here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: May/June 2016 Edition

With everything that’s happened in the last 6 weeks, I’ve gotten a bit behind in a few areas, including FHO. So this is a pretty robust Articles of Note, with lots to peruse. I was particularly pleased to see so many familiar faces among the authors in this round. Click through for the Word doc with live links, and the more sharable PDF. Attribution, please, if you distribute or alter.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 5-16-16

Once again I am looking at a week that is not my own, albeit for very different reasons than last. A lot of time away from home, but with built-in periods of surfable time, I was at least assured of getting today’s post up. Here’s what provided some momentary distraction since last we spoke:

Child Abuse

UPDATED: Adverse Childhood Experiences Clinical Guide

I have updated the ACEs clinical guide with some new offerings from the CDC, including updated ACEs journal articles by topic and presentation graphics. Enjoy!

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Webinar on The National Protocol for Sexual Abuse Medical Forensic Examinations: Pediatric

As I mentioned last week, the new National Protocol for Sexual Abuse Medical Forensic Examinations: Pediatric is now available. Over at the KidsTA site, they will be hosting a webinar to officially introduce the document to the professional community. The session will be held June 16th at 3:30pm ET. Click through for details: