I’m getting ready to head to Austin, where I hope I will see many of you at this year’s SANE-SART Conference. However, right now it is time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the late April/May/June issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. There’s also one free, full-text publication from NIJ, so keep an eye out for that one.
Category: DV/IPV
Safety Planning
The Family Justice Center Alliance is hosting a webinar on safety planning, May 26th from 9-10:30 am PT. Participation is free, but advanced registration is required.
A Survivor’s Journey
Don’t forget we have a new giveaway going on here at FHO. Just answer the question to be in the running for a copy of Medical Response to Child Sexual Abuse.
Please join Futures Without Violence for a free webinar May 10th at 1pm ET, A Survivor’s Journey: Understanding the Health Impact of Abuse and Paths to Promote Wellness.
Don’t forget we have a new giveaway going on here at FHO. Just answer the question to be in the running for a copy of Medical Response to Child Sexual Abuse.
AEquitas is offering a couple webinars this month. The one that is probably of widest interest is the webinar being held May 27th from 2-03:30 pm ET: Gang-Related Violence Against Women and Girls. From the site:
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is right around the corner (May 8th), and there are plenty of ways to recognize the important women in your life while also benefiting some worthy organizations. If you are looking for something special, check out some of these ideas:

The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence has a cool new teen dating project, td411.org. The site offers multimedia information on healthy dating and electronic victimization, with several interactive areas and a variety of resources (not limited to Connecticut). What’s more, there are iPhone and Android apps also available. Definitely worth checking out and passing along.
Time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the late March/April/May (and in 1 case, July–go figure) issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. There is definitely something for everyone in this month’s review–lots of really good stuff in the literature. And a couple of the articles have free full text availability, so keep an eye out for the FULL-TEXT designation.
Immigrants and Domestic Violence
Casa de Esperanza has a webinar coming up next week– Immigrants and Domestic Violence: Accessing Services, Systems and Support. The session will be held on April 27th from 2-3:15 pm CT and is free of charge.
IPV Identification; and Also, Excuses

This is Rainey. She’s my new niece and she’s to blame for me not finishing this month’s Articles of Note. What can I say…priorities.
As an olive branch, I offer you one of the more interesting articles published in the last month: Intimate Partner Violence Identification and Response: Time for a Change in Strategy (Rhodes, et al., Journal of General Internal Medicine). Since it was available as a full text article on-line, I’m posting it as such here (PDF).
Reproductive Coercion
PreventConnect‘s latest newsletter features a podcast with researcher Dr. Elizabeth Miller focusing on reproductive coercion and the implications for primary prevention of teen dating violence and sexual violence. You can listen to the 16 minute piece here.
This Thursday, April 7th, if you’re in the DC area, consider attending a congressional lunch briefing sponsored by the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse. Please note, registration for the event is required.
Intimate Partner Stalking
Last minute post–sorry! AEquitas will be hosting a webinar March 11th from 2-3:30 pm ET, Intimate Partner Stalking: An Overview. Join my AEQ partner, Jeff Greipp and Michelle Garcia from the Stalking Resource Center for the 1st of 4 sessions focusing on stalking.
The Disposable Woman
It’s been a long, but very satisfying week of training with the military, so I’m a bit exhausted today. That being said, I leave you to your weekend with a NY Times OpEd piece about our collective devaluing of women in popular media and our general tolerance for gender-based violence depending on the perpetrator. A fantastic read. Really, it’s about all I can manage today.
Off to Philly Monday for a repeat of this week…
When the Batterer is Law Enforcement
JWI’s National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse is hosting a webinar, March 10th at 12pm: When the Batterer is Law Enforcement. Jan Russell from the Cook County Sherrif’s Office (Chicago) will be the featured speaker.
I failed to get one of these done last month, so consider this a dual post: time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the late January/February/March/early April issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.
I promised my dear friend Jan Langbein that I would make mention of the upcoming multidisciplinary Conference on Crimes Against Women, March 28-30 in Dallas, TX. We will actually be putting on a forensic healthcare track this year for the 1st time (I’ll be accompanied by the always fabulous Jennifer Pierce-Weeks and Tara Henry), with topics including examining victims of rape homicides and providing expert testimony. Nuirsing CEUs will be provided, and the Honorable Cindy Dyer (former Director of OVW) will be the keynote. Should be a great offering.
A last minute addition to the webinar calendar: Break the Cycle is hosting a webinar February 23rd at 1pm ET, in support of Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month. Know More, Say More: A Conversation About Teen Dating Violence is free, but registration will be limited to 100 participants.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline and the Family Violence Prevention Fund released a report today on birth control sabotage and pregnancy coercion. One in 4, my friends. That’s the number of callers to the National Hotline reporting this as an aspect of the abuse in their relationships. Another reason to think expansively when we screen for violence–particularly sexual violence.
Greetings from Camp Lejeune, and apologies for my absence at the end of last week. Sometimes there’s simply *no* way to keep up. Particularly with the travel schedule I am slogging through right now. But enough of that–let’s talk campus sexual assault.
I don’t often link to other blogs at FHO, but my friend and AEQ colleague, Rhonda Martinson, mentioned Casey Gwinn’s post over at the Family Justice Center Alliance site, and all I can say is, Amen.
“Hunker down” is not a vision statement. No organization that aspires to simply survive is going to attract excitement, community buy-in, and donors.
Read the whole post here.