This Sunday is the Super Bowl here in the US, and this event’s relationship to domestic violence seems to crop up every year. The Family Violence Prevention Fund has addressed it over at their site, including some talking points for people who field questions on the subject.
Category: DV/IPV
Teen Dating Violence

(Image from That’s Not Cool)
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention month. In honor of this, NCJRS has a dedicated page on publications and resources specifically on the topic. Also check out Break the Cycle’s site; CDC’s Choose Respect site; and the RWJ initiative, Start Strong’s project site for more specific tools and resources.
Men in the Movement
The Oregon Men Against Violence Initiative is hosting a webinar, Men in the Movement: Risk, Rewards and Complexities. The webinar will be held February 2nd from 11-12:30 PT. It’s a great opportunity to have a conversation about men’s roles in preventing and responding to violence against women. Patrick Lemmon (disclosure: I’m a big fan) and Ben Atherton Zeman will be the featured speakers. You can register for the session here.
Department of Defense Response to IPV
BWJP is hosting a free webinar, The Department of Defense Response to Intimate Partner Violence. The webinar will be held February 10th from 3-4:30 ET, but registration closes February 8th, so plan ahead.
Time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the late December 2010/January 2011 issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.
FVPF has reissued an updated Compendium of State Statutes and Policies on Domestic Violence and Healthcare (PDF). You can view the webinar slides related to the Compendium that took place at the end of September here (PDF).
JWI’s National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse is hosting a webinar January 11th from 12-1pm ET, Domestic Violence: Its Impact on the Workplace. The webinar is free, but preregistration is necessary. The discussion will be led by Kim Wells, Executive Director of the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence; Jane Randel, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications & Brand Services for Liz Claiborne Inc.; and Jeremy Bruce, Manager, Employee Relations for Verizon Wireless.
BWJP, NRCDV and NNEDV are co-hosting two more webinars in their series, Military Experience, Trauma and Intimate Partner Violence. The 1st is January 12th from 2-3:30: Challenges Faced by Female Veterans. The speakers will be Anu Bhagwati, Executive Director, and Rachel Natelson, Legal Adviser, Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN). You can register for it here.
Time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the late November/December/January issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.
I have included both an embedded list of this month’s articles AND the usual Scribd list (for those of you who want a print out). Sorry for the length of the posting, but this should hopefully meet everyone’s needs.
The Family Violence Prevention Fund is offering a 2nd webinar on healthcare leadership, Building Health Care Leadership: A Systems Advocacy Approach to Addressing Domestic Violence in the Health Care System. The 1st was offered in July; however, this will not just be a replaying of the original, but an interactive original session. The session will be held December 3rd from 11-12:30 pm PT. You can register here.
Batterer Intervention Programs
I frequently get asked to comment on the efficacy of batterer intervention programs when I teach on the subject of domestic violence. The truth is, this is pretty far outside my scope of practice, so I can’t offer much on the topic, except to refer people to some of my colleagues who do the work. Now, however, there’s a new report that speaks to the issue, for those of you who are interested.
Time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the October/November/December issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal. For those of you wanting the word doc, drop me a note.
Happy Forensic Nurses Week, everyone. Hopefully you are coming up with some creative ways of honoring colleagues (or, you know, yourself–always good, too). Today, I am pleased to share a new webinar series presented by NCVC’s Stalking Resource Center: Stalking in the Workplace. The series will provide 3 webinars on the subject, all free of charge. The 1st in the series begins next week.
Domestic Violence and the Military
The Family Justice Center Alliance is sponsoring a free webinar, Tuesday, November 11th at 9am PT: Domestic Violence and the Military. Deborah Tucker, Executive Director of the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, will be the featured speaker.
Allow me to first say, what a fantastic week in Pittsburgh. Definitely one of the best Assemblies yet. And for all of you new readers just making our acquaintance here at FHO, welcome to our wonky little site. I was thrilled to see so many new subscribers pop up in the last 5 days. BTW, if you haven’t been getting your daily emails, please remember you have to click on the link Feedburner sends you after you sign up in order to activate the subscription. If you didn’t see the link in your inbox, check your spam filter.
JWI’s National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse has a new webinar coming up November 4th from 12-1 pm ET. Lt. Mark Wynn, always a fantastic speaker, will be talking about domestic violence intervention and investigation. Preregistration is required.
Time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the September/October/November issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal. For those of you wanting the word doc, drop me a note.
Don’t forget, there’s still time to enter our latest giveaway. Just leave a Comment here to be eligible for the drawing.
Amigas Latinas, in conjunction with Casa de Esperanza and NRCDV, is hosting a webinar October 26th from 2-3:30pm CT, Examining the Prevalence of Domestic Violence Among LBTQQ Latinas in Chicago: A National Model. The webinar is free, but advanced registration is required.
Lethality Assessment Protocol
The Family Justice Center Alliance is hosting a webinar on the Lethality Assessment Protocol: The Maryland Model Implemented in Strafford County. The session is scheduled for October 14th from 9-10:30 PT. You can register for the session here.
Film maker Peter Cohn is making his documentary Power and Control: Domestic Violence in America available for free viewing in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I haven’t watched it yet, but I absolutely will–would love to get people’s feedback if they’ve seen it already.