
Building Effective Reponses to Military-Related Victims of IPV

BWJP has another good webinar coming up: Building Effective Responses to Military-Related Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. The session will be held October 19th from 3-4:30pm ET. Registration is free, but ends 10/17, so make sure you don’t wait til the last minute. BTW, you can read about the Department of Defense’s domestic violence response plan here.


DV Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and you can find resources in several places (I’d recommend checking out NRCDV’s DV Awareness Project for materials and events; the President’s Proclamation can be found here). October 13th is Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day and I’ll be looking to this site to see what people are doing to commemorate it. On that day I will be giving a couple talks to some fantastic folks in Ft. Bend, TX (a couple hundred of them, actually), which I’m pretty geeked about. I always like having an official talk to deliver on days like this–it gives me an added platform to actually discuss violence as more than just a criminal justice issue.

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Safety Planning with Victims of Abuse in Later Life

In their continuing series on women’s experiences with sexual and domestic violence, BWJP is offering a webinar October 7th from 4-5:30 ET: Safety Planning with Victims of Abuse in Later Life. Participation is free, but registration closes on October 5th, so make sure to plan ahead for this one. Although it does not specifically mention healthcare professionals as a target audience, this is a topic near and dear to our hearts, and I am going to assume there will be some great info coming out of this session.


Reproductive Coercion & Partner Violence

JWI and their National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse are hosting a webinar October 7th from 12-1 pm ET, Reproductive Coercion and Partner Abuse: A New Study on Unintended Pregnancy. Dare I say it, but it would appear that these webinars are now free, as long as you’re not looking for social work CEs. You can register here.

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Training Professionals in Prevention of Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence

The CDC has published a new guide, Training Professionals in the Primary Prevention of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence: a Planning Guide (PDF). The guide includes a section on training healthcare providers, and it’s full of useful tools and resources.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Virtual Knowledge Center to End Violence Against Women & Girls

UNIFEM has created the Virtual Knowledge Center to End Violence Against Women and Girls that is certainly worth perusing. From the looks of the site, there are still multiple modules yet to come (including one on health and another on justice), but to date there are several live modules, and it’s beautifully searchable.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September Edition

I’m running off to Maxwell AFB, and then back to DC for the week, but before I go, time once again for this month’s edition of Articles of Note. All of these are from the August/September/October issues and electronic previews. Please note, we have one full-text article available this month, and a link to an entire journal, which is new. Trust me, you’ll want to check it out if your interests veer toward elder abuse. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Most links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.

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Odds and Ends Tuesday

I have several things piling up in my odds and ends file, so I thought I’d take the time to put a few of them out there. Today’s a bit of a disjointed day as I try to play catch up from the month of August, so while I was hoping to get a September Articles of Note up, I’m afraid that will have to wait until later in the week. However, stay tuned, because we also have a new giveaway coming up soon from our friends at GW Medical.


Providing Health Services in Domestic Violence Programs

Another good webinar in the FVPF‘s healthcare series: Providing Health Services to Survivors in Domestic Violence Programs. The session will be held October 6th from 11-12:30 PT. This series is free, but preregistration is required. The speakers have not yet been announced at this time.

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Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been an amazing week here in DC, as we have just finished up the inaugural offering of our National Institute for the Prosecution of Domestic Violence II, which took our first DV course to an entirely new level. But that has left all of us exhausted and slightly bewildered: we’ll be starting over again next week with a sexual violence institute for the Army and Air Force. Happily, I was able to (mostly) able to keep up with postings for the week:


Building DV Health Care Responses in Indian Country

The Family Violence Prevention Fund is hosting a webinar on building domestic violence health care responses in Indian country (scroll down to the 3rd entry). The webinar will be held September 21st from 11-12:30 PT and is free of charge. You can read about the report generated from the project on which this session is based here.

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Articles of Note: August Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the July/August issues and electronic previews. It’s a bit brief this month, but there’s some good stuff, particularly on DFSA. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.

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Request for Assistance

A request from Terry Cintron:

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for a Masters of Science in Nursing Administration and Education through Mountain State University I am currently conducting a content analysis. The content analysis will examine questions on sexual assault interview forms which are used throughout the United States. The primary focus of the analysis will be to assess forms for questions associated with previous sexual assault, domestic violence and childhood sexual assault or abuse. Forms will be compared for question revision and updated information.

In providing the sexual assault interview form the response will remain confidential; no individual, hospital, organization, city or state will be identified. A number will be assigned to each form as a code only for the purpose of indentifying the form. The information generated from the content analysis will assist in the development of future interview forms for victims of sexual assault.

If it is feasible to provide the form please contact me at the email address listed and I will provide either a confidential fax number or my mail address.

If you should have any questions please contact me at the email address provided. Email address: Thank you for your time and consideration.


Building Domestic Violence Health Care Responses in Indian Country

This month, the Family Violence Prevention Fund, in collaboration with Mending the Sacred Hoop Technical Assistance Project and Sacred Circle, released a new report, Building Domestic Violence Health Care Responses in Indian Country: A Promising Practices Report. The report “documents dramatic improvements in the health system’s response to domestic violence at Indian, Tribal and Urban health care facilities across the United States…The new report offers a series of recommendations to continue the progress and ensure that many more American Indian/Alaska Native domestic violence victims get the help that they need when they seek medical care at clinics and hospitals.” [reported here]

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PreventConnect Newsletter

If you aren’t on the mailing list for CalCASA’s Prevention Connection newsletter, you probably should make that happen. It’s a worthwhile email every time. I was especially enamored with this month’s newlstter because it satisfies the wonkiest parts of me: a podcast with Amanda Hess, whose column, The Sexist you can read at the Washington City Paper (available online for all of you non-DC folks); a research podcast with TK Logan and Jody Raphael on the misuse of rape statistics.

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Weekly Wrap-Up & New Report on Anti-LGBTQ Hate Violence

I’m back in the CLE for about a minute, before I head on to DC and then Portland (OR) for the week. Before I go, a couple things worth mentioning. First up is the newly released report on anti-LGBTQ hate violence, published by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (PDF). Click here for the short-attention span, media release overview.

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Sexual and Domestic Violence in Later Life

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that NSVRC had a collection on sexual violence in later life. Now, VAWNet has an expanded collection on sexual and domestic violence in later life that’s worth checking out. Aside from an overview and a look at some of the current research, there are also a variety of training materials available in the collection, and some healthcare specific resources, as well.

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Reproductive Justice & Violence Against Women

I’m a bit late getting this up (pesky vacation!), but since we’re on an article tear here at FHO this week, here’s a compilation worth checking out. VAWNet has a new section on Reproductive Justice and Violence Against Women: Understanding the Intersections. From the site: “Reproductive justice is an analytical framework or theory, a movement, and a practice that works to protect and guarantee women’s rights and the full achievement of human rights. The term “reproductive justice” was claimed and coined by women of color as a result of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development hosted in Cairo. It integrates reproductive health with social justice and human rights. The term reproductive justice represents a holistic view that acknowledges diverse factors that intersect in multiple ways to affect women and their reproductive rights.”

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: July Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note. All of these are from the June/July issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.


Systems Advocacy Approach to Addressing Domestic Violence in Health Care

The Family Violence Prevention Fund has a webinar scheduled for the end of the month, Building Health Care Leadership: A Systems Advocacy Approach to Addressing Domestic Violence in the Health Care System. It’s scheduled for July 29th, 11-12pm PT. The session is free; register for it here.