RN.org has several new CE offerings available that might be of interest to readers. It’s a flat $19.95 for unlimited CEs (in a 12 month period), and they offer some of the state mandated courses, as well as a general selection. That’s actually a pretty fantastic value for the money–something to consider springing for if you just don’t have the budget to send your team members to conferences this year.
Category: DV/IPV
Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. All of these are from the August/September issues. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. All links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal. The list is alphabetical by journal.
Universal Screening for IPV
The IPV world is a bit up in arms right now with the publication of JAMA’s recent study that universal screening doesn’t improve health outcomes or reduce violence. Not everyone is praising this study, and I think there are reasons to look at it critically. However, in the process of doing so, if you’d like to earn yourself a little CE credit, Medscape has an offering right now based on the article (physicians net 0.25 credits for completing the article and posttest).
CROWD has a really terrific powerpoint on gynecological consideration in treating women with physical disabilities. I post it here because it’s a great overview of some of the exam techniques that can be useful (a consideration for those of us completing SAFE exams); challenges in identifying STIs and other GYN issues in this population; and potential red flags for physical and sexual abuse. The slides are accompanied by detailed notes, making the whole thing a great educational tool.
Clinical Guide: Strangulation and DV
Related: see the clinical guide on Alternate Light Source (II): Subclinical Bruising for additional references on strangulation and use of ALS in these cases.
Recorded Webinars:
The Lethality of Strangulation in the Adult Patient (J. Markowitz & J. Pierce-Weeks, 6/13)
The Lethality of Strangulation in Pediatric Patients (J. Markowitz & J. Pierce-Weeks, 6/13)
Coercive Control
JWI is hosting a new webinar September 3rd from 12-1pm, The Coercive Control Model: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life. Cost for the session is $25 (but free for members). Pre-registration is required. Dr. Evan Stark, Professor and Chair, Department of Urban Health Administration, Rutgers University, “will discuss what adapting a coercive control model implies for intervention, shelters, forensic evidence and criminal law, etc.”
Domestic Violence Podcast
Advance for Nurses has a 4-part podcast available on domestic violence. You can listen to all of it free of charge, but the 2 CEU credits will cost you $15. This offering satisfies the Florida nursing licensure requirement, but the content is not state-specific.
Injury & Terminology
Friend of FHO, Diana Faugno, will be the featured speaker for the next Family Justice Alliance webinar, August 13th at 9am Pacific: Injury & Terminology 101 in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Participation is free, but pre-registration is suggested. This is a great opportunity to provide continuing education for your team, or help bring your newbies up to speed, so I would get yourselves registered ASAP. The good news is that they archive all of their webinars, so if the date doesn’t work for you, you’ll still be able to access the information. But experiencing it live means you get to ask questions…I’m just saying.
UPDATE: you can find a PDF of the presentation here; video here.
Teen Dating Violence
Yesterday, I received an email from a reader looking for materials on teen dating violence. There are several sites addressing this issue right now. One is That’s Not Cool, which does a great job speaking directly to teens about stalking, harassment and violence. There’s also Break the Cycle, which has a boatload of free resources that would be great to have on hand as patient handouts (in English and Spanish), including safety planning workbooks for teens and for college students (PDF). They also publish a report on state laws each year–you can see how your state measures up here (OH gets an F) or download the full report (PDF).
Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. All of these are from the July/August/September issues. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. All links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.
Two New Courses from Witness Justice
Witness Justice has 2 new courses available. The first is Cultural Competency, which “covers how culturally appropriate and effective services can be created and provided by professionals in the domestic violence community and the importance of mastering culturally sensitive attitudes, skills, and behaviors.”
The second course is Working with Undocumented Survivors, which “will address specific issues for undocumented survivors of domestic violence. Special attention will be placed on the unique needs and considerations of immigrants.”
Registration is required, but participation is free.
Starting a Family Justice Center
Gael Strack and Casey Gwinn (Family Justice Center Alliance) will be presenting a webinar August 6th at 9am Pacific on starting a family justice center in your community. Participation is free, but preregistration is required.
Everything can be looked at in economic terms, including violence. It’s important info to have at your disposal, because it can strengthen a grant proposal or negotiations with your healthcare system for an FTE or program. Enough’s been written on the subject that I figured it would be good to review the literature. I’ve chosen to focus mainly on the costs of violence against women. [UPDATE: You can find financial cost of child abuse here.] Unless otherwise indicated, everything listed is full text (if it wasn’t available free online, you’ll have a link to free abstracts). I’m organizing these by pub date, with most recent at the beginning:
Overview of Studies on the Costs of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (PDF) (Council of Europe, Gender Equality and Violence Against Women Division, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law)
An Estimation of the Economic Impact of Spousal Violence in Canada, 2009 (PDF) (Department of Justice Canada)
Cost of Injury Reports Application from the CDC has been updated. Using the WISQARS database, the applications allows you to “find cost of injury estimates for fatal or nonfatal injuries classified either by intent and mechanism or by body region and nature of injury”. From the site:
Important Updates: In addition to allowing user-provided data to be integrated into the cost estimation process, this new version of Cost of Injury Reports incorporates three basic changes, effective 04/25/2012:
Updated unit (per person) work loss cost estimates: These updated unit work loss cost estimates affect total and average work loss cost estimates for both fatal and nonfatal injuries. For further details regarding this update, click here.
Corrected unit medical cost estimates: These corrected unit medical cost estimates affect total and average medical cost estimates for nonfatal emergency department treated-and-released injuries. Cost estimates for fatal injuries and for nonfatal hospitalized injuries are not affected by this correction. For further details regarding this update, click here.
Average costs: For reports involving injury deaths classified by body region and/or nature of injury, average costs are now expressed per person (similar to the averages for all other types of injury outcomes and classification schemes). Such averages were previously expressed in terms of apportioned cases. For further details regarding this update, click here.
Violence Containment Spending in the United States (FULL TEXT)
Institute for Economics and Peace
The Economic Costs of Partner Violence and the Cost-Benefit of Civil Protection Orders.
Logan, T.K., Walker, R., and Hoyt, W. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2012 Apr;27(6): 1137-54
Costs and Consequences of Sexual Violence and Cost-Effective Solutions
National Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Social and economic costs of violence–workshop summary
Deepali M. Patel and Rachel M. Taylor, Rapporteurs; Forum on Global Violence Prevention; Institute of Medicine
Varcoe, C., et al. (Canadian study)
The healthcare costs of domestic and sexual violence (fact sheet).
Futures Without Violence, updated March 2010
Changes in health care costs over time following the cessation of intimate partner violence.
Fishman PA, Bonomi AE, Anderson ML, Reid RJ, Rivara FP.
J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Sep;25(9):920-5. Epub 2010 Apr 23.
A review of cost measures for the economic impact of domestic violence.
Chan KL, Cho EY.
Trauma Violence Abuse. 2010 Jul;11(3):129-43.
Health care utilization and costs associated with physical
and nonphysical-only intimate partner violence.
Bonomi AE, Anderson ML, Rivara FP, Thompson RS. Health Serv Res. 2009 Jun;44(3):1052-67. Epub 2009 Mar 17.
Hidden Costs in Health Care: The Economic Impact of Violence and Abuse
Dolezal, T.et al. Academy on Violence & Abuse
Intimate Partner Violence: High Costs to Households and Communities
International Center for Research on Women
See also: Bonomi & Corso’s presentation at AVA, 2009
Methods for estimating medical expenditures attributable to intimate partner violence.
Brown DS, et al.
J Interpers Violence. 2008 Dec;23(12):1747-66
Cost of Sexual Violence in Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Health
The Effects and Costs of Intimate Partner Violence for Work Organizations
Reeves, C. & O’Leary-Kelly, A.M.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 22, No. 3, 327-344
The effect of intimate partner violence on health care costs and utilization for children living in the home. (FULL TEXT)
Rivara FP, Anderson ML, Fishman P, Bonomi AE et al.
Pediatrics 2007;120(6):1270-7.
Phaedra S. Corso, et al.
Am J Prev Med 2007;32(6)
Browne-Miller, A., Transforming Communities: Technical Assistance, Training and Resource Center (TC-TAT)
The welfare cost of violence across countries
Soares, R.R.
Journal of Health Economics, 25(5), September 2006, Pages 821-846
Long-term costs of intimate partner violence in a sample of female HMO enrollees.
Jones AS, et al.
Womens Health Issues. 2006 Sep-Oct;16(5):252-61.
A Considerable Sacrifice: The Costs of Sexual Violence in the U. S. Armed Forces
Hansen, C. The Miles Foundation
The costs of interpersonal violence—an international review
Waters, H.R., et al.
Health Policy, 73(3) 8 September 2005, pp 303-315
Gender-Based Violence: A Price Too High
From: UNFPA State of World Population 2005
United Nations Population Fund
The Economic Dimensions of Interpersonal Violence
Waters, H., et al., World Health Organization
The economic toll of intimate partner violence against women in the United States.
Max, W. et al.
Violence Vict. 2004 Jun;19(3):259-72.
Economic Costs of Domestic Violence
Laing, L. & Bobic, N., Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse, University of New South Wales
The Rape Tax: Tangible and Intangible Costs of Sexual Violence
Post, L.A., et al.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 17, No. 7, 773-782 (2002)
Intimate partner violence against women: do victims cost health plans more?
Wisner, C.L., et al.
J Fam Pract. 1999 Jun;48(6):439-43
Costs of health care use by women HMO members with a history of childhood abuse and neglect.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999 Jul;56(7):609-13.
Walker EA, Unutzer J, Rutter C, Gelfand A, Saunders K,
VonKorff M, Koss MP, Katon W.
The Cost of Violence/Stress at Work and the Benefits of a Violence/Stress-Free Work Environment
Hoel, H., et al. International Labour Organization
BONUS TOOL (I can’t speak to validity or reliability, but it’s a cool concept)
Batterers in the Workplace
The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence has a webinar series as part of their S2 intiative–the next one is at the end of August and I’ll post on it soon. For now, check out the previous one, held at the end of May, on batterers in the workplace. The whole session is available on line, as are the materials from the presenters. You can also find a variety of info on this topic from the Articles section of the website, much of which is full-text.
UPDATE: The August session closed out before I could even get it posted. I will try and get the archived material up as soon as it’s available.
Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. Most of these are from the June/July/August issues. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Most links lead to PubMed abstracts (except for one, which goes to Ingenta); from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.
Just a warning: it’s a lengthy list this month. There’s all kinds of good stuff being published right now…
The Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum is sponsoring a webinar on June 30th from 12-1pm Pacific. Enhancing Safety Planning for Survivors of Domestic Violence Using Risk Analysis and Lethality Assessment “will offer a practical and effective approach to understanding and managing the complexity of safety-planning for victims and survivors of domestic violence. It will focus on risk analysis and assessing for lethality of situation as critical steps in developing a safety plan. The webinar will also include special considerations for safety-planning for Asian battered women, such as the presence of multiple perpetrators in the home.” Participation is free, but space is limited, so register in advance if you plan to attend.
UPDATE: You can view the presentation slides here.
OVC is hosting a web forum June 24th at 2pm on best practices for assisting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexed, and queer (LGBTIQ) survivors of violence. As with other OVC web forums, questions are submitted in advance and then discussed live during the foum. For information on how to participate click here. You can view previous web forum discussions here.
The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect is hosting a Virtual Issues Discussion (VID), beginning June 15th through the 22nd. The discussion will specifically be on Approaches to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. Advanced registration is required. You can see a list of presenters and access supplemental materials here.
Expert Witnesses
I’m in Boise, Idaho this week speaking at their 2 Days in June conference (with the fantastic Doug Miles, one of my favorite traveling companions). One of the topics we’re presenting is Using Experts in DV and Sexual Assault Cases. I’ve actually written on the topic before, in a monograph for NDAA: The Role of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners in the Prosecution of Domestic Violence Cases. My friend and new boss, Jennifer Long, formerly of NDAA, wrote a related monograph in that series: Introducing Expert Testimony to Explain Victim Behavior in Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Cases. You can download both of them (along with the rest of the monographs in that series) here. Yes, they’re written for lawyers, but I think there’s valuable info there for anyone working as an expert in these types of cases.
And if you’re attending 2 Days in June, please come by and say hello!
HRSA’s Maternal Child Health Bureau has an archived webinar on the intersection of HIV/AIDS and violence against women, originally presented last spring. You can view the offering with slides and audio, or download an MP3 to listen to on your iPod later on. There are also transcripts of the session available. These guys put on a great array of webinars–a lot of topics not being presented frequently that are truly clinically relevant. Now if they would just start offering CEs with them…