Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: June Edition

Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. Most of these are from the June/July issues; I have included a couple articles electronically available now in anticipation of print publication, as well (all from the last 4 weeks). As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. All links lead to PubMed abstracts (unless there isn’t one for that article); from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.


Long Term Consequences of Domestic Violence

The Family Justice Center Alliance‘s next webinar is June 4th at 9am Pacific. The Long Term Consequences of Domestic Violence will be presented by Dr. Ellen Taliaferro. Preregistration is recommended. The site describes the webinar as follows:

Domestic violence has been associated with many different types of health problems, ranging from serious injury and death due to trauma to anxiety, depression, and suicide.  The list of reported health consequences for the victim is long and includes:

  • Chronic pain syndromes, such as chronic pelvic pain, headaches, and functional GI disorders
  • Gynecological problems, including STDs, exposure to HIV, and unwanted pregnancies because of unprotected coerced sexual activity by the battering partner
  • Pregnancy-related problems, such as prenatal fetal injury, complications of pregnancy, or presentation in labor without prenatal care

Management of Domestic Violence

Physicians: The Virtual Lecture Hall has the mother of all online DV continuing education courses: Current Management of Domestic Violence–Responding to IPV. For $20 a credit, you can earn up to 16 AMA/PRA Category 1 credits (or up to 16 AAFP prescribed credits). The course is case-based, with video and narration (check out a sample clip here). CMEs valid through April 2010. Although it was initially crafted in 2004, the site reports updates as recently as summer of ’08.

DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect

New Discussion Forums @, a project of Witness Justice, is introducing 3 new discussion forums rolling out this month:

Participation is free, but registration is required.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Inbox: Sexting, Pt. II

Looking through my inbox this morning, what do I find but an email alert from Medscape Emergency Medicine with a new article on sexting. This article has a decidedly healthcare bent to it, so I’m including it here. Sadly, there aren’t any CEs attached to it, but since we’ve so recently discussed the topic, I thought it would be a good follow-up.

DV/IPV Testimony

Expert Witnesses in DV Cases

JWI has announced their next teleconference: Expert Witnesses in Domestic Violence Cases–How They Can Assist Survivors. The call will be held May 21st from 12-1pm ET. Cost is $25 (unless you’re a member–then it’s free). Based on the agenda, it would appear that this call will be useful to those who would like to be experts (advocates, nurses, etc.), as well as those who would hope to use them in their cases (prosecutors, family law attorneys). Preregistration is required and space is limited.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: May Edition

Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. Most of these are from the May/June issues; I have included a couple articles electronically available now in anticipation of print publication, as well (all from the last 4 weeks). As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Most links lead to abstracts (unless otherwise indicated); from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.


Domestic Violence in the Workplace

The Family Justice Center Alliance is hosting a webinar on DV in the Workplace May 14th, 9am Pacific Time. Kim Wells from the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence will be the featured speaker. The webinar “will identify the impacts of domestic violence in the workplace, discuss the role of a FJC in addressing the issue of domestic violence at the workplace, and examine ideas for partnering with employers toward prevention and intervention.”

Participation is free, but pre-registration is recommended.

UPDATE: You can view the video of the presentation here; PDF here and additional resources here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Domestic Violence in Later Life

MNCAVA’s Global Violence Prevention site has  a couple case-based tutorials available. One of them focuses on domestic violence in later life. It’s recently updated and provides a nice overview of many of the issues that come up working with this specific patient population.


Professional Responsibility in Preventing Violence & Abuse

I seem to be on an article kick right now, because I have more for you today. I was actually looking for something else entirely and stumbled across the AMA‘s Journal of Ethics, Virtual Mentor, instead. Having never heard of it (not being an AMA member), I was fascinated that this online ethics publication had an entire issue related to clinicians and violence prevention, and that said publication included such topics as the potential conflict between patient confidentiality and mandatory reporting, and lateral violence. Not the usual fare, although it addresses issues such as IPV, child abuse, bullying and school violence, as well. (No sexual violence according to the TOC; I haven’t finished working my way through the issue to know if it’s buried. No elder abuse, either.)

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Domestic Violence Among Women of Color

HRSA‘s Maternal and Child Health Bureau has an archived webcast, Domestic Violence Among Women of Color. It’s a 90 minute session and is presented by an esteeemed panel that includes Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell of Johns Hopkins University. The site gives you multiple options for accessing the webcast, including audio, PowerPoint slides, and written transcripts. Truthfully, it feels like the surface is only skimmed on this issue; any portion of the presentation could be its own 90+ minute program. Nevertheless, there are few offerings available on the distinct issues facing abused women of color, so I’m pleased this is available in an archived edition.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: April Edition

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Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. Most of these are from the April/May issues, although I have included a couple March publications that missed me on the 1st pass. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. All links lead to abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Intersection of DV & Child Victimization

The Institute for Family Violence Studies at the Florida State University College of Social Work put together an online tutorial on DV and child victimization. The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Child Victimization: Understanding the Issues, Developing a Coordinated Community Response was created for domestic violence advocates and their communities, so although it isn’t healthcare specific, there’s a good amount of relevant information here.


History & Future of the Family Justice Center Movement

The Family Justice Center Alliance is hosting a webinar on the history and future of the Family Justice Center movement. It’s being held April 2nd from 9-10 AM Pacific Time. Casey Gwinn, JD (PDF) will be the featured presenter. Preregistration is required and space is limited. You can go here to register.

UPDATE: You can access a PDF of the presentation here; video here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Injury Research

From VAWNet: The CDC has released their Injury Research Agenda for 2009-2018. You can see the full report here (PDF).

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Violence Against Native Women

Over at The Hub, they are featuring a page on Violence Against Native Women in North America. Aside from multiple short videos about the scope of the problem, there are also several good links. One of those is to Amnesty International‘s recent report, Maze of Injustice. Follow that link for even more (heartbreaking, disturbing, enraging, _______ your adjective here) information on the issue.


Teen Dating Violence

JWI, who has produced many quality teleconferences on domestic violence topics, has recently announced their latest one: The Chris Brown/Rihanna case: What we can learn from the media’s coverage of this case to use in our work with teens and their families. The teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th, from 12pm-1pm ET; cost is $25 for non-members (members attend for free). Pre-registration is required.


Why I Still Read Comics…


Credit: Kevin Moore, In Contempt via Alas, A Blog

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories

[Warning: flight of ideas is about to ensue…]

Tuesday night Joy Behar interviewed Robin Givens, Denise Brown, Erin Gray and Victor Rivers about domestic violence on Larry King Live. I was happy to hear Victor talk about the importance of engaging men in DV prevention and the dangers of bystander behavior, and it reminded me of the documentary in which he had been featured many years ago, Breaking the Silence: Journeys of Hope (PBS).

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV

Articles of Note

I’m auditioning a new feature to the site: a monthly look at what’s new and notable in the literature. Obviously this won’t be a comprehensive review, since A.) there are hundreds of journals to comb through and who has that kind of time? and B.) my interests skew in a pretty specific direction so I’m sure there’s stuff out there that wouldn’t necessarily catch my attention but would be compelling and/or relevant to many of you.