
Screen to End Abuse

The Family Violence Prevention Fund partnered with Medscape to provide a free 1-hour continuing education activity on screening for intimate partner violence. This link will take you to the summary page, which also provides information on how to order the free Screen to End Abuse video.

In order to access the Medscape CE activity (nursing and medicine units awarded), users must first create a free log-in. Be aware that the actual title of the activity is Domestic Violence and Your Patient’s Health: Asking the Right Questions. If you do a search on the general Medscape site, however, this title will not appear; it can only be found on the MedscapeCME section of the site.


Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care is a cost effective, accessible, dynamic e-learning facility providing relevant, timely training and discussion to the domestic violence victim service provider community. Funded by OVW, a department of the U.S. Department of Justice, this facility will offer timely courses on topics, trends and issues relevant to service providers serving domestic violence victims.” This is a multi-agency collaboration and their first offering, Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care: The Traumatic Impact of Domestic Violence, is now available. Future courses include Cultural Competency and Undocumented Survivors.

Registration required for access. Certificates of completion will be available in the near future according to the site information.