Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September 2018 Edition

I had planned to post this yesterday, but I seem to have a gremlin in my Adobe Pro software right now, so apologies for the delay. I’m finally back in DC for a couple days before I head cross country to Fort Huachuca, and I desperately wanted to get this up, if for no other reason than it replenishes my reading stocks for these long flights and days that can often entail lots of sitting and waiting. As always, it’s not an exhaustive list, just what’s caught my attention in the new crop of peer-reviewed research. Several free full-text articles indicated on the list this month, so look out for those. Otherwise, all links lead to PubMed abstracts. Happy reading–lots of good stuff to occupy your time.

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: August 2018 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our mostly monthly romp through the peer-reviewed research. As always, this is not an exhaustive list; simply what has caught my attention upon reviewing what’s new and noteworthy–and relevant to practice. All links lead to PubMed unless otherwise specified. Enjoy!


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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: July 2018 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Noite, our monthly romp through the new peer-reviewed literature. As usual, it’s not exhaustive–just the articles that have caught my attention and feel relevant to our practice. It feels like there’s a lot of good stuff to be found in this month’s roundup–I encourage you to spend some time wandering around the list. With the exception of a few noted citations, all links lead to PubMed abstracts.

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Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: June 2018 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. I found it to be a particularly fruitful review–there was a lot I bookmarked to read, much for upcoming work I have. Pay attention to the notes for free full-text articles, too, because there are a few in this crop. Otherwise, as always, links lead to abstracts in PubMed. Happy reading!


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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.  And coming soon–the follow-up research brief on bruising, out at the end of the month!

Elder Abuse/Neglect

Coordinated Community Responses and Beyond: Collaborations to Address Crimes Against Older Adults

In observance of World Elder Abuse Day, the American Society on Aging is hosting a webinar, Coordinated Community Responses and Beyond: Collaborations to Address Crimes Against Older Adults. The session will be held June 14th at 10am PT. Free CEUs are available, but I am unclear what type of CEUs they are. From the site:

This web seminar will provide participants with practical tips on creating and maintaining a coordinated community response (CCR) to address issues of elder abuse and financial exploitation. Attendees will learn strategies to bridge common gaps seen between senior service providers, victim advocates at community-based organizations, and other partners involved in the response to survivors of abuse later in life. In addition to providing a blueprint for building comprehensive coalitions to address crimes against older adults in a holistic way, this presentation will offer tips on how to ensure the sustainability of a coordinated community response.

Register here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Elder Abuse/Neglect

Tribal Elder Protection Team Toolkit

The National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative has a Tribal Elder Protection Team Toolkit now available. “The Toolkit is designed to help you identify and implement a tribal elder protection team. The toolkit is made up of several sections. Each section contains information that concentrates on different aspects of developing a tribal elder protection team.” Obviously, since I’m posting it here, medical services are included in the team outline. You’ll find the following five sections:

You’ll also find some online education modules on their site, and while none of them are healthcare specific, I noted that healthcare is listed as one of the future topics, so continue to check back. Regardless, for those of you working with tribal communities, there is some solid, basic education available that is worth sharing with your team, particularly if they haven’t had much in the way of elder abuse education.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Insights from the NCVS Data for the Victim Assistance Field: Who Might We Be Missing?

The Center for Victim Research is hosting a webinar, Insights from the NCVS Data for the Victim Assistance Field: Who Might We Be Missing? The session will be held May 30th at 2pm. From the announcement:

A major goal of the Center for Victim Research is to develop a community of victim service providers and researchers to improve practice through the effective use of research and data.  This webinar will focus on how data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) can help inform the victim service community about victimization patterns and service needs among different groups in the population.  The NCVS is the nation’s primary source of information on criminal victimization, representing the self-reported victimization experiences of survivors 12 and older across the United States.  Though the NCVS data is publicly available, it is difficult for those without training to do their own analysis, including in pursuit of information not easily answered through annual NCVS reports (e.g., looking at victims and related needs intersectionally, considering multiple characteristics at once).

Presenters will share findings from the NCVS about who is at greatest risk for violence and the use of victim services.  Special emphasis will be placed on issues of race, ethnicity, gender, age, poverty, access to services, and the impact of victimization, especially at a time when historic funding levels and increased flexibility make data-driven strategies for return on investment in victim assistance as critical as ever.

Webinar participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about the data and how they might be used to inform their research and practice.

Register here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Navigating the Ethical Maze: Storytelling for Organizations Working With Vulnerable Populations

In the latest issue of Free Range Thinking (PDF), Andy Goodman references a recent issue brief from the Hollywood Homeless Youth Partnership, Navigating the Ethical Maze: Storytelling for Organizations Working with Vulnerable Populations (PDF). I post about it here because many of us include survivor stories in the work we do–as a way to help funders see the real world impact of our work as we attempt to garner program support, or as a component of trainings and educational opportunities so that clinicians understand the consequences of our interactions with patients. While this piece doesn’t focus completely on our issue (there is a great deal of overlap), there is much to be considered in the brief. Worth your time.

BTW, NSVRC has a storytelling series that starts next week–if you’re interested in this subject and want to explore it in greater depth, I encourage you to check out their 4 webinars (space is limited, but they will all be archived):

Session One: Thursday April 12, 2018 @ 1-2pm Eastern
Introduction to the Value of Personal Storytelling for Sexual Violence Intervention

Session Two: Thursday May 10, 2018 @ 1-2pm Eastern
Understanding a Trauma-Sensitive Approach to Storytelling

Session Three: Thursday June 14, 2018 @ 1-2pm Eastern
A Review of Ethics Guidelines for Working with Sexual Violence Stories

Session Four: Thursday July 12, 2018 @ 1-2pm Eastern
Publicly Sharing Stories to Effect Change

(Register for the webinars here)


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: March 2018 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the newly published peer-reviewed literature. As always, this is not an exhaustive review, just what is particularly interesting to me as I wander my way through the new and relevant. Distribute as you see fit, just make sure to attribute appropriately:

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Working with Interpreters: Enhancing Communications with Individuals Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Vera Institute’s Center on Victimization and Safety has a webinar coming up, Working with Interpreters: Enhancing Communications with Individuals Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The session will be held March 20th at 2pm ET. This is a great topic that often is missed in basic educational courses, so I encourage people to register. Don’t know if it’s archived, but I am guessing so. From the registration:

Participants will learn to distinguish between interpreter qualifications, certifications, and specializations to ensure quality and appropriate language access delivery. Presenters will discuss interpreter codes of conduct, the roles of interpreters. They will highlight the importance of confidentiality, impartiality, and accuracy. Participants will gain practical strategies for working with interpreters and improving working relationships. Special interpreting needs will also be discussed.

Register here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: Valentine’s Day 2018 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly(ish) romp through the newly published peer-reviewed literature. I have to tell you–this month’s offering is pretty light. There wasn’t *that much* that really captured my attention. Still, there is some good stuff here, so while it’s not pages and pages, it’s still worth perusing. Attribution, please, if you reproduce my work (as always):

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Building Partnerships

For those of you interested in engaging in research to help inform practice, whether as clinicians in the field or academic researchers looking for your next project, I encourage you to consider Building Partnerships, an upcoming webinar from the Center for Victim Research. The session will be held February 28th at 1pm ET. From the registration page:

The Center for Victim Research will present “Building Partnerships,” an interactive webinar on victim researcher and practitioner collaborations, on February 28, 2018, from noon to 1 pm EST.

*Are you a researcher looking to do “real world” research that impacts crime victim response?
*Are you a victim service provider looking to partner with a researcher to inform your work?
*Do you want to learn more about partnerships while engaging with colleagues like yourself?

This webinar is for you! Dr. Christine Murray will lead you through the benefits – and challenges – of researcher-practitioner partnerships to set you on the road toward more successful collaboration. During the hour-long webinar, there will be opportunities to share your voice and questions with colleagues and other Center for Victim Research staff.

Register here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Elder Abuse/Neglect

MDT Member Recruitment and Retention: Building Trust and Traction

The Elder Justice Initiative has a webinar coming up, MDT Member Recruitment and Retention: Building Trust and Traction. The session will be held February 22nd from 2-3pm ET. This isn’t a frequent topic of training, so consider attending (or listening at your leisure, since they are all archived). From the announcement:

Presented by Maro Casparian, Director of Consumer Protection at the Denver District Attorney’s Office; Linda Loflin Pettit, Manager of Community and Government Relations for the Prosecution and Code Enforcement Section for the City and County of Denver; and Sgt. T.J. Blair of the Denver Police Department, this webinar highlights real-world solutions from Denver’s Forensic Collaborative for At-Risk Adults, an elder abuse case review MDT.

Learning Objectives:
– Understanding the best practices for recruitment and ongoing engagement of team members.
– Exploring real-world examples of relationship- and trust-building strategies.
– Discovering new MDT Guide and Toolkit documents, including a recruitment letter and statement of need.

Register here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: January 2018 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note our monthly(ish) romp through the peer-reviewed literature. Plenty of interesting research in this go-round, so spend some time looking through it. I dare say, a little something for everyone this month.

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: December 2017 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, the last one of 2017. As always, this is a review of the recent peer-reviewed literature, but is not exhaustive in nature. It’s meant to be used as a way to enhance currency and understanding of practice issues, and is not the final word on any single topic (I had a lawyer ask me about this, so now–here we are with the disclaimer). PDF with active links follows. Use in good health and share widely:

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note, November 2017 Edition

Before I depart for France, one more post for the week. I’ll be back next week with a few goodies, including my annual gift guide. In the meantime, enjoy this month’s Articles of Note, our regular romp through the peer-reviewed literature. New and improved, too–I upgraded my Adobe software and can now make linkable PDFs. You’re welcome 😉

And for those of you who are veterans, wishing you a Happy Veteran’s Day this week–thank you for your service, on this day and every day.

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Elder Abuse/Neglect

Elder Abuse Research Review

The National Center on Elder Abuse has a new research review out, spanning the past 3 years. You can download the PDF here. While the review doesn’t provide more than just the citations, it does break them down into categories, making it an excellent resource if you are trying to hunt down literature on a given subtopic.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September/October 2017 [plus a question/giveaway…]

Time once again for Articles of Note, my (sort of) monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. As always, this is not comprehensive, and most links lead back to abstracts (except where noted otherwise). Also, as always, please provide attribution if you reproduce my lists for your own purposes, don’t take my name off the document, etc., etc.

But before we get to the meat of this post, a quick question: would you be interested in an actual research digest, which provided more in-depth information about new research (including some analysis about the impact on our practice), available every 6-8 weeks–for a small fee? I would appreciate the feedback–send me a yay or nay and how much you might be willing to pay for an individual digest (downloadable electronically), if you would be so kind. In the comments, or knowing you guys, in my email, would be fine. As an incentive, there’s a $50 Amazon gift card for one lucky commenter. I’ll choose when I’m in Toronto next week, so please let me know your thoughts by 13 October, 12pm ET. Thanks!

Word doc first (active links) followed by the PDF for easy sharing (because some of you folks still want it in that format):


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Elder Abuse/Neglect

Upcoming Webinars from the Elder Justice Initiative

The Department of Justice’s Elder Justice Initiative is a treasure trove of resources on all things elder abuse, including a host of webinars, so many that I haven’t been able to keep up here. What follows is a selection of some of the many available (archived and live) on their site that are particularly relevant to our work. I have listed the live ones first, followed by a few archived selections:

Understanding Elder Mistreatment Through a Lens of Severity: Implications for Research and Practice (LIVE September 8th, 2pm ET): Please join our webinar on Friday, September 8, 2:00-3:00 p.m. e.t., as Sidney Stahl, PH.D., Research Consultant, Elder Justice Initiative, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., hosts a discussion with David Burnes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Canada. Dr. Burnes, a professor at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work and Affiliate Scientist at Baycrest Health Sciences, introduced the concept of “severity” into the study of elder abuse. Severity of elder abuse may be an indicator of the urgency and types of help needed by victims of elder abuse. Yet, severity is an understudied aspect of the field, and Dr. Burnes has conducted several studies incorporating measures of severity. His research informs both targeted screening of victims, interventions that serve to help victims, and a forensic tool for possible use in the prosecution of elder abuse cases.

How EMTs Can Help Identify and Report Elder Abuse (LIVE September 11, 2pm ET): Details to come; please check back on the site.

The Forgotten Victims: Elder Homicides (LIVE September 25, 2pm ET): Details to come; please check back on the site.

Assessing Cognitive Capacity in Elder Abuse Cases (ARCHIVED): This webinar is offered to all professionals who work on elder abuse MDT’s to better understand the issue of decisional capacity. Dr. Olsen will provide several contexts where decisional capacity is central to case formulation and resolution. She will present the components of a good assessment with examples of how to collect and integrate relevant information. Lastly, the importance of maintaining a client-centered orientation will be discussed so that MDT’s maintain an awareness of the need to balance the client’s self-determination with the need for protection.

Improving Emergency Department Identification of Elder Abuse (ARCHIVED): Dr. Sidney M. Stahl, Research Consultant at the U.S. Department of Justice, hosts a discussion with Anthony Rosen, Instructor in Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, and Assistant Attending Physician at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY. Dr. Rosen is a practicing Emergency Physician and a researcher in elder abuse and geriatric injury prevention. Dr. Rosen and his team are doing groundbreaking research on distinguishing physical signs and forensic markers of elder abuse from injuries and bruising related to falls in older persons. Dr. Rosen will be discussing this, in addition to a standardized protocol for photographing geriatric injuries and comprehensive classification system for visible injuries. His interdisciplinary work with nursing, social work, geriatrics, psychiatry, and radiology has significant implications for the prosecution of elder abuse and neglect cases.

Assessing Cognitive Capacity in Elder Abuse Cases (ARCHIVED): Sidney Stahl, Ph.D., Consultant, Elder Justice Research Initiative, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, hosts a discussion with Laura Mosqueda, M.D., FAAFP, AGSF, Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Professor of Family Medicine and Geriatrics, Associate Dean of Primary Care, at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, and Page Ulrey, J.D., Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Seattle, WA. Dr. Mosqueda has completed some of the only forensic research in the context of elder abuse. She will share her findings with attendees and introduce a physician-friendly protocol for documenting physical abuse for prosecutors should the case go to trial. The webinar is being co-presented by Ms. Page Ulrey who will describe the value of the new protocol from a prosecutor’s perspective.


Elder Abuse/Neglect

Bruising in Older Adults

The National Center on Elder Abuse has a research-to-practice translation: Bruising in Older Adults: Accidental Bruising and Bruising from Physical Abuse (PDF) that I stumbled on, thanks to the magic of social media. The graphics-heavy piece makes a lovely companion to the overview on elder abuse screening tools (PDF) they published last year. And now you have a topic for your next staff meeting, with read-aheads ready to download and send out to your team.