Sexual Assault

Linking Health and Criminal Justice Violence Data Provides More Complete Understanding of the Problem

Let’s just keep going with the research article theme for the week: new research published out of the UK that caught my attention. A shared data approach more accurately represents the rates and patterns of violence with injury assaults was recently published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. From the abstract:

[The purpose of this study is] to investigate whether sharing and linking routinely collected violence data across health and criminal justice systems can provide a more comprehensive understanding of violence, establish patterns of under-reporting and better inform the development, implementation, and evaluation of violence prevention initiatives.

This is a good article for discussion at SART meetings, and for communities considering how they gather (and share) violence statistics. It’s available free, full-text online.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.

Sexual Assault

New issue of JFN Available

Greetings from an airplane somewhere between Houston and Portland, where I’ll be teaching the next few days. As part of my current reading list, I have several articles from the latest edition of the Journal of Forensic Nursing, which I thought I’d bring to your attention. Although I will likely do an Articles of Note post next week, there are a couple items that seemed worthy of highlighting in the new issue of JFN. Of particular interest (to me):

There’s also a fascinating CE article I’m looking forward to reading: Global Voyeurism or Sustainable Ethical Practice?

JFN is, of course, free to IAFN members (which I hope most FHO readers are at this point). To access the content as a member, enter the Journal sight via the IAFN website. Otherwise, the above links will take you to the abstract pages, where you can either purchase online or access via your institution’s library.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.

Sexual Assault

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. NCJRS has a special collection now available with a variety of resources for service providers. They include both NIJ-funded research and DOJ publications, so there’s a lot to wade through. Worth the time, though–plenty of good stuff there for your next staff meeting, for instance 😉


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.

Sexual Assault

Project Connect: Improved Care for Sexual Assault Patients

The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project has a webinar coming up, Project Connect: Improved Care for Sexual Assault Patients. The session will be held February 5th at 11am ET. As with all offerings from this project, CEUs and CMEs are available. Register here.

From the announcement:

This webinar will discuss how to create partnerships between victims of violence and public health fields to improve health outcomes with safety and patient-centered care. Topics covered will include: Educating providers and public health professionals on assessment and intervention; Building partnerships with regional or tribal DSV programs; Evaluating progress and more!

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault Testimony

New Resource Library from Alliance for Hope (and Signing Off for 2017)

You know how I do love a good library. Alliance for Hope just announced their new online library has launched, and it’s worth bookmarking as a source for a multitude of professional materials, including strangulation resources. There is a section specific to medical; the library itself is multidisciplinary. As with many things online, be discerning in your review–not everything contained in the library is peer-reviewed or current, so caveat emptor.

And with that, I am signing off for the year. FHO will return on January 3rd with new content, including a brand new resource for the Store (it may or may not be on bruising–who can tell with these things 😉 ) and the 9th anniversary of our little nerdy site. I am going to take some time off to spend with my family, particularly my wife (whose birthday is today–happy birthday, honey), and kiddo. We’ll be traveling a bit, and throwing an end of year party to celebrate the garbage fire that was 2017 (well, it wasn’t all bad, but a good chunk of it was pretty awful). In addition to Sasha’s birthday, we have just started Hanukkah (Chag Sameach! to all my peeps); Christmas is right around the corner, our 5th wedding anniversary falls a few days after that, and then the New Year. What a whirlwind. Here’s hoping you have some fun and relaxation during the holiday season; that your days are filled with love, laughter and good food; and that for those of you struggling during what is sometimes a difficult time of year, you find peace and the inner fortitude to just keep moving forward. Thanks for spending time with us in 2017.  See you in 2018!

Sexual Assault

Building and Empowering Your Staff to Increase Your Agency’s Organizational Capacity

WCSAP has a great sustainability webinar coming up, for all of you program managers (or aspiring program managers): Building and Empowering Your Staff to Increase Your Agency’s Organizational Capacity. The session will be held January 24th at 1:30pm PT. As you may already know, recruitment and retention are two of the biggest challenges for forensic nursing programs today, so I encourage folks to invest their time and resources in this area. From the announcement:


This webinar will provide an overview for Executive Directors and management staff on how to empower and motivate your staff to be invested in your agency’s success along with building your overall organizational capacity and sustainability. The webinar will address how to conduct an organizational assessment of your personnel management needs and provide recommendations for supervision, staff orientation, staff development, succession planning, training, workplans, and performance evaluations.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Participants will learn how to assess their organization’s current personnel management needs.
  • Participants will learn how to develop staff workplans and succession plans for their organization.
  • Participants will increase their knowledge on staff supervision, training, and performance reviews.

Register here.

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: December 2017 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, the last one of 2017. As always, this is a review of the recent peer-reviewed literature, but is not exhaustive in nature. It’s meant to be used as a way to enhance currency and understanding of practice issues, and is not the final word on any single topic (I had a lawyer ask me about this, so now–here we are with the disclaimer). PDF with active links follows. Use in good health and share widely:

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Sexual Assault


Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Global Human Trafficking and Child Victimization

The American Academy of Pediatrics has released their policy statement, Global Human Trafficking and Child Victimization. The statement is available full text from their journal site; if you haven’t yet, check out their related Call to Action, as well as the 2015 policy paper, Child Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Health Care Needs of Victims.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Sexual Assault

Surviving in the Shadows: Sexual Violence Against Men with Disabilities and Deaf Men

Vera Institute is hosting a webinar next month, Surviving in the Shadows: Sexual Violence Against Men with Disabilities and Deaf Men. The session will be held December 12th at 1pm ET. From the website:

Male survivors face unique obstacles when trying to access sexual assault and domestic violence services. When the survivor also has a disability or is Deaf, the barriers are compounded, making it even more difficult to access services. This webinar will provide service providers with insight into the victimization of men with disabilities, explore the unique barriers that male survivors with disabilities face when trying to access services, address some unanswered questions and gaps that need further study, and provide recommendations for better serving male survivors with disabilities and Deaf male survivors.

Register here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Sexual Assault

Key Findings of the Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace

What could be more timely than this? NSVRC has released the Key Findings of the Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace (PDF). The study brief covers the major findings from a year-long look into harassment in the workplace by the EEOC. [The EEOC, of course, is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency charged with enforcing federal labor laws that prohibit workplace discrimination.] Terribly current, indeed.

You can read the full EEOC report here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note, November 2017 Edition

Before I depart for France, one more post for the week. I’ll be back next week with a few goodies, including my annual gift guide. In the meantime, enjoy this month’s Articles of Note, our regular romp through the peer-reviewed literature. New and improved, too–I upgraded my Adobe software and can now make linkable PDFs. You’re welcome 😉

And for those of you who are veterans, wishing you a Happy Veteran’s Day this week–thank you for your service, on this day and every day.

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

IAFN Pediatric Strangulation Case Review & Assessment

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

I wanted to bring to your attention the new IAFN Pediatric Strangulation Case Review and Assessment. I don’t typically post pricier options for continuing education, but this one looks comprehensive and has 20 CEs to go with it,  I think it’s worth your time and resources. Cost is $115, but if you attended the annual conference in Toronto, where it was previewed, you received a coupon code in your email that decreased the cost to $99. From the announcement:

IAFN and Evidentia Learning have jointly developed a new e-learning module on the topic of pediatric strangulation, which was officially launched at the IAFN conference in Toronto.

IAFN Pediatric Strangulation Case Review & Assessment contains a collection of living pediatric/adolescent strangulation patients evaluated and treated in the medical setting, presented in conjunction with evidence-based knowledge on pediatric strangulation evaluation and treatment. 

Learners can assess their knowledge acquisition through a review of:
– Definitions and terminology
– Anatomy and physiology
– Manner and associated signs & symptoms
– 29 interactive cases
– Post-testing


Jennifer Pierce-Weeks, RN, SANE-P, SANE-A
COO, International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)

Ralph Riviello, MD, MS, FACEP
Professor and Vice-Chair of Clinical Operations
Department of Emergency Medicine, Drexel University

Heather Rozzi, MD
Medical Director, Forensic Examiner Team
WellSpan Health

Raquel Vargas-Whale, MD, MS, MSc, FAAP
Medical Director, CARE Team
Driscoll Children’s Hospital

Forensic Nursing Specialist, International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)

Tracy O’Brien, BSN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Forensic Examiner Program Coordinator
WellSpan Health York Hospital

Emily Huggins, RN, BSN, MHA, CEN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Forensic Examiner Program Manager
WellSpan Health York Hospital

Diane Daiber, BSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Forensic Nursing Specialist, International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)


Sexual Assault Testimony

Trauma-Informed Care

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

I received a request from an FHO reader looking for research about sexual assault and trauma-informed care. Conveniently enough, the recent National Best Practices doc from NIJ has an Appendix with a grid that provides the citations on this topic (p 107; click on the image to download the PDF report):















Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here

The World Health Organization has released new clinical guidelines, Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused. This document is unrelated to/unconnected from any of the documents upon which we typically rely within the forensic nursing community (e.g. either National Protocol); that said it’s worth reviewing. From the Executive Summary:

This guideline aims to provide evidence-based recommendations for quality clinical care for children and adolescents who have, or may have, been subjected to sexual abuse, in order to mitigate the negative health consequences and improve their well-being. The objectives are to support health-care providers to provide quality, immediate and long-term clinical care and to apply ethical, human-rights-based and trauma-informed good practices in the provision of such care. Where relevant for provision of clinical care and where there is supporting evidence, sex-based differences and gender-based inequalities are flagged.

Download the PDF here.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Legal Protections and Forensic Considerations for Immigrant and Refugee Child Victims

I am so thrilled about the response to our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it hereFor those of you outside the US, I have fixed the glitch that would not allow you to purchase it. Please let me know if you have further issues. 

KIDSta has a webinar coming up, Legal Protections and Forensic Considerations for Immigrant and Refugee Child Victims. The session will be held November 8th at 2pm ET. From the announcement:

Immigrant and refugee children suffer multiple traumas in their home countries, during their process of immigration and are highly vulnerable to victimization following their arrival in the United States. This webinar will discuss how migration, immigration status, culture and trauma impact the physical, brain and emotional development children who are victims of sexual assault and child abuse and the special needs of immigrant and refugee child victims. There are multiple forms of immigration relief that have been designed to offer protection for children who have been victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. Immigration relief is available both for immigrant child victims and for immigrant non-abusive parents of citizen and foreign-born child victims. A central focus of the webinar will be to provide practical tools for assisting abused children and their protective parents in accessing the legal remedies they qualify to receive under immigration, public benefits and family law. The webinar will include a discussion of the special role well-written reports from forensic examinations can play as evidence in immigration and family law cases involving abused immigrant and refugee children.

Register for the webinar here.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

A Team Approach: Child Life’s Role in Pediatric Sexual Abuse Cases

I am so thrilled about the response to our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it hereFor those of you outside the US, I have fixed the glitch that would not allow you to purchase it. Please let me know if you have further issues. 

SAFEta/KIDSta has a webinar coming up, A Team Approach: Child Life’s Role in Pediatric Sexual Abuse Cases. The session will be held Novermber 1st at 2pm ET. From the site:

This webinar will focus on the collaboration between Pediatric Forensic Examiners and Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS), particularly on the role of Child Life Specialists during the sexual abuse medical forensic exam. As trained medical professionals, Child Life Specialists utilize knowledge of child development, stress and coping theories, and family systems theories to promote positive outcomes during pediatric sexual abuse examinations. Working alongside Pediatric Forensic Examiners, Child Life Specialists are able to promote positive coping through rapport building, preparation, and developmentally appropriate divisional activities. During this webinar, the audience will learn about the role Child Life Specialists play while supporting staff, patients, and families during pediatric medical forensic exams. After the webinar, audiences should be able to: implement basic knowledge of child development theories during medical forensic exams, understand the role of child life, and name three successful outcomes that indicate positive coping during medical forensic exams.

Register here.

Sexual Assault

Human Trafficking: Inside the Survivor’s Mind

I am so thrilled about the response to our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here. For those of you outside the US, I have fixed the glitch that would not allow you to purchase it. Please let me know if you have further issues. 

The National Criminal Justice Training Center has an upcoming webinar, Human Trafficking: Inside the Survivor’s Mind. The session will be held November 15th at 2pm ET. I do not know if they will archive it–you will need to contact them directly to find out. From the site:

The session will:

Explain the definition of sex trafficking and describe why this is a serious problem that needs our attention. Demonstrate why victims are not often identified as we look at a survivor’s police record to show the invisible signs of trafficking. Review and understand the mind of a survivor. Describe complex PTSD and why a survivor does not run from her trafficker, understand how resilience helps in recovery, and what the recovery process looks like.

Register here.

Sexual Assault

Evaluation 101: Prep, Analyze, Visualize Your Data

First, let me say, you guys are the best–you flooded my inbox with your thoughts about a fee-based research overview (and peppered the site with a couple comments, too 🙂 ). BTW, there’s still time to provide some feedback and be eligible for the $50 Amazon gift card. Thanks to everyone who has shared their opinions/suggestions thus far.

Speaking of research [sort of], NSVRC has a new eLearning course, Evaluation 101: Prep, Analyze, Visualize Your Data. It’s a great opportunity to immerse yourself into the evaluation process (maybe you want to look at issues like impact of patient services or training events). They’ve created a brief video to get you started, then head to NSVRC’s eLearning site to register (the whole thing is free).

Don’t forget, if you’re interested in evaluation, particularly as you look at impact of your patient services, we also published the toolkit for SANE programs that provides a step-by-step guide.


Sexual Assault

Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation: A Progress Report for the United States 2017

Raliance, a national partnership between the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, PreventConnect (a project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault), and the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence has a new report available–Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation: A progress report for the United States 2017. It’s a really interesting read, including a look at both policy and research/evaluation for the year. And while you’re at it, check out the project site itself.