Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault by Law Enforcement

BWJP has a webinar coming up, Sexual Assault by Law Enforcement. It looks fascinating and if I weren’t in trial that day, I would definitely register (hopefully it’ll be archived). It will be held August 18th at 1pm CT. There is a cap on registration, so I encourage you to register early if it’s of interest to you. Click through for details:

Sexual Assault

Public Comment: Draft of “National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach”

The draft of the document, National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach is now open for a 30-day public comment period. This is a project many of us have worked on, within forensic nursing and collaborating disciplines. If you would like to review it and provide comment, click through for details:

Sexual Assault

Key Findings on Sexual Violence from the Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014

More reading for everyone this morning: NSVRC has just published their latest research translation, Key Findings on Sexual Violence from the Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014 (PDF). They describe it as “a summary of key findings on sexual violence as a component of interpersonal violence that is the wider focus of the Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014. People working to end sexual violence can use these findings to inform data collection, prevention planning and evaluation, policy advocacy, and community partnerships.” Bottom line: if you’re interested in participating in or creating prevention initiatives, nice to know what works. It’s chewy, but a worthwhile read, nonetheless.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Identifying and Responding to Urban Refugees’ Risks of Gender-Based Violence

Sorry I missed you all yesterday, but it simply got away from me. I’m heading to Ft. Drum tomorrow, so it should be a fun week. One of the things I will be reading on the plane is a new series from the Women’s Refugee Commission on gender-based violence: Identifying and Responding to Urban Refugees’ Risks of Gender-Based Violence. There are multiple papers for review, including those addressing LGBTI refugees and those with disabilities. Click through for more information:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: July 2016 Edition

Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly walk through what’s new and noteworthy in the peer-reviewed literature. As always, this is not an exhaustive review, but a list of what’s caught my eye and feels relevant to my own (and hopefully your) practice. Click through for a print-friendly PDF or the Word doc with live links. Please provide attribution if you share or use any portion:

Sexual Assault

Neurobiology of Sexual Assault 2-Part Webinar Series

EVAW is hosting a 2-part webinar series on the neurobiology of sexual assault. Jim Hopper will be the featured speaker. The 1st session will be held on September 15th at 2pm ET. The 2nd will be September 19th at 2pm ET. Click through for all of the details:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-25-16

I worked all weekend (more on the fruits of that labor coming soon), so my list is a bit paltry this week. Plus I needed a break from the lunacy of the s#@%show that is American politics, so I largely avoided the interwebs (and watched a marathon of West Wing last night instead, in hopes that President Bartlet might run for another term). Still, a few things caught my eye. Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Sexual Assault

Trans-Specific Annotations to the National Protocol

I have been asked to talk about sexual assault medical-forensic exams with transgender and gender nonconforming patients this week, so I thought I would include one of the most helpful resources available–trans-specific annotations to the National Protocol (Adolescent/Adult, PDF). It was created by FORGE, who have many great resources, but this one in particular is extraordinarily useful.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-18-16

Heading to Salt Lake City tomorrow for a quick gig with the Army, so today’s a short post. World events made me want to avoid the interwebs at all cost, so there wasn’t much reading this weekend. Instead my father in law was in town, so we did DC-touristy things, like a Pentagon tour (I’ve been to meetings in the Pentagon, but never actually done the tour), caught a baseball game, and knocked out some home repairs. That’s not to say I stayed offline completely–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-11-16 (+ a Winner!)

I’m on my way down to Columbia, SC, to the National Advocacy Center for our annual testimony course (looking forward to seeing some of you there, btw). I’ll try and keep postings regular, but it’s sometimes tough when you’re teaching all week. Thanks to all of you who posted for last week’s giveaway (and to the many of you who emailed questions about CVs and related issues); our winner is Taneika Torres. Taneika, please email me so we can connect about your CV (or if it won’t be you, who you plan on handing the service off to). In the meantime, Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Worthwhile Read: License to Betray

{Don’t forget, we have a giveaway going on through Friday, July 8th, noon ET!}

I’m finishing up vacation with the family, and the beach summons. So I leave you with this compelling long read from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, License to Betray: Doctors and Sex Abuse. To give you a taste:

Sexual Assault

Introduction to Labor and Sex Trafficking: A Health Care & Human Rights Challenge

{Don’t forget, we have a giveaway going on through Friday, July 8th, noon ET!}

Futures Without Violence has an upcoming webinar (apologies for short notice, but they never get these out well in advance): Introduction to Labor and Sex Trafficking: A Health Care & Human Rights Challenge. The session will be held Monday July 11th from 12:00-1:30pm PT. Click through for details:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Nursing Assessment of the Female Genitalia

{Don’t forget, we have a giveaway going on through Friday, July 8th, noon ET!}

UT Health and the TX chapter of IAFN are offering a webinar series. The first one is coming up July 21st at 7:00am CT (!): Nursing Assessment of Female Genitalia, featuring Jamie Ferrell. One CEU will be provided. Cost is $15 for IAFN members/$25 for non-members. Details for the session are forthcoming.

Updated description: 

The forensic nurse must have expert knowledge of assessment findings with no room for error in interpretation. This webinar will provide the forensic nurse with advanced knowledge of normal, abnormal, and abnormal normal findings when assessing the female genitalia including appropriate and accurate use of terminology and documentation. After attending this event the forensic nurse will be more competent and confident in the nursing assessment of female genitalia during the forensic examination.

Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke: 6/27/16

I worked most of the weekend, making my way back from a fantastic time out in Jackson Hole. Cannot say enough good things about the folks doing work with victims out there. Because of my limited weekend, my list is on the shorter side, but there were still a few interesting items that caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Paper Tigers

Has anyone seen the film Paper Tigers yet? I really want to see it, and I’d love to hear from folks who already have. It doesn’t have the kind of distribution that makes it easy to go see, but you can host a screening or buy the film (hard copy or digital) for educational purposes. Click through for info about the film:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

HIV PEP in Pre Pubertal Patients

IAFN has a new session in their online learning center: HIV PEP in Pre Pubertal Patients. The better news is that until 30 June, it will only cost members $10 to participate (which includes 1 CEU credit). Click through for all the details:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 6-20-16

It was lovely to spend the weekend outdoors, with my spouse and kid–we managed to get the kayaks on the water yesterday, there was grilling, dog walking, and many treats from our local farmers market. Very cathartic after these last several weeks. I’m headed out west to give a few talks (Jackson Hole, with a brief stopover in Eagle, CO) tomorrow morning, so we’ll see what the week brings here on the site. Until then, here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: May/June 2016 Edition

With everything that’s happened in the last 6 weeks, I’ve gotten a bit behind in a few areas, including FHO. So this is a pretty robust Articles of Note, with lots to peruse. I was particularly pleased to see so many familiar faces among the authors in this round. Click through for the Word doc with live links, and the more sharable PDF. Attribution, please, if you distribute or alter.

DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Forensic Nursing: Standards of Care for Evidence Collection, Documentation of Injury and Maintaining a Chain of Custody

IAFN and AALNC are so-sponsoring a webinar, Forensic Nursing: Standards of Care for Evidence Collection, Documentation of Injury and Maintaining a Chain of Custody. The session will be offered June 28th from 3-4pm ET. CEUs will be available; the cost is $25 for members of either organization ($60 for non-members). Click through for details:

Sexual Assault

How Prevalent Is Campus Sexual Assault?

NIJ has a new publication available examining the prevalence rate of campus sexual assault in the US. Read the research review here; check out the infographic here.