
IAFN Has a New CEO

I’m excited to report that IAFN has a new CEO. You can read the press release here. A very good choice for the organization.


Happy 4th!

6091789628_9a1e2ee266_nIt’s Independence Day holiday here in the US, so my usual Monday post won’t be happening. Instead, I’m kicking back at the beach. But I’ll be back tomorrow with new webinar offerings. In the meantime, don’t forget we have a giveaway going on right now. You have until Friday, noon ET to enter!



In Memorium: Teresa Scalzo

On May 23rd we lost our dear friend, Teresa. An aggressive cancer took her far too soon, and we are left with a mountain of grief. There have been many tributes to T on Facebook, in blog posts, and in her hometown newspaper. All of them eloquently describe her professional legacy and recount her sunny and generous nature. I’ll forgo addressing both of those areas since they’ve been beautifully detailed, and instead tell you about something entirely different. I’ll tell you about T’s last year, and subsequently, about mine.



We are escaping the city, and perhaps a bit of our grief this holiday weekend, with a short trip to Amsterdam. I’ll be back toward the end of next week with new content and a more regular posting schedule. In the meantime I leave you with this lovely interview from StoryCorps, perfect for Memorial Day…

See you next week. 



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We lost our sweet T today after a valiant battle with cancer. FHO will be dark for a bit as we grieve this tremendous loss…



I considered saving this for next Monday, but I thought it was so compelling I figured it deserved its own post. This isn’t just about harassment, as the hashtag implies. Check it out for yourself:


The Unexpected Benefit of Celebrating Failure

I’m in the process of mapping out an overhaul of FHO, and have been thinking about short- and long-term professional goals in conjunction with this exercise. Makes me think about failure, which is a topic I love. Here’s another compelling reason why we should be celebrating it:


Since Last We Spoke, Pi Day

Another week that looks like it could go off the rails at any moment–it will be pretty much hour-by-hour at least through Thursday, and I’ve been prepping since this weekend, so today’s reading list is a bit light. Also, lately I find myself reading a lot less violence-centric things, more things that energize and inspire me; I don’t know how anyone else is feeling, but I just feel overwhelmed by how much is out there. Perhaps it’s the current political climate here in the US; perhaps I’m just tired. Either way, here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:


Forensic Nurse Internship Opportunity

I don’t typically post live educational opportunities, but this is a really fantastic one: an internship for forensic nurses who would like to pursue criminal defense work. Click through for all of the details:


Why Your Doctor Should Care About Social Justice

“Our role as health professionals is not just to treat our patients but to sound the alarm and advocate for change.”



Conversational Competency

I loved this TED talk–conversation really is an art. A quote I love so much: “”Most of us don’t listen with the intent to understand. We listen with the intent to reply.” It’s all so good. Whether it’s teaching, mentoring, interviewing potential team members, or just going about the every day activities of your daily life, there’s much to learn from this brief talk:


Navigating Fund Development Strategies During Transition

You know I always like a good sustainability webinar; Futures Without Violence has one coming up next week that might fit the bill. Navigating Fund Development Strategies During Transition will be offered February 17th from 1-2:30pm ET. Click through for details:


10 Things Repost on the NSVRC SANE Sustainability Blog

NSVRC has reposted a previously published 10 Things post from FHO: Observations from Court. It is one of the more popular 10 Things posts I’ve done; if you haven’t seen it yet, check it out on their site.


Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault: Who Needs Force When You Have Alcohol?

AEquitas is offering up a 2-part webinar series on alcohol facilitated sexual assault. Patti Powers, a favorite of mine, will be one of the featured speakers; it should be a great pair of webinars. Part I will be held January 29th from 3-4pm ET. Part II will be held February 11th from 3-4pm ET. This is another good one to share with your SART or other multidisciplinary team. Click through for details:


Happy 7th Anniversary, FHO!


Today FHO celebrates 7 years, which continues to amaze me. 2016 should be a big year for the site–we will FINALLY be doing the major overhaul to the look, feel, and flow of FHO (work begins on that this quarter). The plan is to move it from a blog format, as it has been all these years, to a more fully functioning website, regardless of whether it’s viewed on your phone, tablet or computer. There will still be regular posts, but there will also be more easily accessible content in the library, as well as a few other goodies in the works.

As always, thank you for continuing to make FHO a regular stop in your online travels, and for being a generally fantastic group of readers. Looking forward to what’s ahead for 2016!


Happy Holidays! (Time for a Break…)

Today is my final day working with Army MEDCOM. It’s been a pretty terrific year overall, and a true privilege to work with all the professionals (across the services) who helped make my time here a success. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a more productive year, but I am more than ready to resume my regular consulting practice, and frankly, to get back out on the road (and back in the courtroom a bit, which I’ve really missed). I’ll be taking some time off from FHO–I wish I could say it was for vacation, but a looming deadline for another project at the beginning of the new year will have me working through the holidays. However, things will be quiet here; we’ll resume regular posts January 4th with a new Articles of Note, fresh educational offerings and our 7th (!) anniversary celebration. And my wish for all of you: a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season; a low patient census; and time filled with the people who refill your cup (literally and figuratively). Thanks for reading, for visiting this nerdy little site, and for the care you provide to the most vulnerable among us (or the support you provide those who do this work, for our non-clinician readers). See you back here in 2016.




Looking At Violence In America With A Financial Lens

We’ve talked about the economic cost of violence here at FHO (there is a clinical guide on the topic, in fact). So I was really interested in this interview on Morning Edition as I was driving in to work today with a health economist. Not just because it addresses actual financial figures (and people can debate whether they believe that these figures are accurate, so wade into the Comments section of this article with care), but because the interviewer, David Greene, asked the intriguing question of his subject, Dr. Ted Miller, what kind of toll does it take on you to think about violence in these terms?


The Truth About Hymens and Sex

It’s been a long week, right? How could I possibly resist?

The Truth About Hymens And Sex

"The Truth About Hymens And Sex" – Watch Adam Ruins Everything Tuesdays at 10pm, on truTV!

Posted by CollegeHumor on Monday, December 7, 2015

{H/t Kim Nash}


10 Things: 2015 Team Gift Guide

Don’t forget: we have a giveaway happening right now. Enter here to win a copy of the new Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing. Entries will be accepted until Friday 11 December. Check out all the detail here.

The last few years, we’ve tried to help you celebrate your team members with gift guides, and as promised, here is our 2015 edition (check out 2014, 2013 and 2012 for more ideas). While once a year may not be enough to express your full appreciation of your fellow colleagues, the holidays are ideal for a slightly grander gesture (even if that gesture isn’t a financially grand gesture, because celebrating people needn’t be costly). Click through for this year’s suggestions to fete your folks:


A Winter Giveaway!

I’m so excited to be able to offer up a new giveaway here at FHO. It’s been awhile since we’ve had one, and I’m particularly excited about this because it’s newly on the market. Click through for all the details!