
Failure (x 2)

I believe in failure in the same way I believe in reading research, being early and drinking jasmine pearl tea every morning. I don’t think success is possible without failure. There’s no way to have huge success without also having huge failure along the way. I was having trouble sleeping the other night, so I (virtually) thumbed through my blog reader where I came across not one, but two different posts on failure.


New Subscribers, This Is For You

If you have recently subscribed: many of you have not yet verified your email address. A message would have come from Feedburner asking you to verify–if you didn’t see the email please check your spam folder, as it frequently lands there. I have no ability to automatically add you, unfortunately.

Thanks for reading FHO!


Happy 6th Anniversary FHO! (And guess what’s new…?)

Today is the 6th anniversary of FHO, and it’s hard to believe we’ve been plugging away this long. What started out as a place to put stuff I came across has morphed into a true community of professionals, hundreds of whom visit daily (and almost a thousand of you subscribe–not too shabby for such a niche site). It’s still a nerdy little site (in my eyes, at least), but I am hoping to implement a large scale redesign in 2015 that will allow for some expanded content. All of that takes money and time, of course–all I can say is that more will be revealed.


This Is Water (And a Few Thoughts for This Final Post of 2014)

I was perusing my blog reader this morning at the uncivilized hour of 4am (because my internal alarm clock is always on east coast time), catching up on some reading since I haven’t had a whole lot of down time this week. And I came across a blog post featuring a video based on a David Foster Wallace commencement speech from almost a decade ago.


10 Things: 2014 Gift Guide

If you’re trying to figure out what to pick up for members of your team this year, allow me to make some suggestions. They’re all things I have either given, currently covet, or plan to give myself this season.To make it a bit more fun, I’ve broken the list down a bit this year:


Thank You, Veterans!

Today is Veteran’s Day in the US, and as the spouse of a veteran (Iraq); daughter of a veteran (Vietnam); daughter-in-law of veterans (Desert Storm); and granddaughter of veterans (World War II), not to mention the friend and colleague of many who have deployed or are currently deployed (like our dear friend, Candace), I try each year to think about the best way to reflect on the day. Our plan for this morning was to pay our respects at Arlington, but with this happening in DC today, the crowds and traffic are too daunting, so we will go one evening this week.


New Blog Post on #SANEsustainability

Hey, I’ve got a new blog post over at NSVRC on the SANE Sustainability app–this time focusing on the Leadership section of the app (and everyone’s favorite issues: recruitment and retention). I hope you’ll check it out!


Happy Forensic Nurses Week 2014!


This week is Forensic Nurses Week, so a shout out to all my forensic nursing colleagues around the world who do phenomenal (and often groundbreaking) work every day. Check out all the information about the week and ideas for ways that you can recognize your team and colleagues over at the IAFN site. And for those of you who are also Nurse Practitioners in the US, turns out we get to doubly celebrate this week: it’s also National Nurse Practitioners Week!

Cheers to all of us!


Morning Inspiration: The Tiny Cost of Failure

I woke up to this blog piece today by Seth Godin, and really, it couldn’t be more perfect…


The Language of Lying

I’m a little hesitant to post this here, because I don’t want anyone thinking that I am saying that deception detection is part of the role of the forensic healthcare provider. In the context of caring for living victims of violence, it’s not. That being said, I found this new video from the TED-Ed folks on the language of lying really fascinating, and several people I read have posted it on their own sites (so perhaps you’ve already seen it). If not, watch it for what it is (interesting science, not a how-to for wannabe investigators) and enjoy!


Welcome New Subscribers!

Welcome to all of the new subscribers coming to FHO from the IAFN conference! A quick reminder: please look for the Feedburner email to verify the email address you used to subscribe to this site. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder. You need to verify your address before you will get daily updates.


10 Things: Travel Essentials (Updated)

I have had a lot of requests for updates on how I travel and what gets me through the long hours on the road, so I thought that as I wait to board my plane back to the US I’d give it some thought. Here’s my current list:


Handouts for IAFN 2014 Sessions

Just a heads up: all of my session handouts will be posted under the Handouts tab on this site the day of the presentation. I generally leave them up for 30(ish) days. And a quick shout out to the unbelievable crowd at our Pretrial Hearings session yesterday. You guys were fantastic to talk to! Hope to see more of you all in the days to come.


Follow Along at #4N6RN (See you in Phoenix!)

I’m heading to Phoenix for the IAFN annual conference. I’m hoping to catch up with a good many of you this year: I’ll be at both the IAFN “Lucy” booth and the NSVRC table talking about the new SANE Sustainability app (have you downloaded it yet?). Please stop by and say hello; you know how I love to meet FHO readers. If you can’t make it (sad panda face), follow along at #4N6RN. And if you are there, consider tweeting about some of your sessions with the designated hashtag so your colleagues who are staying home to cover the call schedule don’t miss out completely!

Sexual Assault Uncategorized

#SANEsustainability: The SANE Sustainability App is Here!

Screen Shot 2014-10-20 at 8.26.55 AMI am so excited to announce that the {free} SANE Sustainability app for iPhone and iPad is now available! This is a joint project of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and IAFN, and the culmination of almost a decade’s worth of work. I really hope people will find it a helpful tool for managing SANE programs, with a wide variety of information focusing on issues like recruitment and retention, leadership, program expansion and more. I have a blog post on the NSVRC sustainability site introducing the app and its various components, so I encourage you to check it out. Click through for details on how to download the app (and how to obtain {most} of the information if you’re not an iPhone or iPad user):


Street Harassment via The Daily Show

I’m knocking off early to pick up my spouse at DCA and then get ready for Kol Nidre services tonight, so I leave you with the brilliant Jessica Williams and her look at street harassment. Enjoy and have a good weekend!


Clinical Guide Updates: ALS and Consensual Sex Injury

Just a quick note: I’ve updated two of our most popular clinical guides based on new research you’ll also find in this month’s Articles of Note: Alternate Light Source, Part I and Consensual Sex Injury. Enjoy!


On Setting Limits

I feel like I could give an entire talk on the subject of setting limits. It’s particularly relevant today, because it’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and I am working. In fact, I don’t know when the last time was that I took the High Holidays off. When you work for yourself, the reality is that you could simply always be working. What’s more, I really love the work I do. But taking care of yourself is not optional. And for me that means setting limits.


Mastering Difficult Conversations: Tips and Tools

Here’s a fascinating webinar that’s coming up (and it’s free, and many of these business webinars are distinctly not)–Mastering Difficult Conversations: Tips and Tools from a Former FBI Hostage Negotiation Trainer. I post this here because it’s exactly the kind of session from which program managers may benefit–click through for all of the details:


Touch DNA

SAFEta has an upcoming webinar on touch DNA. The session will be held October 8th from 2-3:30pm ET. Click through for details: