
Since Last We Spoke, 5-7-18

Friends, I am getting ready to embark on a really amazing professional adventure on Saturday, so it’ll be business as usual at FHO this week, and then it’ll be quiet here next week. I can’t share too many details until my return, but I will devote some real estate to the trip when I am back in the office. In the meantime, I have a new Articles of Note coming this week, and maybe another goodie or two. And of course, I was perusing the interwebs during quiet moments over the weekend; here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Every Thing This Man Writes

A modicum of justice

How to complain so a partner will listen

Democrats aren’t the only women who care about #MeToo

Interesting op-ed about the loss of genetic privacy

In case you were hoping air travel could get worse

Consent is only one part of the conversation. Pleasure is another. 

And finally, this week is National Nurses Week –a very happy one to all my friends and colleagues!


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 4-30-18

Greetings to you all–as I write this I am sitting in a United Club getting ready to board a flight to Miami where I will be teaching most of the week with the Army. I’ve been looking forward to this week for some time, so while it’ll be mentally rigorous (as all new courses are), it barely feels like work. Just a reminder I am still looking for folks who fit the criteria I outline in this post–I heard from a few of you, but not nearly as many as I had hoped. Please, people, visibility is important; diversity is a necessity if we are going to have national level projects that truly speak to the full breadth of patients we serve. FHO readership has always been exceedingly shy–but I am asking you to use this platform to show off your practice. Readers are more interested than you realize (I know from the dozens of emails I did get from people telling me they loved the idea). I will also be knocking on some virtual doors, but I would love to highlight new voices in particular–folks who have yet to step onto a national stage. Hit me up–I know you’re out there. And thanks to those of you who already have–I haven’t been ignoring you. Just getting my proverbial s%^& together.

And now, here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

#MeToo isn’t done yet


Proud to have called AEQ my home for a time

Not an easy read but a good one

C’mon, NFL

C’mon, Nike

I’m having trouble wrapping my head around the outrage at her jokes, but not his conduct.

I’ll be in Montgomery next week and hope to be able to take a couple hours to visit

I love what this technology has meant for people with disabilities

This causes so much rage in me. The entitlement…


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 4-23-18

Greetings, dear readers. Always best intentions when I’m on the road, but some jobs are simply not conducive to posting. Sorry to have missed everyone these last couple weeks. I’m back in the office this week, though, and hope to get caught up. Before I do that, here are a few things that caught my eye since last we spoke:

Loved everything about this

Good guy, no gun

Women veterans, IPV and homelessness


Watching a movement catch fire in real time

Badass, indeed


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here



Since Last We Spoke, 4-9-18

Good morning from Ft Hood, Texas. For the next two weeks, postings will be somewhat light–I leave here and head straight to Italy for more work, and then on to Cleveland (for the kid’s spring musical), so please bear with me. I will miss everyone at this year’s Leadership and Lobby Days, but I am certain it will be a great success. Confession–the migraines have been crushing as of late, so I didn’t spend a ton of time online this weekend, but here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Sadness: this was the source of much of my education as a kid, and one of the reasons I ended up doing what I do today

Another man mansplaining #MeToo

Must read: the legacy of childhood trauma

This was Twitter gold

So true (as I get very close to 50 this year)


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 4-2-18

Happy Easter and Passover to all of you who celebrate–we hosted a lovely seder last night filled with great food and lots of laughter and love. We were 11 in my little house; crowded, but wonderful. A note for this week–posting will be light this week, as I will be in NYC looking at colleges with the girlchild. I love these trips and intend to relish every moment with the kid, so no computer for the bulk of the week. However, before I leave, here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Black students at MSD want their voices heard too

The folks at Monster Energy have a serious sexual harassment problem

Ugh–were you a Ren and Stimpy watcher?

March 31st was the Transgender Day of Visibility


Confronting the Native Harvey Weinsteins

I can’t believe it took so long to pass this law

In China, women are using emojis to talk openly about harassment

My wife and I had a good laugh over this–and agree


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, March for Our Lives Edition

Saturday was the remarkable March for Our Lives, and I am so grateful I could be a part of it. My daughter (plus a bestie), her dad, and his wife all came into town to participate. Truly, it was an epic day. We were down there early enough to be relatively close to the main stage, and the energy of the event was indescribable. From the first notes of Andra Day’s Rise Up, which kicked off the event, to the inspiring speeches by young people from around the country, I have never been prouder to be part of a crowd of 800,000 people (actually I’ve never been part of a crowd of 800,000 people, so). So today’s post is everything I saw and read since last we spoke (warning–there’s some redundancy amongst the links):

The editorial staff of MSD took over the Guardian; here’s their manifesto for change

Trauma and anxiety in the aftermath of gun violence (actually, it’s worth checking out all of Teen Vogue, because they are making it happen right now)

The loudest silence in the history of protest

The most powerful moments of the march

The 6 most powerful speeches of the March

Possibly the most punk rock moment of the event (I will never pretend away my nerves before speaking again)

From our local community newspaper: Naomi Wadler, remember that name.

Rick Santorum got dragged by ED and trauma clinicians on Twitter after his unhelpful advice for students

My daughter and her friend, Dylan:













If you’d like to see more of my photos, you’ll find them over on my Instagram


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 3-19-18

Let’s see how this week will go, shall we? It’s started off on the crappier side, what with the immunization-induced malaise I’m currently rocking in anticipation of some overseas travel coming up in May. But I will be on the Hill tomorrow for a tick, and my kiddo is coming in for #MarchForOurLives on Friday, plus some reasonably fun work projects over the next couple days, so I have high hopes that the week gets better from here. Sasha was gone Sunday so I worked a good portion of the weekend. Still had a bit of time to surf, though. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

People with disabilities have been left out of the conversation

Abortion is safe, so says a landmark study

The lack of media coverage around this case is troubling

Woke America and Great America can learn from each other

More on the benefits of exercise

Maybe next time don’t joke about domestic violence

A revolution in pronoun norms

My favorite place to procrastinate has a great partnership with Time’s Up (and you, too, can record stories of your own)


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 3-12-18

As is the nature of this work, I was supposed to be on the road the remainder of the month and now I am not traveling until the beginning of April. So, more time at home than I typically have, which is not a bad thing. This made for a very mellow weekend and plenty of reading time. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

These young women, they are doing incredible things.

And also

See–there’s data! (“Young women are more likely than young men to report one or more kinds of political activity over the past 12 months”)

Most certainly

When boys are victims

Seems as though we aren’t done with this yet

Love seeing our colleague doing such amazing things in the world

This is both thrilling and infuriating

The book was such a pivotal part of my childhood (and many of her others a pivotal part of my adult life); I cannot wait to see the movie.

Finally, we are going to attend the March with our daughter, her dad and other stepmom, and one of her besties. Anyone else coming to DC for it?

(BTW, anyone see this marvelous ad?)

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Intensity vs. Consistency

I think about sustainability a lot. So anytime I see something that I think can help improve the sustainability of programs, rest assured it will show up on this site. Like this video from the folks over at RSA; I think it makes a great point about successfully managing businesses, which forensic nursing programs are.

RSA – Simon Sinek – Intensity vs Consistency from Jocie Juritz on Vimeo.

In forensic nursing, intensity is represented by things like fancy new equipment. It’s exciting, but it doesn’t really do anything to make sure your program is going to go the distance. And it certainly doesn’t guarantee a better quality clinician or patient experience.

Consistency is regular staff meetings. Consistency is ongoing education. Consistency is about investing in people and not things. It’s one of the keys to sustainable programs, as we discovered in our project. New cameras and other equipment are fine, but they shouldn’t be where you prioritize your resources. Need a new camera? Maybe purchase one that has fewer bells and whistles and devote some of that money to IAFN membership or conference registration for staff. When you invest in your team, when you ensure they feel supported and have access to current research and practice updates, they are more likely to stick around. Your patients are more likely to have better experiences, and the exam is more likely to be done appropriately and consistent with standards of practice, which benefits the entire system.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 3-5-18

I’m heading to San Antonio this week for a few days with the Army, but before I hop on a plane, here are a couple things from my weekend. One, a bit of insight: if you are going to play Cards Against Humanity, know that forensic nurses are uniquely situated to crush this game. We possess the perfect combination of appreciation for dark humor, and exposure to the vernacular of the day that allows us to dominate our opponents. I played with 3 prosecutors, a judge and a law enforcement analyst. I was a force 🙂 Second, if you haven’t seen Black Panther yet, get yourself to the theater. It was So. Good. Satisfying in every way.

Also, I read (and listened to) a few fascinating things on the interwebs this weekend. Here’s what caught my attention since last we spoke:

This made me feel a bit teary

These teens will save us all. Here’s part of the reason why they’re good at this.

How important is luck?

How much will we as a country lose out on if we don’t take action?

New WHO guidelines on the rights of women during childbirth

True character

A review of gun research

Why mansplaining is still a thing

How to keep going

Finally, if you have the time, I encourage you to listen to this piece. It’s very insightful, and terribly well done.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 2-26-18

Sorry I disappeared last week–I was in Germany, and well, my time was not my own, so something had to give and it was FHO. But I’m back, in town for the whole week, and ready to make the slog to catch up on everything that got dropped while I was away. So let’s get right to it:

I’ve been asked to remind folks that IAFN is seeking nominations for the full slate of awards. Got someone you think is doing amazing work in forensic nursing? Make it happen!

The boys are not all right

And another related NYT op-ed that’s worth the time

Also related: notes from a radiologist

Fascinating take: the (lack of) neutrality in science


Immigration is a healthcare issue.

A profoundly powerful piece on bullying and the hope of retribution

There’s so much heartbreak in this, but it’s worth the listen:

For all of you who have ever completed a grant application, this is for you.

And finally, I really want to encourage you to come to DC for Leadership and Lobby Days, April 16 & 17. Being on the Hill is one of the most satisfying things I have been able to do, and this year’s Leadership Day focus is particularly good for those of you who are managers or aspiring managers. It’s a great opportunity to network in a smaller group setting, meet your legislators face to face, and focus on issues not usually covered at the fall conference. Registration ends March 16th, so please spread the word. The more forensic nurses on the Hill, the greater the impact. Plus, DC in the spring? Outstanding.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here



Since Last We Spoke, 2-12-18

It’s a busy week here at FHO headquarters (AKA, my house). I’m heading out of the country at the end of the week, so with looming self-imposed deadlines, and a few fun gigs before I board a plane, there’s much to do. And I mean that in a good way. I will always take busy. It’s possible we’re slightly obsessed with the Olympics in our household, so the free time I have had has been mainly watching coverage and wishing I was in Korea, one of my favorite places on earth. But some surfing did happen along the way–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

If you haven’t read this yet, it’s blistering (and true)


Beautifully written exploration of race and privilege

And the video series she produced–it’s so good (warning–autoplay).

The myth of drug expiration dates

More reason to love libraries

As a parent, this was a real eye-opener.

Loved this series on gender equality

How to do intersectionality

Ha! Everything you need for a rainy Monday…

If you came to see the bride you’re out of luck(!)

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 2-5-18

Allegedly there was some sports thing on last night, but I was flying back from the CLE after a really great weekend with kid and family. Praise be, I am home for 10 whole days, so I am writing this week (sitting in front of my fireplace for hours on end, much to the chagrin of my shaggy pup, who never wants to be far from me, but hates heat). Time in airports means time on the interwebs: here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Just. Stop.

How not to die in America

Great–new ways to sexually harass

My next door neighbor teaches at this young woman’s school–such a tragedy

Come on…really?

I will always stop what I am doing and read an interview with Auntie Maxine

Stop asking powerful women to fix bad men

A prize for avoiding sexual violence against women

If you need to kickstart your week, I found this talk to be really enjoyable:


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


2018 Leadership and Lobby Days

Although this is a website for online continuing education, every now and again I post live events, particularly ones important to me. And so I am pleased to announce this year’s Leadership and Lobby Days event is now open for registration. If you didn’t join us last year, I assure you it was a fantastic two days. I hope you will consider coming to DC this spring: the dates are 16-17 April, and unlike last year, participants will be staying in DC, in the Dupont Circle neighborhood. Up to 8.5 CEUs are available. Keep in mind, this is only for IAFN members, so if you aren’t one yet, consider joining. Also, this is not limited to US members–non-US members are encouraged to come and set up meetings with their embassy while US members are on the Hill.

Participants will learn how to effectively engage with legislators and staffers prior to heading out for meetings. Materials will be provided on the issues on which IAFN is focused. If lobbying sounds intimidating, please talk with colleagues who attended last year–I think you’ll hear that the process of talking with legislators and staffers is much less scary than some of you may think. People returned from their respective meetings excited and re-energized (I know because y’all came to my house afterwards and the stories you told about your experiences were really amazing).

Since I have already been asked by several of you, the one bit of bad news (for me, at least): I won’t be in attendance this year. As of right now, I have a trial that was continued to that week, so I will be out of the country. Should that change, I assure you I will be there (insert frownie face).

Please consider coming and help make #100ForensicRNs in DC a reality (again!).

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Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 1-29-18

A good Monday to you all–we actually thawed a bit in DC this weekend, and were able to take advantage of the nicer weather with a hike and some time down at the Wharf for an early meal. Naturally, snow is in the forecast here and in the 216 where I’ll be headed later in the week. But I’ll take it where I can get it, as I’ve become a bit of a delicate flower since moving south of the Mason-Dixon line. BTW, congrats, Alison C, you are the winner of our giveaway! Please email me your address so I can send out your book.

Bit of a sleepless night last night, so I had the opportunity to catch up on some reading. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Why women don’t get paps

What silences women (now I need to watch her TED talk)


A lawsuit seemed inevitable

Never underestimate the importance of journalism in our society

An excellent question

The female price of male pleasure (one of the most cited articles in my feeds this week, and for good reason)

What we mean when we say marriage is work

When sleep is elusive

I am absolutely here for this.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 1-22-18

I had the pleasure of attending a night of arts and empowerment at the synagogue we attend here in DC. Both Ilyse Hogue from NARAL and Fatima Goss Graves from the National Women’s Law Center spoke (among others), and as I listened, I could only think about how everything being discussed directly related to the work we do. We are so much more than collecting evidence, and I hope everyone doing this work is able to see, expansively, our role in the health of our communities. It was a really thought-provoking evening.

Plenty to keep us occupied this weekend on the interwebs. I didn’t make it to the march this year, but I followed along online, and was thrilled with the sustained movement as hundreds of thousands showed up around the world. Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Love these pics from the marches this weekend

The best take on this.


On this, the 45th anniversary of Roe v Wade

You may have heard that the US Dept of Health and Human Services has rolled out a new division, the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division (I can barely type these words, I have so much rage). Lambda Legal is tracking denial of services, for anyone who may need to report such an occurrence.

Seems like the time is right (finally)

Forensic nurses need to be paying attention to the opioid crisis

This should be the biggest story in sports. I’m not surprised it isn’t.

A concept I live by:

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Since Last We Spoke, 1-15-18

I’m down at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, SC for a couple days working on a new project, so while many of you are off today for the MLK Day observance, it was a travel day for me. After managing to avoid it for months, the garbage virus going around took hold while I was in Portland last week, and I actually spent the better part of the last 3 days in my bed. That gave me plenty of time to surf–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:


A portrait of men in nursing

Toxic political conversations and objective truth

How to speak grief

Connecting the opioid epidemic to an HIV outbreak

I was sexually abused as a boy

The best thing I’ve read in 2018

2018 Women’s March

No one is coming to save us from Trump’s racism


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here


Happy Birthday FHO! (We’re 9!)


Well, we are celebrating 9 years here at FHO. Not too shabby for a nerdy little site that began as a place for me to refer folks for a few resources here and there. In 2017 we were visited by 63 different countries, with tens of thousand of users. In order of popularity, the 10 posts most visited this past year were:

1.) Creating a Fee Schedule for Expert Consultation and Testimony
2.) Clinical Guide: Court Testimony
3.) Patient-Clinician Communication: Basic Principles and Expectations (this was a surprise, since it’s pretty old)
4.) Injury Following Consensual Sex (our 1st product in the FHO store)
5.) How Trauma Lodges in the Body
6.) Clinical Guide: Toluidine Blue Dye
7.) 10 Things: Social Media Use for Forensic Clinicians
8.) Clinical Guide: Determining the Age of Bruises
9.) National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach
10.) Certificate vs Certification

Not too many surprises on that list, but a very different list from 2016, for sure. I’m so glad you continue to visit FHO, and I cannot wait to introduce some of the new content coming in 2018. Keep coming back as the store grows and a few features are added to the site. Glad so many of you have chosen to subscribe; if you haven’t yet, please consider signing up. It makes it simpler to get fresh content delivered to your mailbox 4(ish) times a week.

Thanks for reading FHO! Here’s to another great year…


Since Last We Spoke, 12-11-17

Well, another morning, another harasser named (by multiple sources, and admitting to the conduct in a released statement). This continues to be something to behold, and not surprisingly, much of what is catching my attention on social media relates to the continued exposure of these men, and the subsequent think pieces that have been rolling out (many of them, really well done). I’ve tried to limit those articles to the best of what I’ve read–here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

This moment isn’t just about sex (by one of my favorite writers)

Sexual harassment does not occur in a vacuum

Related (and this so speaks to me)

Health disparities are very real, folks

And also

A very satisfying (and relevant) essay series

Emergency rooms are monopolies.

Myth busters 🙂

When victim services don’t actually help

As the mother of a teen girl, yep

Finally, if you aren’t watching this show, you should:

Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.


Since Last We Spoke, 11-27-17

Good morning from LGA, the 1st of 2 layovers for me today (ah, government travel). I wouldn’t say I am complaining per se, but I promise you it has not escaped me that it will take longer for me to get from DC to the Central Time Zone than it did for me to get to Germany last month.  Thank god for airport lounges. I tried to stay offline as much as possible over the holiday, which was glorious, but this morning it’s like I never took time off. So here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Tough, but important read

So much of what dominates my news feed centers on sexual violence. Like so.

And so.

Also this.

Great column on good girls.

Doesn’t matter how powerful a woman you are, some things don’t change.

Angry men react


Need a little break from all the bleakness? Here you go. You’re welcome.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here