
Since Last We Spoke, 1-2-17

Happy new year, everyone–hope your holidays were peaceful and filled with good food, friends, and family. Mine were pretty terrific until I was felled by a nasty case of vertigo New Year’s Eve. It’s *just* starting to dissipate this evening, so I’m thankful for that. I am briefly on the road later this week, but I have to admit I’m excited for so much DC-based work to start the new year. Plenty of interesting things on the interwebs over the break–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Much of my time over the holidays was spent with my wife and girlchild, feeding them and hosting a combined Hanukkah/anniversary party (brisket, latkes, smoked whitefish platter, etc.). But there was some downtime with plenty of interesting things on the interwebs over the break–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Wrong side of history

Remembering some heroes of 2016

The reason your life sucks so much

Fake academia is a problem

I pretty much read everything Jessica Luther publishes


Want to give better feedback?

Can your boss do your job?


And That’ll Do It for 2016…

I’m taking the rest of the year to be with family and friends, so this is where I bid everyone a lovely holiday season, whatever you celebrate, and a happy new year. Here’s hoping 2017 is good to us all. See you back here January 2nd!



Since Last We Spoke, Holiday 2016 Edition

Oh hey–it’s the week before Christmas (how did that happen?!). I will be working this week, but hopefully next week is vacation time, so that’s where my brain is right now (#freelancerproblems). I had a relatively lazy weekend, what with the ice storm that hit DC on Saturday. So much surfing of the web occurred. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Merriam-Webster’s word of 2016 is pretty spot on

Speaking of the word of 2016, I cannot believe I might need have to actually worry about this


Overcoming rejection

Leadership hacks worth considering

Why not say what you mean?

The problem with Exceptional Women

So-called identity politics are more than some made-up liberal construct

Fake news, deconstructed

The powerful new cover story from NatGeo

I love Jessica Luther’s work on sexual violence

There’s a whole group of docs who are going to hate this study

I was just introduced to this quote and I am 100% certain nothing has ever been more true


Since Last We Spoke, 12-12-16

99.9% of the communication I have with FHO readers is overwhelmingly lovely, but every now and again I get something a little less pleasant. Like a comment that perhaps I should stick to talking about forensic nursing, and leave the politics out of it. So I want to be clear: I am a progressive. I believe healthcare is a human right. I believe economic equality cannot occur if women don’t control their own bodies. I believe that political correctness is actually another term for respect for all, and isn’t something that should be sneered at. I am a proud Army wife and support our troops. I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but I don’t believe it allows for unregulated gun sales and ownership, and I certainly don’t believe you can wave the 2nd Amendment in my face and not also remember there is an equally important 1st Amendment. And I believe in intersectionality–that poverty, racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia all impact the health of our patients along with the violence they’ve experienced, and if we truly want to care for our patients, we can’t just care for the one without addressing all the others.

That being said, this is my site, and it is unaffiliated with any agency or organization. I speak solely for myself and as long as that’s true, this site will include “politics”. Because politics impact our patients’ lives, and particularly in these times, I believe it is imperative that we remain vigilant in working towards the health and safety of all people. FHO is not a vanity project; it exists in service to the profession I love. But having an opinion, taking a stand, this is what allows us to move the work forward. Apathy and a refusal to commit to an ideal–these are the enemies of progress.

So now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

Heroin deaths have officially exceeded gun deaths in the US

The so-called women’s magazines are killing it right now in the political commentary arena

Despair and hope (Related)

That pesky hippocampus

Pickle juice! (so good)

The art of the email intro

The future of reproductive health?

If you haven’t read When Breath Becomes Air, do.

System failures seem to always be part of the story

Protecting your digital privacy

Passive aggressive gifts for your significant other


Since Last We Spoke, 12-5-16

This week is pretty hectic (due dates, holiday mandatory fun, etc.) and we spent part of the weekend working in anticipation of it all, but there was still time to surf the interwebs (hello, procrastination). Honestly, I find my twitter feed overwhelmingly depressing, but somehow I still can’t look away. Here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

I’ll never watch Sailor Moon with my nieces in the same way again

Year of magical parenting

Some of the best (concise) presentation advice

It’s going to be years of essays like this

And also ones like this (I love her writing, btw)

Still some homicide rates that haven’t decreased

I wish…I have talked to many patients in my career who have made decisions based on inaccurate/nonsensical information; the Internet makes it so much easier to spread.

Medscape’s annual physician ethics survey (interesting)

We will forgive so much for football

Good on Merriam-Webster (I love their Twitter feed)


Still way too many stories like this one

And finally, many of you have asked about the new pup–I suppose it was inevitable, he has his own Instagram account (100% Sasha’s doing). Also, he’s great 🙂

{BTW, you’ll also find me on Insta; it’s mostly travel, dogs and food, but isn’t everyone’s? You can also get there by clicking on the Instagram button at the bottom right corner of every page (Follow FHO on Social Media)}



Are We Overthinking Things? Forensic Nursing is Nursing

I was asked an interesting question on the site recently. A reader wanted to know if delivering lab results was appropriate for RNs. There seemed to be some disagreement within the reader’s program about whether the results from any labs drawn during a medical-forensic exam could be delivered to the patient by the forensic nurse who obtained them. The answer is yes–I’m racking my brain trying to think of an instance where it wouldn’t be kosher, assuming there’s no hospital/agency policy that states otherwise. Not only is it appropriate for nurses to do so (and we do it all the time in other types of practice), but recent federal rules dictate that patients can bypass healthcare providers altogether for lab results and obtain them directly from the lab running the tests. In fact, patients can go into electronic portals and look them up on their own in many practices (both my primary care doc and my neurologist allow me to). I am unaware of any state that prohibits RNs from giving patients test results. However, you should refer back to your state Nurse Practice Act to assess your scope of practice, and engage your hospital/agency’s risk management professionals if need be.

That said, my hunch is here the issue is that someone has attached the word forensic to the results. And this is where I need to encourage everyone to slow their roll. Because we sometimes lose sight of the fundamental nursing aspects of our job when that word comes into play. Labs/tests/imaging happening in your own institution are being done for the treatment of that patient. While they may at some point be used in a legal setting, there’s no way for the clinician to know that at the time. Sure, these tests are forensic in nature—everything during the encounter that happens after the patient says they’ve been assaulted is forensic in nature. And everything is medical, because they’ve come in for care, and potentially sample collection for an evidence collection kit (if that’s something available and of interest to them). The two cannot be separated out, and trying to do so is a waste of time. When I get involved in a case going to trial, I will review the forensic nurse’s paperwork—and then I’ll ask for all of the other records generated at the point that patient presented. Triage notes, ED doc’s medical screening exam, any labs drawn prior to the forensic nurse getting involved—all of it. Because it’s all forensic at the point we’re going to trial, just like it was all medical when the patient came in asking for care.

We treat these patients, and our role in working with these patients, differently much of the time because we are so caught up in the legal implications of the work. I would encourage people to stop getting so wrapped around the axel on this, because two points are critical to remember:

1.) A small percentage of our patients will ever see the inside of a courtroom, but 100% of them have the potential to develop healthcare sequelae from the violence they’ve experienced (research is clear on this, from child abuse to elder abuse; trafficking, sexual violence, domestic violence—you name it)*. If you’re only focused on the “forensic” part of the job, you are doing a disservice to the majority of your patients. Take the potential legal implications of the patient encounter seriously, and perform the sample collection meticulously so that patients have all of the criminal justice options available to them if that’s the route they choose. But do not put patients in a position where they are receiving a lesser standard of healthcare than if they just wandered into any ED in the US because the focus is on the kit or the photography. Patients need and deserve the CDC-recommended standards for STI prophylaxis; access to emergency contraceptives; appropriate screening for nPEP; anticipatory guidance upon discharge tailored to their particular issues; and follow-up that’s more comprehensive than “see your primary care provider if you have any problems”. And not for nothing, but these things should be completed by the forensic nurse—the specialist in the agency who understands the interplay between the particular trauma this patient has experienced and the impact it may have on their health. I don’t have hard evidence to back this statement up, but anecdotally based on all the records I review, clinicians who take care of all of these things as a part of the medical-forensic encounter (rather than relying on the ED staff to handle it), simply have more healthcare-focused, complete exams.

2.) There is emerging research that suggests that patients have a better experience at the point of exam and better outcomes, medically and legally, when we are more focused on patient as patient than patient as crime scene (see basically everything R. Campbell and colleagues have authored for support). Focusing on the health and well-being of patients, providing them with choices, treating the whole patient rather than honing in on the body parts of greatest interest in a potential court proceeding, benefits the whole process.

Which brings us back to the original question—can/should RNs be providing our patients lab/test results. Don’t overthink this—be the very best clinician you can be; practice fully within the scope of your licensure and according to your (regularly updated) policies and procedures; attend to the whole patient and document accordingly. And ask yourself—would I provide patient care differently with other populations? If the answer is yes, perhaps it’s time to examine your approach.


*There isn’t a single statement I repeat more often than this one. Not by a long shot.

**Canada, Australia and others: does this differ for you guys? I obviously don’t know the answer to that.

***As always, this site is not intended to provide legal advice. We’re discussing the larger practice implications here. I am not the authority on your scope of practice, so again, refer back to your state nurse practice act and agency risk management for legal advice on this topic.


Team Holiday Gift Guide 2016

Every year I like to put together a team holiday gift guide; the work we do is tough and the hours sometimes challenging, so finding opportunities to celebrate one another is particularly important. What follows are 10 things that have caught my eye (some of which I have already purchased). There’s a good mix of items for the whole posse, and ones for your individual gift exchanges. Enjoy!

These Are Things pins and patches: I am a big fan. Several of my people have received these in the past; a few more are going to see them in their stocking this year. My favorite is still this one. Super fun, super inexpensive.

Simple Scrap Notebook v1: If you’ve read previous gift guides then you know I am a fan of the notebook. We are in fact a notebook loving family, as my kid likes to say. I just bought this one for myself, because in addition to writing, I also have a hoarder sentimental streak that has me saving ticket stubs, restaurant cards, and the like. I actually make Sashsa a book like this for her birthday every year using a Moleskine–they’re her favorite so she’d probably notice if I subbed one of these in, but for everyone else…

Flight 001 Besame Pouch (or alternatively, Man Things pouch): Because who doesn’t need an extra bag to stash things? Good for travel (all the things one would need to be comfy on a long flight for instance); good for extra cords and electronics accessories that would otherwise get tangled or lost in the bottom of a backpack.

BaubleBar Ear Crawler: Terrible name, but pretty nonetheless. Just funky enough for my personal tastes, but still lovely and delicate looking. I would definitely rock these.

Microwave Popper: The gift you give your team. Awesome for those late nights when you’re sitting around waiting for law enforcement to come pick up a kit. Way cooler than the supermarket bags.

Bees Knees Spicy Honey: I am obsessed with this product. There’s a fabulous pizza place in our neighborhood that drizzles this stuff on top of their pizza and it is killer (honest). For the adventuresome eater in your crew–spoon onto soft, warm rolls with butter; over some stinky blue stilton; or on the popcorn you made in the aforementioned microwave popper. So. Good.

In the Company of Women: This is one of my favorite books of the year. Authored by the creator of the blog Design Sponge, at first blush it seems like a book strictly for creatives, but there are great lessons about leadership, entrepreneurship and life in general. I find it very motivating, particularly because it features so many women whose voices might not always be heard in traditional media. I bought it for myself, and am giving it to a few others this season. Bonus: great photos elevate the text. One look and you’ll know exactly who on your team would appreciate this gift.

Snail Tea Bag Holder: Leave it to Etsy to have fun, inexpensive gifts. As an obsessive tea drinker I think these are awesome. And because they come in a 5-pack, leave a few in your unit to put a smile on the face of your advocate colleagues who could probably use a cup of tea every now and again.

Dream Big Mug: The perfect blend of inspirational and in your face. Warning: language. Suitable for team meetings (at least my team meetings); not-so-suitable for clinic. But seriously–funny as &$%@.

The Big Ticket Item: Create Your Own Class: How much fun would it be to take your entire team out of the clinic and into a cooking/baking class? Everyone learning how to make Chinese dumplings or bread or pasta, together, away from work? Obviously it sounds glorious to me because I love to cook, but really, you could pick any type of class, just to get away, together, for one evening. This one is from Sur La Table, but you could probably do something like this in a variety of venues for a variety of budgets. Don’t discount the impact a little togetherness can have on the health of your crew.

Can’t wait to hear about the festivities in your programs. Here’s hoping everyone’s getting a little celebration this time of year!


Since Last We Spoke, 11-28-16

Hope you had a lovely (extended) weekend. We had a great holiday, and although our trip home took 2.5 hours longer than normal (thanks, DC traffic), Hamilton might just be the chillest pup around. He slept the whole way home, and still slept most of the night.

This week brings us our annual team member gift guide, which I hope to have live in the next couple days. But 1st, here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:


A beautifully written piece on race in the US


Also: self-care as an act of political warfare

Plausible alternatives to incarcerating women

How to spot a fake news site

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday–how-to, even if you can’t

A different type of portrayal of domestic violence survivors

What we need right now: more compassion

Not the solution we need right now

This. Is. So. Good.

Everyday tips for everyday people

And finally, some light during dark times:

{Sigh–watching the active shooter news unfolding at OSU as I go to post this. Madness.}


Giving Thanks, 2016

This Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the US. And with all the complicated history that holiday holds, it remains a time to take a hard look at the life I lead and express some real gratitude for what I have. I won’t lie–2016 has been kind of awful in many ways: I lost one of my very best friends this year; we had to put down our beloved husky earlier this fall (after we discovered in some of life’s most terrible irony that she had essentially the same kind of cancer as my dear friend); and of course, the US election. Decidedly not good. So this exercise is more important than ever–my short, but heartfelt list of gratitude:

  1. FHO Readers: Let’s face it–you guys are pretty terrific. I’ve heard from you a lot this year. You’ve sent countless emails to me (and even posted a few comments) extending your love and support in the wake of tough times, and providing encouragement with the unveiling of the new site. And I have met *so many* of you at conferences and trainings–I really value these interactions, both virtual and IRL. People ask how I have the energy to devote to this site, but the truth is, I get so much more out of it than you may realize, both in community and in lessons I learn from you as you reach out with questions and concerns. I really heart my readers.
  2. Family: One of the reasons I love this holiday is that it’s the one time of year I am immersed in family. The rest of the year we are pulled in a million directions, but for this one week, we are all together, and it is pretty glorious. In part because we’re serious about food and cooking, in part because the makeup of our table is diverse and welcoming, and fitting for the season. Participants will range in age from 4 to 92. One third of the table won’t speak English as their 1st language. And heaven help us, my teen age girl child’s boyfriend will be there, as well. So there it is.
  3. Work: I love what I do, it’s never the same 2 days in a row, I get to work with my friends a lot (as well as many I admire), and I meet interesting people along the way. It’s awesome and I am so very thankful I can make a living this way.
  4. DC: For all the turmoil I feel about politics right now, DC is a thrilling place to live and I am lucky to be in the middle of it. I hope I can always live there, in my lovely, progressive neighborhood full of restaurants, kids, gay folks and dogs. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else (or be here with anyone else).
  5. This guy: His name is Hamilton, and he’s coming home with us Sunday.



Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. I’m out for the rest of the week. See you back here Monday.


Since Last We Spoke, Thanksgiving 2016 Edition

This may be one of my favorite weeks of the year–my family is serious about cooking, so we are hard core about our Thanksgiving meal. Invariably my parents’ table includes an assortment of medical students, residents and/or attendings who had nowhere to go for the evening. This year, aside from my little brother and his family, my girl-child and spouse, there will also be an Israeli doc and his family who are relatively new to the whole Thanksgiving circus. It’s absolutely the best.

I was in trial last week and had company over the weekend, so I stayed off the computer for as much as I could. Still, a few things caught my eye since last we spoke:

Well, this is appalling

46,000 donations already

Interesting take on social media

May be the only thing to get me through the next 4 years

Quick, get that IUD!

Moving essay in honor of Transgender Remembrance Day

Conquering your fear of public speaking


The Urgency of Intersectionality

We do not spend a whole lot of time in forensic nursing talking about intersectionality, of which I was reminded when I received notice of this new TED talk today. That in and of itself is an issue. But the current realities here in the US being what they are makes this both timely and necessary. So I’m just going to leave this right here:


Since Last We Spoke, 11-14-16

I’m in Norfolk, VA this week with the Navy, and my schedule will be a bit unpredictable, so please bear with me as I try to get posts up. Some weeks I”m better at planning ahead than others–what can I say.

I had a really fantastic workshop on Friday with the Indiana IAFN chapter and it got me thinking quite a bit about how spiritually fulfilling it is to come together as a likeminded group and just get to talk about this work we love. I really needed that, so thanks to all of you who brought me to Indianapolis, and who made the day so lively and thought provoking.

Yesterday was a travel and work day for me, so I haven’t spent much time online (not to mention I find my feeds to be depressing and scary right now with the US election). But here’s a little of what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

Productive conversations during difficult times

A new app to report assaults

Ah, the office control freak

Feel like you need to contribute (more) in the wake of the election? Here are some charities helping to ensure everyone’s safety and equality. (I just set up a small monthly to donation myself.) Or try this list.

Interesting look at the impact of electing Trump on business leadership

A (tiny) bright spot in the election

New approach to families of suspects killed by police


This Forensic Nurses Week, A Look Ahead

To wrap up Forensic Nurses Week, let’s talk about what the future holds for the profession…

We’re at this point in our profession where we can really enumerate some incredible collective accomplishments, including multiple national protocols, a significant body of research, evaluation tools–we’re young, but we’ve got quite a bit to show for our relatively brief existence. So what’s next for us? What I submit are less predictions and more considerations for your time and attention. If we make them happen, so much the better for us and our patients. My big three:

  1. Diversify funding. We have to move away from solely being funded by criminal justice resources and look at ways to cultivate healthcare dollars for our programs. To be clear, I love how supported we have been by the criminal justices agencies that have funded many of our programs and projects. But there’s a lot more we could do if we had broader support from healthcare agencies. Expanded practice; more research around healthcare outcomes for our patients; funded clinical preceptorships and even residencies.
  2. Attack attrition. The sheer number of nurses who never complete their clinical training, or join our programs but leave within the first year, is staggering. As things stand, we are not getting great return on our investment writ large. We need to evaluate the very specific reasons people bail and identify concrete solutions to minimize their impact. I’m pretty certain there’s a project here.
  3. Focus post-baccalaureate forensic nursing programs. Yes, I’m down with education for education’s sake. But most people don’t have the kind of expendable funds to simply go back to school because learning is awesome (although it is, and I would go get an MBA if it was free). There’s this enormous push to get forensic nurses to go back to school, but if you look at the curricula for many of the graduate forensic nursing programs (at least here in the US), I can’t identify the specific job people are being educated for. First off, we haven’t developed enough full-time roles for forensic nurses to allow people a legitimate chance to make a living in the field. And the bulk of the jobs specifically for forensic nurses out there don’t generally require a forensic nursing graduate degree. A practitioner degree, or an MPH or even an MBA? Sure. But not a masters in forensic nursing. So I think we need to look at a long-range plan for expanded forensic nursing roles at all levels of health care. And simultaneously, we need to rethink forensic nursing graduate curricula so that we are educating forensic nurses with greater purpose (and yes, I have some pretty specific ideas about this, so call me, schools of nursing–I will come consult for you).

I would love to hear where you think we’re headed in the next 5-10 years, so chat me up online, here on the site (or knowing you guys), via email. My point of view is obviously a very specific one.

Happy Forensic Nurses Week, everyone. Know that I really honor the diverse contributions you make to the field, the collegiality I so enjoy because of my interactions with you on FHO and in actual life, and the sheer determination you display in getting programs up and running and keeping them afloat–all in the name of providing great care to victims (and perpetrators) of violence. Kudos to all y’all.




It’s Forensic Nurses Week! (And a Few Other Things)


Happy Forensic Nurses Week to all of my colleagues around the world. Here’s to everyone who is doing this important work with the myriad populations we serve every day. If you haven’t seen the packet of information IAFN has for recognizing this week, wander over to their dedicated page and download your own press release or get some ideas for celebrating your team/staff. I’d love to hear if you’re doing anything special this week–I’ll be spending part of it in Indianapolis with the Indiana IAFN Chapter at their conference, so come say hello if you’ll be attending.

Obviously here in the US we have an election tomorrow–please for the love of all that is holy, go vote. Still not sure where to go? Google’s latest doodle will help you find your polling place. (#ImWithHer)

Lastly, Friday is Veterans Day (for my non-US readers, here’s a little about the history of this day). Please don’t forget to recognize all the veterans in your life.


Since Last We Spoke (and a Giveaway Winner!)

Greetings to you all, and a good Monday morning–my hometown baseball team is up in the World Series 3-2 and we are a mere 9 days from this election being over, one way or another. Here’s hoping you had a lovely weekend, wherever you spent it. A continued trial means I am unexpectedly at home this week with nothing scheduled (but plenty to do), so I’m looking forward to that. Also, congratulations to Christianna Peterson, the winner of the latest giveaway.

Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

It’s like we’ve just discovered contraceptives have side effects that can be unpleasant

Somewhat related

Life skills no one taught you

Be a leader people want to follow

I have seriously mixed feelings on this

News from Baylor just keeps getting worse and worse

In other football news…

We’ll end this list on a positive note:


Welcome to the New FHO!

Welcome to the new, improved Forensic Healthcare Online! As we approach FHO’s 8th birthday, I thought it was time to spruce things up a bit. Here’s what you’ll find on the redesigned site:

  • More focused content: FHO readers have their favorite areas and now it’s easier than ever to find what you’re looking for, whether it’s DV/IPV, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse or court testimony.
  • More organization: the popular stuff leads, but nothing should be tough to find with clear categories and a pleasing lay out. All regular blog posts can now be found under Articles.
  • More consistent clinical guides: on the old site, clinical guides were all over the map, design-wise, making it harder to find what you needed. Now all clinical guides have one format, for a streamlined look that’s easier to read.
  • More responsiveness: check out how FHO looks on phones and tablets. Nice, right? Now you won’t miss out on content or functionality when you visit FHO on a mobile device.
  • More content: coming soon to FHO—an online store with resources that take your practice to the next level, whether in the exam room or the courtroom. Peer-reviewed, available for download to computers or mobile devices, and regularly updated. All of the things you’ve come to expect from FHO, just more of it.

To celebrate the launch of the new FHO site, let’s give something away, shall we? Leave a comment with feedback about the new look, and on Friday, 28 October one reader’s comment will be chosen at random to win either a copy of the Forensic Nursing Core Curriculum or a $50 Amazon gift card. THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. THANKS ALL WHO ENTERED. I encourage you to take some time to really poke around the site—I’ll be fine-tuning as we identify issues in this next week, so by all means, let me know if you spot a problem. (I’ve spotted one of the 1st ones—the bulk of comments from the old site haven’t yet transferred to the new one).

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to thank my spouse, Sasha Rutizer, JD, and my father, Alan Markowitz, MD, who have supported my work on this site since its inception. Both have been unwavering in their encouragement and provided terrific suggestions about next steps and ways to get there. And a special thank you to my merry crew (you know who you are) who have weighed in on logo choices and other design elements, cheered on the evolution of FHO and just generally make me a better clinician, educator and writer. I have had the great, good fortune to have wonderful collaborators, mentors and friends in my twenty plus years in this field.


Hey Detroit!

Just a quick note before I quit for the weekend: I’ll be at the Detroit Sexual Assault Kit Summit on Monday (speaking with Rebecca Campbell on what’s new in medical-forensic exams for one session, doing a solo defensible practice session for the other). I will be jetting right after my 2nd session so that I can spend one day in the office before I head to Denver on Wednesday, but I hope to have the chance to catch up with many of you while I’m there. Please do come find me and say hello if you get the opportunity–I always love seeing FHO readers.



Serving Victims of Mass Violence

OVC has an upcoming web forum, Serving Victims of Mass Violence. It’s taking place September 27th at 2pm ET, although it will be archived for later viewing. Click through for details:


Coming Soon…

Want to know what I’ve been working on as of late?


We Briefly Interrupt My Unintended Hiatus…

I’ve been unintentionally absent from FHO this week, and that trend probably won’t let up before the weekend, but I couldn’t resist giving everyone something to ponder. So how about this amazing tweet in response to the news that 4 American swimmers appear to have fabricated an armed robbery in Brazil:

Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 6.11.04 PM