

Sorry for a paucity of posts. I had hoped to post the AVA Competencies document I mentioned to folks at EVAW this week, but alas, a PDF version is nowhere to be found (come one, people, it’s 2011–this stuff should be up online before it ever even goes to print!). I will post when I […]



If you’re a Facebook user, definitely check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new site, VetoViolence. It’s billed as the CDC’s online prevention portal, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it’s used. It’s brand new, so there’s not a lot there yet. And stay tuned tomorrow for this month’s Articles of Note…

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Odds and Ends Tuesday

I have several things piling up in my odds and ends file, so I thought I’d take the time to put a few of them out there. Today’s a bit of a disjointed day as I try to play catch up from the month of August, so while I was hoping to get a September […]


Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been a busy week, and for me, the only one I’ll have this month in the 216. I’m off tomorrow for 2 weeks in DC, which if we’re being honest, is also now home (and that’s complicated, because I can never remember what articles of clothing live where these days). Before I pack up […]


Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been a busy, albeit shortened week here at FHO. Here’s what you may have missed: *Baltimore public radio covering the recent news story of downplaying sexual assault in the city *Family Violence Prevention Fund’s webinar on a systems advocacy approach to addressing DV in healthcare *July’s edition of Articles of Note *VAWNet’s new compilation […]


A Little Light Reading While I’m on Vacation

Gang, in a few hours I will be boarding a flight to my happy place, the mountains of Colorado. And I have actually taken the rest of the week off–through the holiday, in fact. So I am going to try something out here–I’m not going to work while on vacation. This is tough for me. […]


Friday Wrap-Up and Safe Terminations

So here’s the craziest thing: I am home all week next week. And I am home now. And I will be home until the 22nd–of course, then we get into some ridiculous summer travel, but that’s another post. So I am enjoying the site of my desk, though I can barely see a square inch […]

Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Site

I’m so happy to be able to return with a wrap up from the sustainability site. Feels like it’s been too long, but with all the travel, it sometimes gets the short straw. Aside from a brief mention of our current giveaway, this week also featured: *Some available online courses on leadership excellence (complete with […]

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Fighting Sex Slavery

I’m on my way to Dallas for the Conference on Crimes Against Women, but before I go, I wanted to post a very powerful TED presentation by Sunitha Krishnan on fighting sex slavery. It’s tough to watch some portions, but it’s powerful and under 15 minutes. She talks bluntly about the realities of trafficking, but […]

Sexual Assault

Emergency Contraception News

I’m hanging out in the Detroit airport hoping my late night flight home won’t get cancelled with all the snow falling out there. So I have just enough time to post some pretty interesting news from the EC front. Seems like there’s a new option on the horizon…

Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

There’s been a lot of activity over at the Sustainability site this week, in large part due to the release of our 1st project bulletin, Sustainability 101: Long Range Thinking for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program Managers. Thanks to everyone who’s sent me lovely comments about the report. Stay tuned, because our 2nd one, on […]

Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

I’m back from the desert and looking forward to a long weekend. I’m going to take part of the day off, so just an abbreviated warp-up (wow, now that’s a typo!) wrap-up today. Because I was gone all week, only a couple things on the sustainability site: A fascinating article about the current freefall of […]


Be A Demanding and Conscientious Consumer of Education

At the IAFN conference last week you probably heard me say this several times: be a demanding and conscientious consumers of education. This might just be my mantra for 2019. If I’ve learned anything from listening to as much testimony as I have this year, it’s that people are going to courses and conferences and swallowing […]

Aging Bruises Based on Color: A Brief Review

(Please note: after purchase your confirmation screen will immediately show you a rectangle with the title of the document. This is your download. You will not be able to go back, so please click on it and download it immediately. You cannot forward it to another email or another device.)

Child Abuse

Reading Now (and a Giveaway)

I was asked by an FHO reader if I would talk about what’s on my current reading list. It’s a favorite topic of discussion for me (I love hearing what people are reading), so here’s what is on my list THIS week (it could all change by next week, naturally). Note, I don’t usually have […]

Sexual Assault

Evaluation 101: Prep, Analyze, Visualize Your Data

First, let me say, you guys are the best–you flooded my inbox with your thoughts about a fee-based research overview (and peppered the site with a couple comments, too 🙂 ). BTW, there’s still time to provide some feedback and be eligible for the $50 Amazon gift card. Thanks to everyone who has shared their […]


10 Things: Social Media Use for Forensic Clinicians

{Note: this post doesn’t discuss the use of social media for professional purposes, only personal ones. We’ll address the professional use of social media, such as crowd-sourcing clinical information, at a later date.} A favorite topic of conversation here at FHO continues to be the use of social media by forensic clinicians. In my travels […]

Alternate Light Sources: Part I (Identifying Fluids on the Body)

The issue of Wood’s Lamps and other alternate light sources (ALS) in sexual assault medical forensic exams comes up at courses and conferences regularly, which makes me reflect on how often we do things because we were taught we should, and not because they’ve been shown to be particularly useful or effective. So what follows […]

Toluidine Blue Dye

There’s been little written about TB dye in the peer-reviewed literature over the past 30 years, so I have included all of the research (that I could find) here, along with a selection of text books that include it, as well. Some discuss the utility of TB dye in greater depth than others. As with […]

Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4-20-15

Let me tell you, these last several days have been pretty lousy. I really can’t recommend much about this past weekend, and today wasn’t much better, so ignore me and my black cloud, and check out what I’ve been reading since last we spoke instead. I promise–it’s waaay more interesting: