Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Clinical Guide: Adverse Childhood Experiences

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, conducted by Dr. Vincent Felitti and his colleagues, is one of the most frequently cited bodies of research when it comes to discussing the healthcare impact of violence in its various forms. I talk about it frequently when I teach and consult, but I realized I didn’t actually have […]

Child Abuse DV/IPV

Alternate Light Source, Part 2 (Subclinical Bruising)

Last spring, I published a piece examining alternate light sources as a tool for semen and other bodily fluid detection. I promised I would come back with a piece on using ALS to identify and photograph injury not obvious or visible to the naked eye. Coincidentally I’ve been asked for some predicate questions by a […]

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Trafficking in Persons

I don’t know how many of you read the Sunday NY Times, but this past weekend the Magazine ran a special series: Saving the World’s Women. There were a few articles that were particularly interesting, including The Women’s Crusade and an interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Not surprisingly, trafficking and gender-based violence were […]


Prostitution, Pt. 1

Prostituted women and children present with some significant healthcare challenges for clinicians. Sexually transmitted infections and traumatic injuries are just a couple of the issues.  At only a few of the conferences I attend does this subject come up; at healthcare-specific conferences, the topic is almost nonexistent. In a cursory search of past abstracts from […]


Professional Responsibility in Preventing Violence & Abuse

I seem to be on an article kick right now, because I have more for you today. I was actually looking for something else entirely and stumbled across the AMA‘s Journal of Ethics, Virtual Mentor, instead. Having never heard of it (not being an AMA member), I was fascinated that this online ethics publication had […]

Sexual Assault

Alternate Light Sources: Part 1 (Skin Stains and Fluids)

The issue of Wood’s Lamps and other alternate light sources (ALS) in sexual assault medical forensic exams came up this week and it got me thinking about how often we do things because we were taught we should, and not because they’ve been shown to be particularly useful or effective. So I thought I’d take […]

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Child Trauma Academy Spring Series

The Child Trauma Academy in Houston, TX is now accepting registrations for their Spring Clinical Teaching Series. The series offers 10 online sessions on a variety of topics related to working with high-risk children using the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. All courses take place on Fridays from 11:30-1pm, Central Time.