Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: June 2022 Edition

Good morning! I am on my way to the airport, headed up to Michigan State for a clinical skills lab, but I wanted to get this posted before I walked out the door. It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly waltz through the newly published peer-reviewed literature. June’s list is truly a […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: May 2022 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, my monthly waltz through the newly published peer-reviewed literature. This one may be the longest one yet, so buckle up, it’s substantial. There is a lot to work through, and I’d like to point your attention to a number of articles that address programmatic issues: Mudrick, et […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: April 2022 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the newly published peer-reviewed literature. Nothing brief about this month’s (is there ever?), but a few things stood out, including our colleagues over at Physicians for Human Rights (Mishori, et al) and their article on training non-forensic experts on conducting medical-forensic exams, and […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: March 2022 Edition

Good morning from Parris Island, SC where I am working this week. I am in the midst of a very long travel stretch, with little time to read, so my (virtual) stack of articles is growing fairly unwieldy. This month’s list finds many familiar names among them (including yours truly); the work of friends and […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: February 2022 Edition

Greetings from Ft. Lee, VA where I am working this week. It’s the beginning of a very long stretch on the road, and I am up early putting the finishing touches on this post before my attention turns to a lot of other matters. First things first–congratulations Erin Pollitt! You are the winner of the […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

13th Anniversary Articles of Note (Plus a Giveaway)

Articles of Note Good morning and happy new year! A new year and our 13th anniversary here at FHO– 13 years of nerdiness on our little site. Amazing how many of you have been with us from the beginning. This year in honor of that, and in honor of the fact that we are heading […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: December 2021

It’s time for our last Articles of Note for the year. Hard to believe the year is finished, but I know many of you are ready to say goodbye to it once and for all. Here’s hoping you have some downtime to look forward to during this holiday season. Personally, it is a mad scramble […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: November 2021 Edition

First of all, how is it even possible it’s November already? Secondly, have you signed up for our Virtual Gift Exchange yet? Because we have an unbelievable group participating this year–diverse, with a ton of new (to me) faces joining in the festivities. You still have time to sign up if you’d like to be […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: October 2021 Edition

Greetings from Eagle, CO, where I am working for a few days (that photo is the view when I wake up). I’m in Monterey, CA, Garmisch, Germany, Ft. Lee, VA, and Salt Lake City, UT, before we chat again, so I guess work travel is back for real for real. I’ll take it, rude travelers, […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September 2021 Edition

Hope this month’s post finds everyone healthy and managing their respective calendars. I have been getting a lot of requests for more testimony offerings, so I am toying with doing a live web series. But not a webinar–more a conversation with a friend/colleague in the field on different aspects of courtroom testimony. Maybe one every […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: August 2021 Edition

Greetings from PDX, where I am finishing a delightful long weekend away with my girlchild. We stole a few days together before she goes back for her 3rd year of college and I return to the road for teaching and trials. As of now, things are still in person, but my hunch is a lot […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: July 2021 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. Just a reminder–this is not an exhaustive list; rather one that is filled with articles that have captured my attention and also may be relevant to the practice of my readers (based on what part of the world everyone’s logging […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: Pride 2021 Edition

Happy Pride, friends–not sure how it’s already halfway through June, but here we are. I’m splitting my time this month between DC and Charlottesville, so it feels relatively luxurious. Time with my girlchild, who lives in Cville, and a relatively calm month after what has been a wild ride in my household for the last […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: May 2021 Edition

Good morning from San Antonio, TX where I will be working all week. It feels like an age since I’ve hopped on the site, but that’s because life is starting to resemble the before times, and I have been in multiple time zones this past month. Happily, this means I am actually starting to see […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: April 2021 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. As I type this I am prepping for 4 weeks of straight travel–I expect my wife will be malnourished and my house plants will be dead by the time I return. Anyone who knows Sasha knows she’s an excellent baker, […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: March 2021 Edition

Apologies for getting this month’s edition of Articles of Note out late, but I was a bit preoccupied with the launch of the testimony monograph–many thanks to everyone who has already purchased it. To say I am overwhelmed by the response would be an understatement. I really appreciate the enthusiasm for this particular piece, and […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: February 2021 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. Nice to see friends and frequent collaborators with pubs this month, so that makes me smile. Plenty to read for those of us working with patients presenting after intimate partner violence. And an interesting ethics read [for everyone really] at […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

12th Anniversary Articles of Note (Plus a Giveaway)

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. There is plenty to occupy your time here, so settle in folx. Plus, it’s FHO’s 12th anniversary–happy anniversary to us! In honor of this momentous occasion, we’re giving away a registration to this year’s IAFN conference in Orlando. To be […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: End of This @#%& Year Edition

Can you believe it’s the last Articles of Note for 2020? I meant to get this out yesterday, but the Army had my time, so we’re a day late. BUT, this one has the most free full text articles I have ever seen in a single edition, so happy holidays, y’all. No excuse for not […]

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: November 2020 Edition

It’s time once again for Articles of Note, our regular romp through the newly published peer-reviewed literature, and this month’s is a whopper. It’s probably the heftiest one in quite some time, and there’s a good number of free articles in there, so even those of you with limited access should be able to find […]