
Resolution: Read More

(Have you entered our giveaway yet for IAFN conference registration?) Yesterday a reader reminded me that for all of my discussion about reading research on FHO, I never really talk about the best way to make it *easier* to identify relevant research. “There’s so much” and “it’s so overwhelming” are frequent complaints I hear when […]

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Rape-Related Pregnancy and Reproductive Coercion

One of the featured articles in this month’s Articles of Note will be from the current issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Rape-Related Pregnancy and Association With Reproductive Coercion in the U.S. (PDF). It’s currently available free online, so I wanted to take this opportunity to point you in its direction.  I’m highlighting […]


Since Last We Spoke, 12-10-18

I’m writing this from my parents’ kitchen table as I sneak in a bit of family time before I head to Italy this week. I have bold plans for productivity before I strap into my long haul flight, but ultimately all I can say is, we’ll see. If all works out as planned, I’ll get […]


Since Last We Spoke, 7-16-18

I’m headed to Houston for a few days and then off to Germany for the better part of a week, so I will keep this brief. Lots going on in the world, honestly, it’s hard to keep track of it all. I have a significant amount of social media fatigue, so I have been spending […]


Since Last We Spoke, 5-7-18

Friends, I am getting ready to embark on a really amazing professional adventure on Saturday, so it’ll be business as usual at FHO this week, and then it’ll be quiet here next week. I can’t share too many details until my return, but I will devote some real estate to the trip when I am […]

Sexual Assault

New issue of JFN Available

Greetings from an airplane somewhere between Houston and Portland, where I’ll be teaching the next few days. As part of my current reading list, I have several articles from the latest edition of the Journal of Forensic Nursing, which I thought I’d bring to your attention. Although I will likely do an Articles of Note […]

Sexual Assault

State by State Syphilis Rates

[First things first: I am taking some much-needed vacation next week after a very long March. FHO will be dark while I’m off. I promise to pick back up Monday, April 17th with a new Articles of Note, among other things.] April isn’t only #SAAM, it’s also Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexually Transmitted Disease Awareness […]

About Forensic Healthcare Online

About Jenifer Markowitz A forensic nurse examiner since 1995, Dr. Markowitz regularly serves as faculty, and as an expert consultant for the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps for the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. She has consulted for a variety of agencies and institutions, including Peace Corps, Michigan State University, […]


Happy Holidays! (Time for a Break…)

Today is my final day working with Army MEDCOM. It’s been a pretty terrific year overall, and a true privilege to work with all the professionals (across the services) who helped make my time here a success. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a more productive year, but I am more than ready to resume my […]


Time Out

Now that I’m a 9-5er, my time off is pretty precious. So you’ll excuse me while I engage in a bit of self-care and take a short vacation. I’ll be back on April 1st with new content, including the next installment of Articles of Note. See you next week!  


Clinical Guide Updates: ALS and Consensual Sex Injury

Just a quick note: I’ve updated two of our most popular clinical guides based on new research you’ll also find in this month’s Articles of Note: Alternate Light Source, Part I and Consensual Sex Injury. Enjoy!

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Full-Text Friday: Achieving a More Effective Health Response to Trafficking of Women & Girls

This week’s featured article initially appeared in November’s Articles of Note, but at the time it was not available free full-text. Not so now. Since the peer-reviewed literature has far less on this healthcare response to trafficking patients than, say, IPV or sexual assault patients, I will happily highlight what I can find. After the […]


Anniversary Giveaway Winner! has spoken, and the winner of the books and notebooks is Rebecca, who replied: I use your articles of note to stay current on the newest research that is out there. I love having it all there together for me instead of having to go out and find it. This has been so helpful! […]

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11/25/13 (#16Days Edition)

I’ll keep this brief, because I have much to do today and intend to take the rest of the week off (surrounded by family and eating my weight in Thanksgiving/Hanukkah treats). Also, we’re nursing colds in the FHO household right now, so some prescribed down time is in order. First things first: today begins the […]

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 11/4/13

I’m in Montana this week, teaching a SANE course, so you know it’s going to be a busy one. I’ll try and keep posts regular, but I’m asking for a bit of leeway on that. You just never know what your connectivity and your time looks like during one of these weeks. My hope is […]

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Worthwhile Read(s): Full-Text Research

I received a request for some new research that was available free, full-text, so what follows is some of the recent literature, all full-text PDFs. As with Articles of Note entries, this is not an exhaustive list; just a sampling of what’s come across my radar. I’ll try and do this type of post periodically…


Slow Down

I was supposed to have an Articles of Note post up yesterday, but in the mad race of this week, it just didn’t happen. But that’s not the purpose of this post–I’ll have it up next week and that will be that. No, the purpose of the post is to share a little food for […]

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Odds & Ends Wednesday: Medscape and NPR

There are several things I wanted to bring to your attention this morning: Medscape has some good stuff this week: **An article from the July 2011 Nursing Economics about violence against nurses and its personal and professional toll; **Gail Horner’s article on evaluating child sexual abuse that is cited in this month’s Articles of Note, […]


LGBT Bullying

A small teaser for this month’s Articles of Note: The Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University is “the only community research, intervention, education and policy initiative that works to decrease major health and related risks for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth, such as suicide, substance abuse, HIV and homelessness – in […]


IPV Identification; and Also, Excuses

This is Rainey. She’s my new niece and she’s to blame for me not finishing this month’s Articles of Note. What can I say…priorities. As an olive branch, I offer you one of the more interesting articles published in the last month: Intimate Partner Violence Identification and Response: Time for a Change in Strategy (Rhodes, et […]