Sexual Assault

Evaluation 101: Prep, Analyze, Visualize Your Data

First, let me say, you guys are the best–you flooded my inbox with your thoughts about a fee-based research overview (and peppered the site with a couple comments, too 🙂 ). BTW, there’s still time to provide some feedback and be eligible for the $50 Amazon gift card. Thanks to everyone who has shared their […]


10 Things: Social Media Use for Forensic Clinicians

{Note: this post doesn’t discuss the use of social media for professional purposes, only personal ones. We’ll address the professional use of social media, such as crowd-sourcing clinical information, at a later date.} A favorite topic of conversation here at FHO continues to be the use of social media by forensic clinicians. In my travels […]

Alternate Light Sources: Part I (Identifying Fluids on the Body)

The issue of Wood’s Lamps and other alternate light sources (ALS) in sexual assault medical forensic exams comes up at courses and conferences regularly, which makes me reflect on how often we do things because we were taught we should, and not because they’ve been shown to be particularly useful or effective. So what follows […]

Toluidine Blue Dye

There’s been little written about TB dye in the peer-reviewed literature over the past 30 years, so I have included all of the research (that I could find) here, along with a selection of text books that include it, as well. Some discuss the utility of TB dye in greater depth than others. As with […]

Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4-20-15

Let me tell you, these last several days have been pretty lousy. I really can’t recommend much about this past weekend, and today wasn’t much better, so ignore me and my black cloud, and check out what I’ve been reading since last we spoke instead. I promise–it’s waaay more interesting:


Worthwhile Read: Predatory Publishing

As I frequently mention here, just because something is available online doesn’t mean it’s quality. As professionals we’re obligated to evaluate our sources for scientific information, because in this day and age, there’s an abundance of information out there, not all of which is trustworthy.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 10-6-14

Good weekend, yes? Aside from some minor tech failure (hello, brand new router), it was pretty lovely on this end. So I’m slogging away this week, trying to just remember, bird by bird. Occasionally procrastinating with the interwebs, but working my way through the long to-do list. Want to see what I’ve been reading since […]

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 6-9-14

I spent more time plugged in this weekend than I should have. When you work for yourself it is so easy to let the left and right limits of your work day week bleed into one another. Or disappear altogether. Either way, too much time looking at a screen. Gotta work on that whole self-care thing. […]


10 Things: Professionalism Fundamentals

I have had conversations with close friends about some issues around professionalism in forensic nursing, but I had not considered writing about it at any length until I had a frustrated email from an FHO reader who was wondering if I had recognized this problem for myself. Her concern was regarding a colleague’s behavior in […]

Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 1-13-14

Good morning! Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend–we actually didn’t (I worked through the weekend; my spouse had Reserve duty), but it still had some high points (for instance, an excellent meal here–you should go next time you’re in DC, but if you are a meat eater). The good news is my only trial this […]


10 Things: FHO 2013 Gift Guide

Time for this year’s gift guide–some ideas for what to get that special colleague or team member. This year we are going for personality-type rather than the usual generic list. In case you missed them, you can find previous years’ gift guides here, here, here, and here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 6-10-13

Well, it’s hard to believe, but I won’t be stepping foot in an airport for 5 weeks. Just one road trip this week to spend some qulity time with the Army in Charlottesville, but aside from that, my work is all local. Gives me a little breathing room, and some time to catch up on […]

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Big “C” Conversations

When I was in Kansas City last week one of my sessions was geared toward emerging issues in forensic healthcare. I was asked to speak on the topic, and while I understand that the request was geared more towards a “specific populations and circumstances” kind of talk, I decided to take it in a slightly […]


Get Ready for Journal Club!

Mark your calendar: the inaugural Forensic Journal Club is coming up 12 February. Find all the information you need to participate here. This is a busy week for me–aside from significant writing and teaching, I am also prepping for a trip to Sydney, Australia next Monday. It’s a fantastic honor to be the keynote for the […]


Clinical Guide: Traumatic Brain Injury and Domestic Violence Victimization

I had a request for literature related to TBI & domestic violence victimization, so I thought I would post the lit compilation for FHO readers. As always, let me know if you want the word doc.


10 Things: Who I’m Following on Twitter

I often harp on how much I value Twitter as a tool for both education and social commentary, so I figured I would share my list of 10 organizations and individuals forensic healthcare professionals should consider following. Remember, this is just my list–I would love to hear who else you think is a good follow […]

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 8-13-12

First off, please let me just say thank you to everyone who commented, emailed and sent cards in response to the news about my mother. The sheer volume of communications I received makes it impossible to thank each one of you individually, so please accept this more expedient (but no less grateful) thanks and know […]

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-23-12

It was a pretty difficult news weekend; I tried to force myself to read more than just coverage of the Aurora shootings. As it turns out, there were some pretty insightful pieces written on Aurora, mainly on the need for gun control. I’ve included the best of what I read, along with a few other interesting articles […]

Child Abuse Sexual Assault Testimony

Clinical Guide: Court Testimony

As promised, a clinical guide on issues related to testimony. Please let me know if I have left something out and it can be added in. Every attempt will be made to update this guide on a regular basis.


10 Things: Testimony

Since the webinar I’ve had many questions about some of my go-to resources and general tips about testifying. So here are some of the things I think are important about testimony. But keep in mind, these are just *my* 10–I know that many FHO readers have plenty of experience with testimony, so please add your […]