The National Academy of Sciences released their book, Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States: A Guide for the Healthcare Sector. This is based on the 2013 report of the same name, but is specific to clinicians. The download is available for free, but site registration is required.
Tag: assessment

The adult September webinar from the Tribal Forensic Healthcare project will be Advanced Anorectal Evaluation of the Sexual Assault Patient. The inimitable Tara Henry will be teaching the session; you really should plan on attending for that reason alone (also: anorectal evaluation, folks–when do we ever discuss the topic once initial SA training is complete). The session will be held September 18th from 3-4:30pm ET. CEUs/CMEs are available, so this is a good one for our physician colleagues, as well. UPDATE: this and many of the webinars on this site can be found on the archive page. You’ll need to have an account (free) to access them.
If you are working with living patients, assessing for suicide risk should be part of your practice. Maybe not for every patient walking through your doors (depending on your practice and specialty), but certainly in some circumstances. This article from Medscape provides some useful information regarding the current evidence base for assessing patients for suicide risk. A useful read, and a good conversation for a staff meeting or inservice. The article is free, but site registration is required.
Vera Institute just published a new tool for identifying victims of human trafficking. The tool has been tested and validated and comes in a short and long form. Read the science behind the tool here (PDF); find the actual tool and user guidelines here (PDF).