Well, as of this posting I am [hopefully] making my way back to DC. Turns out a fantastic day of training with the Kansas Coalition is offset by multiple cancelled flights, so getting home is somewhat trickier than planned. No matter–these things happen, and there’s great dinner conversation (and wine) to ease the pain of thwarted travel plans. Seeing as this was the last week of the busy spring training calendar, I return home to once again pay more attention to the projects on my calendar. This includes the work on the Tribal Forensic Healthcare project, which has a great peds webinar coming up next month:
Tag: child abuse
Man, am I tardy on this. Finally–once again here’s this (and last) month’s Articles of Note, a look at what has caught my eye from the recently published, peer-reviewed literature. There’s a lot of good stuff in this round up, so I would encourage you to peruse the abstracts. Keep in mind this isn’t a comprehensive list, just the things that interested me. Click through for the link:
I’m getting ready to head to Kansas City for the Forensic Investigations Conference–if you’re going to be there please come by and say hello. It was a pretty lovely weekend in our household, but by Sunday I was putting all of my people on planes, so last night I spent the evening dividing my time between perusing my Twitter feed and binge watching The Newsroom (damn you, HBO To Go!). Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:
I have had a lot of emails asking if I will be at the EVAW Conference this week in Seattle–many good friends are out there, but I will not be. I am heading to Indianapolis on Wednesday to teach some of the advanced SANE sessions at the INCASA Conference, so I am looking forward to seeing many FHO readers there (and if we have never met, please come introduce yourself–I love meeting readers). And then I am heading to Argentina for a week of food and wine with my best friend. I will not be working (it’s 100% vacation), but I will be rerunning some of FHO’s greatest hits the week I’m gone, so the site won’t be dark. However, I *was* working a bit this weekend, and managed to do a decent amount of reading–here’s what caught my interest since last we spoke:
Lots of reading this weekend, so it’s a good list. But before I put it up, a quick reminder (again), since I got a nastygram from a reader who disliked one of the articles I posted last week: just because I read it doesn’t mean I agree with it. Everything on this site, be it articles in posts like this or webinar offerings or full-length reports, should be read with the understanding that, unless it is accompanied by a clear endorsement from me, is not actually an endorsement. This site is for information sharing. FHO readers are a smart bunch–you guys will decide what is relevant and what is valid for your own practices. That being said, here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:
April is both Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month: two issues central to many of our practices, both of which can take a serious toll on clinicians. It seems like compassion fatigue (and its sisters, vicarious trauma and burnout) don’t get nearly enough attention in our professional circles. But really, they should–a recent study found that 85% of emergency department nurses surveyed reported moderate to high levels of compassion fatigue. I’d be interested in what the results would look like if they surveyed a group of forensic clinicians.
I’m hustling today, big time. The weekend was a busy one, with my kiddo heading back to school and deadlines closing in. So a short list for you today, but still interesting. Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:
The Children’s Safety Network is hosting a webinar March 20th from 2-3:30 pm MT, Recognizing and Responding to Trauma: The ACE Study and Trauma-Informed Care. The session is part of their 2014 webinar series, Improving the Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Communities Through the National Prevention Strategy.
I’m in court this week AND trying to finish off a brand new curriculum (a project I can’t wait to talk more about–just not yet), so it was a busy weekend prepping and writing. There were a few things, though, that caught my eye in moments of downtime. So here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:
I love FHO readers–the emails I received about last week’s choice were comical to say the least. If only I could get you to share them with one another [sigh]. I taught for the Army this week, and amidst some fantastic questions was the issue of bruising. Made me realize it was high time for an article focusing on the subject. There’s a new one available that looks at bruising in child abuse–seemed like a good choice for our full-text friday offering:
Time once again for Articles of Note, a look at some of the newest literature published in the peer-reviewed journals with the last 30(ish) days. There’s a lot to look at this month, although most of it requires a subscription or library access, sadly. It’s a pretty diverse lot this month, so you’ll want to wade through the list and see what catches your eye.
New ACE Study DVD
I’m off to teach for a few days in Nebraska, so just a quick post today– The Academy on Violence and Abuse has a new DVD available on the ACE Study. Although it’s not free (it’s currently available at an introductory rate of $45), there is a free preview available of the DVD on their home page. Considering that this video is more than 3 hours, with multiple sections perfect for using in a CE program or staff development session, it’s a good investment. More on how to get your own copy here.
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service has a dedicated section on their site for child abuse-specific resources in honor of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. You’ll find 4 different topical areas:
April is also National Child Abuse Prevention Month here in the US. The Child Welfare Information Gateway has a variety of resources on their site related to prevention, including their Network for Action 2012 Resource Guide. For some clinician-specific info, check out the American Academy of Pediatrics’ page on prevention.
WHO is offering a webinar, which “will focus on capacity for the prevention of family violence, and present WHO’s recently developed comprehensive training packages on the prevention of child maltreatment and the prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence.” The session will be April 3rd from 3-4pm CEST (that’s 9am ET).
Time once again for Articles of Note. This month’s is basically stuff from the 1st quarter. I included a couple of January articles I missed in earlier editions, so you’ll see articles as far back as the beginning of the year. There is so much good stuff on this list. I know I say that a lot, but this month I feel like people took a look at the “I wish people would research ___” section of my Moleskine (and yes, that really is one of the sections because as I’ve mentioned before, I’m a HUGE NERD), and said, “meh, why not?”.
Sorry about no post yesterday–zero internet access, which is rare these days. But after a productive day with the Marines on the west coast I am headed home for a few days. And I wanted to make sure you’ve seen this, an amazing document: the National Plan to Prevent the Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (PDF). It’s an update to the 2008 plan. Perfect for my 5 hour flight home…
Updated Clinical Guides
Just something to make note of: I have updated several of the clinical guides to reflect new research in recently published journals. The consensual sex injury guide is one of the most popular item here at FHO (and my most frequently read PDF on Scribd), and it’s been updated, along with the alternate light source guide (part I, which addresses using ALS for identifying skin stains) and the cost of child abuse guide.
ACOG has released their Committee Opinion on Intimate Partner Violence (abstract only), and Medscape has an overview with accompanying CME (editorial note: Come on, Medscape, no nursing CEUs for this one?). The American Academy of Neurology has also released a position statement this month, although on the broader topic of abuse and violence. You can read the full text here.
The National Child Protection Training Center has a webinar coming up on abusive head trauma. Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome by Educating Caregivers is being offered on January 30th, 2pm CT. Space is limited to 100, so if you’re interested, register ASAP.