Thank you to everyone who left me comments and sent emails with well wishes. I definitely took advantage of the time off and spent some quality time with my family. But it’s a new week, so convalescent time is over and back to work I go. I’m headed to the NAC one more time later in the week; until then much of my time will be spent refining a new curriculum (speaking of which: we still have room in this course for anyone interested–more info here). Before I get to my list of what’s caught my eye since last we spoke, a reminder that the National Sexual Assault Conference is happening this week in Pittsburgh. If you can’t be there (like me), follow along at #NSAC2014.
Tag: legal
Since Last We Spoke 8-11-14
I’m with the Navy and Marines in Newport, RI this week, one of my favorite gigs of the year. It’s hard to believe it’s that time again, because of course the year has flown by. Less than 10 days left with my kiddo before she returns to school, so I’m especially grateful she’s traveling with me (she’s an excellent and experienced traveling companion, so it’s relatively effortless). Pretty quiet around our house this past weekend, so plenty of time to keep tabs on my social media feeds. And lots of news to stay on top of, so here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:
I’d like to introduce a new series here on the site: Prepping for Court. The purpose is to introduce people to the articles and books that I think are solid, reliable publications that can help inform testimony. Of course I’ll start with adult sexual assault, since it’s still the most popular topic at FHO. For this first one I have broken it into different sections, because different cases will have different issues. But all of the resources listed here are ones that I think are quality, and since we don’t have the time (or will) to read everything that’s ever been published on a given subject, this should give clinicians (and attorneys) a good foundation. Disagree with any of these or think I’ve missed some? Let me know and we’ll address it.
I’m on my way to the NAC (for the 2nd of 3 trips down there in a month)–we’re kicking off the inaugural run of a fantastic (I hope) interactive testimony course for SANEs and prosecutors. Considering we started working on this about 18 months ago, it’s exciting to finally see it come to fruition. And a bit nerve-wracking, as all 1st time courses can be. I was pretty focused on prep this weekend and didn’t spend a lot of time surfing the interwebs, but there were still a few things that caught my eye since last we spoke:
VAWnet has updated their special collection on intimate partner homicide prevention. You should range around the site a bit–there’s a lot here for clinicians and for the collaborative teams in which we participate.
OJJDP just released a new resource: Recognizing When a Child’s Injury or Illness Is Caused by Abuse (PDF). It’s written for law enforcement, so this is really more of a SART or MDT resource, than a clinical text. I was happy to see it addresses issues like aging bruises based on color (you can’t), and provides some good overview information about a variety of injuries and other findings. I haven’t gone through the whole thing, but it looks promising. Peds folks weigh in…
NCMEC has a free webinar coming up, Missing and Exploited: Child Sex Trafficking Reporting and Recovery Planning (PDF). The session will be held August 19th from 2-3:30pm ET. Click through for details:
Today is my sweet kid’s 13th birthday, so I am officially the parent of a teenager. I have no idea how that happened. A minute ago she was a newborn and now she’s this funny, interesting, incredibly smart kid who makes me proud every day. Naturally we spent the weekend celebrating (ziplining and dim sum, anyone?) and gorging on homemade Hostess-type treats (my spouse whipped up Twinkies, Ho-Hos and Cupcakes complete with squiggly frosting). Pretty much the only thing I could do after the weekend calorie bombardment was to loll around last night and surf my social media sites. Which is what I did. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

If you aren’t looking to your state anti-violence coalitions for continuing education, you’re missing some great opportunities. State coalitions do a lot of training, and many are putting on webinars and online courses that have relevance far beyond their state’s borders. Click through for some of the upcoming events, and feel free to add others in the comments (I’ll take those outside the US, too, please):
This weekend was all about the big promotion, with family descending upon DC and filling every corner of our tiny dollhouse of a home. But it was pretty spectacular, and now almost everyone has gone home, and life should return to normal. Normal, of course, includes travel, so I’ll head to the Air Force JAG school later in the week for a tick. Still, there was plenty of time to read, and as always, it appears sexual violence is dominating the headlines (including this massive and painfully familiar sounding article that appeared on the front page of the NY Times). Here’s what has caught my eye since last we spoke:
Here’s a piece worth your time: the National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse at NDAA just published Crimes Against Children: Examining Technology’s Impact on Victimization and Witness Intimidation (PDF). Want to better understand how technology is impacting our pediatric patients and how offenders are gaining access to them? This is a great (and brief) overview of what’s out there right now, and what the issues are. Good for parents, as well. {Full disclosure: the author is my wife.}
Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly overview of what’s new and noteworthy in the peer-reviewed literature. There’s plenty to check out for June–as always, links lead to PubMed abstracts. Contact me if you’d prefer this in a Word doc.
Since Last We Spoke 6-23-14
I’m having a tough time ramping up for my work week this morning. Could be the impending vacation (no worries, there will be [some] posts while I’m away). Could be that I was so completely productive last week I just feel like coasting a bit. Either way, the internet can be a distraction when I’m in this mindset, so I have been happily perusing all of the links I’d tucked away from the weekend. Here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:
Oh man, I do love me a good research compilation, and CALCASA delivers: the 2014 Sexual Violence Research Review is now available. Read the executive summary here; download the full report here (PDF). Super excited about this one.
And speaking of excited, come back tomorrow for the 2014 TIP Report, being released tomorrow by the State Department. It’s like nerd paradise up in here.
Did you have a fantastic weekend? We did for sure–a glorious, not-too-hot one in the DC metro area. And along with that, the awesome news that my spouse was promoted to Major, which meant some small celebrations around here (in anticipation of the big one that will come with the official ceremony next month). Still there was some down time, which almost always means being plugged in somewhere. So here’s what I’ve been checking out since last we spoke:
OVC has a new online guide for responding to transgender victims of sexual assault. Bookmark it, share it with your team, use it as the basis for a great inservice discussion–all of it. There are specific implications and actions for different service providers, including medical, throughout. Much needed and I can’t wait to make my way through it.
Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence
The Family Justice Center Alliance has a webinar coming up: Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence. The session will be held June 17th from 10-11:30am PT. Click through for details:
Children and Domestic Violence
The National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma and Mental Health is hosting an upcoming webinar, Children and Domestic Violence. It will be held June 11th from 2-3:30pm CT. Register for the session here. Details after the jump:
Since Last We Spoke 6-2-14
Yesterday was my birthday, which means that basically the whole weekend was my birthday (and also the wedding reception for our good friends AND the arrival of the girl child for the summer). Lots of celebrating around here; much less reading. But when I finally did manage to crawl into bed last night, it took awhile to sleep, and just like that, I was caught up in some of the world’s goings-on. So here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke: