Hey, I’ve got a new blog post over at NSVRC on the SANE Sustainability app–this time focusing on the Leadership section of the app (and everyone’s favorite issues: recruitment and retention). I hope you’ll check it out!
Tag: management
A good Monday morning to you all–I trust you had a fine weekend? This was really the 1st actual weekend Sasha and I had together in quite sometime, uninterrupted by travel or Reserve duty. We really got a chance to enjoy ourselves, too: spent a little time getting fancy and heading into the District for SANE In the City, the DC SANE program’s fundraiser (they’re finally building their own exam room). Congrats on a successful event!
I’m actually home this week, but gearing up for our next IPV course in Phoenix on the 17th (hope to see many of you there, since we have a pretty big group registered); that’s where most of my efforts will be spent over the next several days. But before I get too immersed in all of that, here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:
I didn’t post this in real time, because I got it on the day it was actually happening; happily Futures Without Violence archived the event, and now we can all check it out (US readers, at least). On October 30th they held a webinar with new updates about how the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence. Click through for details:
The National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative is hosting a webinar, Expanding the Forensic Narrative: Engaging Surviving Family Members in the DV Fatality Review Process. The session will be held November 18th from 10-11:30 PST. Click through for a description of the event:
How fantastic was this year’s IAFN conference? I’ve been going to it for I don’t know how many years, and I truly don’t recall a better one. Kudos to the IAFN staff, Board and planning committee for making it such a great one. I loved meeting so many of you, and I was blown away by how many folks are regular readers, so thanks for supporting our nerdy little site.
By the time you read this, I will be in Italy for a court martial. Sunday was spent crossing the country, kissing my wife goodbye at Dulles and then hopping a flight to Venice via London. I’ll be here all week, so it’s possible posts will be light this week, too. I promise to get back to regular posts next week. Honest. In the meantime, here’s some of what’s caught my attention since last we spoke:

I am so excited to announce that the {free} SANE Sustainability app for iPhone and iPad is now available! This is a joint project of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and IAFN, and the culmination of almost a decade’s worth of work. I really hope people will find it a helpful tool for managing SANE programs, with a wide variety of information focusing on issues like recruitment and retention, leadership, program expansion and more. I have a blog post on the NSVRC sustainability site introducing the app and its various components, so I encourage you to check it out. Click through for details on how to download the app (and how to obtain {most} of the information if you’re not an iPhone or iPad user):
I’m heading home from CLE today after a long weekend with my daughter and parents, so I spent way more time playing than being online. All in all, a really welcome reprieve from what will be a fairly hectic couple of weeks–prepping for and attending the IAFN conference, and then immediately heading to Europe for a military trial. Still there was plenty of news to catch my eye, so here’s what I’ve been checking out since last we spoke:
A Few Stalking Resources
We are not so good at talking about stalking in the healthcare arena, even though we know that many of our patients have dealt with or are currently dealing with the issue, particularly as a component of intimate partner violence. So as I was perusing the Stalking Resource Center’s October newsletter I realized this would be an excellent topic for today’s FHO post. Lots of good stuff here:
Did I mention that I’m doing a webinar for the Tribal Forensic Healthcare project November 3rd? It’s going to be on the health consequences of IPV, and it’ll be held from 3-4:30pm ET. As with all offerings from this project, CEUs and CMEs are available. Click through for details about the webinar and our live 3-day IPV course for clinicians:
Good weekend, yes? Aside from some minor tech failure (hello, brand new router), it was pretty lovely on this end. So I’m slogging away this week, trying to just remember, bird by bird. Occasionally procrastinating with the interwebs, but working my way through the long to-do list. Want to see what I’ve been reading since last we spoke?
October’s adult Tribal Forensic Healthcare webinar will be Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence. Diane Bohn RN, CNM, PhD will be the featured presenter. The session will take place October 9th from 3-4:40pm ET. As with all webinars from the project, CEUs and CMEs are available and all offerings are archived.
Let me start by saying that I absolutely loved all the personal notes people sent me about last week’s post. Apparently it resonated with many of you, and I really enjoyed hearing the different perspectives on the topic. Also–we’ve just put the finishing touches on a big new project I should be able to announce in the next 10 days or so (fingers crossed), so stay tuned. It’s something we’ll definitely be talking about in Phoenix next month. Speaking of which: anyone else scrambling to get their presentations finished? We’re finalizing a couple brand new sessions for this year’s conference, so that’s part of my week right there. But before we get too far into my to-do list, let’s chat about what’s caught my attention since last we spoke:
On Setting Limits
I feel like I could give an entire talk on the subject of setting limits. It’s particularly relevant today, because it’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and I am working. In fact, I don’t know when the last time was that I took the High Holidays off. When you work for yourself, the reality is that you could simply always be working. What’s more, I really love the work I do. But taking care of yourself is not optional. And for me that means setting limits.
Here’s a fascinating webinar that’s coming up (and it’s free, and many of these business webinars are distinctly not)–Mastering Difficult Conversations: Tips and Tools from a Former FBI Hostage Negotiation Trainer. I post this here because it’s exactly the kind of session from which program managers may benefit–click through for all of the details:

In anticipation of an exciting new tool about to be unveiled from the SANE Sustainability project, NSVRC has published the final evaluation (PDF) from the initial iteration of the project. For those of you who don’t recall what this was, it was the onsite technical assistance for struggling programs that was provided several (okay, maybe more than that) years ago. It preceded the online course we taught a couple times on sustainability in the 2nd iteration of the project; all of that has lead us to the newest resource, which we’ll be unveiling in October.
Greetings from Montgomery, AL, from where I am currently trying to escape after a brief lecture at Maxwell AFB. If you’ve been playing along at home, you know that I have managed to hit all 4 time zones in the continental US over the past week, and I’m on day 8 of travel, which is making me cranky. Assuming the weather holds I’ll be home tonight and for the next couple weeks. Let’s not talk about October right now; I’m going to pretend it’s simply not happening. My failed attempt to get an earlier flight home means I am sitting at the airport with all kinds of time to catch up on the interwebs; here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:
Since Last We Spoke 9-8-14
I woke up this morning at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, very far from home and decidedly still on east coast time. I’ll be here for a hot minute before I move on to Billings, MT where we are rolling out a brand new IPV curriculum (super excited about that), so this week is a long one. I will attempt regular posts, but forgive me if they’re a bit light this week. You just never know how a new course will go. This weekend consisted of a lot of prep, but there was still plenty of distraction–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:
From an email announcement I received today:
The National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS) in collaboration with the NCTSN Culture Consortium, Terrorism and Disaster Program and Policy Taskforce, is sponsoring a Virtual Town Hall meeting to address the recent surge in unaccompanied immigrant minors from a trauma-informed perspective. Unaccompanied immigrant minors are youth who come to the United States without a legal guardian and without legal immigration documents. There has also been a surge of young children who come with their caregiver across the border of the United States without immigration documentation. The 90-minute Town Hall is scheduled for Tuesday, September 16th at 9 Pacific / 11 Central / 12 Eastern (see attached flyer). All are welcome!
It’s been a while since I posted something in the sustainability vein, and this upcoming webinar from TESSA and CCASA was irresistible. It’s really the type of educational offering I love, because it’s forward-thinking; that perfect session for those of you who feel like you have your program up and running, and now want to take the next step. Telling Your Story: Marketing and Branding Your Agency will be held September 3 from 12-1:30 pm MT. Click through for details.
Since Last We Spoke 8-18-14
Thank you to everyone who left me comments and sent emails with well wishes. I definitely took advantage of the time off and spent some quality time with my family. But it’s a new week, so convalescent time is over and back to work I go. I’m headed to the NAC one more time later in the week; until then much of my time will be spent refining a new curriculum (speaking of which: we still have room in this course for anyone interested–more info here). Before I get to my list of what’s caught my eye since last we spoke, a reminder that the National Sexual Assault Conference is happening this week in Pittsburgh. If you can’t be there (like me), follow along at #NSAC2014.