Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly(ish) overview of what’s new and noteworthy in the peer reviewed literature. There’s a lot to slog through this month (the Journal of Interpersonal Violence is responsible for half the content alone), but definitely some fascinating subject matter (like the relationship between economic status and sexual violence), so I hope you’ll take some time to work your way through the list. Word doc and PDF after the jump:

I am so excited to announce that the {free} SANE Sustainability app for iPhone and iPad is now available! This is a joint project of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and IAFN, and the culmination of almost a decade’s worth of work. I really hope people will find it a helpful tool for managing SANE programs, with a wide variety of information focusing on issues like recruitment and retention, leadership, program expansion and more. I have a blog post on the NSVRC sustainability site introducing the app and its various components, so I encourage you to check it out. Click through for details on how to download the app (and how to obtain {most} of the information if you’re not an iPhone or iPad user):
OJJDP and the National District Attorneys Association are hosting a webinar on male sexual violence survivors, Giving Voice to the Last Silent Victims. The session is being held 16 October from 2-3pm ET. Roger Canaff is the featured speaker. Click through for details.
Time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly look at what’s new in the peer reviewed literature. What is it about some months that make them so much better than others? I don’t know, but I have to tell you, this is one of those. First off, there’s a lot to wade through. And second, there’s a lot of breadth to the research, meaning that this month’s list should be relevant to a wide variety of practices. As always, the review isn’t exhaustive, just what’s caught my eye in the September/October/November journals (and the online releases). Contact me for the word doc; click through for a printable PDF and the hyperlinks, all of which go to PubMed unless otherwise indicated.
Since Last We Spoke 9-8-14
I woke up this morning at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, very far from home and decidedly still on east coast time. I’ll be here for a hot minute before I move on to Billings, MT where we are rolling out a brand new IPV curriculum (super excited about that), so this week is a long one. I will attempt regular posts, but forgive me if they’re a bit light this week. You just never know how a new course will go. This weekend consisted of a lot of prep, but there was still plenty of distraction–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:
I’m always harping on the importance of social media as a tool for the work we do, so I’m thrilled that Safe States and the CDC are collaborating on an upcoming webinar series that addresses just that. Why Social Media for Injury and Violence Prevention (IVP) kicks off the series September 17th from 1-2pm ET. Click through for details about the session and information about the entire series:
Time once again for Articles of Note, my list of the things that have caught my attention in the latest round of peer-reviewed journals. This month has quite a lot to explore, but as always, this list isn’t comprehensive (and it’s subject to my specific interests). The majority of links take you to the PubMed abstract, except where indicated. Click through for the PDF and active links; contact me for the list as a Word doc.
Alcohol and Memory
RTI has a 2-day drug facilitated sexual assault workshop coming up August 11th and 12th–it’s live in DC and also virtual, so no need to be local to attend. Upon perusing the syllabus (PDF) I noticed that one of the guest speakers is Aaron White from NIH. If you’re not familiar with the name you should become acquainted–I think he’s written the best article there is about alcohol and memory: What Happened? Alcohol, Memory Blackouts, and the Brain. Not surprisingly, it’s what he’s lecturing on at the workshop. The article is old (2003), but it’s excellent and should be part of your arsenal–it’s a great primer and more than one forensic toxicologist has mentioned it as an essential read.
VAWnet has updated their special collection on intimate partner homicide prevention. You should range around the site a bit–there’s a lot here for clinicians and for the collaborative teams in which we participate.
OJJDP just released a new resource: Recognizing When a Child’s Injury or Illness Is Caused by Abuse (PDF). It’s written for law enforcement, so this is really more of a SART or MDT resource, than a clinical text. I was happy to see it addresses issues like aging bruises based on color (you can’t), and provides some good overview information about a variety of injuries and other findings. I haven’t gone through the whole thing, but it looks promising. Peds folks weigh in…
This week’s Full-Text Friday offering addresses the issue of multiple perpetrator rapes of adolescent girls (sad commentary: I can’t combine those words in the title of this post because of the disgusting trolls that come out of the woodwork). I hear a lot of speculative testimony, and occasionally it is about expectations of injury following sexual assault by multiple assailants. There’s not a ton of research on this topic, so I am pleased to offer this article up as a way to help inform us about the clinical picture of this patient population:
A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words
Somehow I missed this when it was held in May, but thankfully there’s an archived presentation: Vera Institute’s Center on Victimization and Safety has an archived webinar available on helping patients with disabilities understand the sexual assault medical-forensic exam. A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words is available for viewing; I haven’t reviewed it yet, but it looks like a pretty invaluable contribution to the discussion around promising practices. Click through for details:
If you aren’t looking to your state anti-violence coalitions for continuing education, you’re missing some great opportunities. State coalitions do a lot of training, and many are putting on webinars and online courses that have relevance far beyond their state’s borders. Click through for some of the upcoming events, and feel free to add others in the comments (I’ll take those outside the US, too, please):
I am so excited to sit down with this: Delivery and Evaluation of Sexual Assault Forensic (SAFE) Training Programs (PDF). The report addresses the initial offering of the online SAFE training + 2 day clinical practicum provided by IAFN and evaluated by Debra Patterson and her team. There’s some really promising results here and it gives us some direction for rethinking how we deliver both didactic and clinical education. Definitely a worthwhile read, especially for those of you conducting SAFE training or debating ways in which to get new clinicians educated.
Oh man, I do love me a good research compilation, and CALCASA delivers: the 2014 Sexual Violence Research Review is now available. Read the executive summary here; download the full report here (PDF). Super excited about this one.
And speaking of excited, come back tomorrow for the 2014 TIP Report, being released tomorrow by the State Department. It’s like nerd paradise up in here.
OVC has a new online guide for responding to transgender victims of sexual assault. Bookmark it, share it with your team, use it as the basis for a great inservice discussion–all of it. There are specific implications and actions for different service providers, including medical, throughout. Much needed and I can’t wait to make my way through it.
The DNA Resource Center at NCVC is hosting a webinar, Untested Rape Kits: the Issue, the Impact and the Response. The session will be held June 10th from 1-2:30pm ET. Details after the jump:
IAFN and NSVRC are hosting a webinar June 10th from 2-3:30pm ET, Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exams and VAWA 2005: Payment, Practices, Successes and Directions for the Future. The session will focus on research conducted by Urban Institute on exam payment. Interested in the topic? Check out this related article over at Vox that should stir up some discussion for sure.
{The Urban Institute’s full report can be found here. (PDF)}
The Northwest Network is hosting a webinar, Working with LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Violence: Considerations for Advocates and Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners. It’s being held April 22nd from 12-1:30 PT. Register for the session here.
MNCASA, through its Sexual Violence Justice Institute, is hosting a webinar, What Can We Talk About? How SART Teams Discuss Sexual Assault Cases. The session will be held April 23rd from 12-1:30pm CDT. This is a great topic for discussion–see a complete webinar description after the jump.