Child Abuse DV/IPV

Children and Domestic Violence

The National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma and Mental Health is hosting an upcoming webinar, Children and Domestic Violence. It will be held June 11th from 2-3:30pm CT. Register for the session here. Details after the jump:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 6-2-14

Yesterday was my birthday, which means that basically the whole weekend was my birthday (and also the wedding reception for our good friends AND the arrival of the girl child for the summer). Lots of celebrating around here; much less reading. But when I finally did manage to crawl into bed last night, it took awhile to sleep, and just like that, I was caught up in some of the world’s goings-on. So here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Sexual Violence in Later Life: Strategies for Healthcare Providers

One of my main co-conspirators collaborators, Jennifer Pierce-Weeks, is the featured speaker in an upcoming webinar hosted by NSVRC,  Sexual Violence in Later Life: Strategies for Healthcare Providers. The session will be held twice: 11 and 12 June, 2-3:30pm ET. Please note–the audience will be limited to 30 participants for each session so register ASAP. Details after the jump:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Trauma-Informed Care and Military-Related IPV Survivors

I’m teaching today in Wichita–another advanced testimony workshop. It’s the last training of the busy spring season. After this I come off the road a bit. I get to slow down and enjoy the fact that my kid is in DC for the summer (as of Saturday–happy birthday to me!) I take only one significant travel job each month during summers, so while I will have plenty to occupy my time (as if), I will be doing it from the comfort of my tiny DC dollhouse by and large.


When Women Refuse (#YesAllWomen)

I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the unbelievable violence from this weekend (again). The online response to the California shooting was swift and fierce. If you have not read the huge number of tweets under #YesAllWomen, I encourage you to check them out (if you want a summary of some of the most powerful, look no further than Time’s). But to really begin to fathom just how often women face violence  (or the threat of violence) simply for exercising their right to say no to men check out the new Tumblr, When Women Refuse. It’s a good reminder that the patients for whom we care are just a fraction of the victims of gender violence out there.

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: May 2014

Man, am I tardy on this. Finally–once again here’s this (and last) month’s Articles of Note, a look at what has caught my eye from the recently published, peer-reviewed literature. There’s a lot of good stuff in this round up, so I would encourage you to peruse the abstracts. Keep in mind this isn’t a comprehensive list, just the things that interested me. Click through for the link:


Digital Girls

Apologies for the absence yesterday–I am battling a migraine that is getting the best of me and it was just not a good day. But I am trying to muscle through it (as I post from ORD on my way to MCI), and this webinar is worthy of notice. SAMHSA has been hosting a Girls Matter webinar series and the next offering in the series is one called Digital Girls: Confession, Connection and Disconnection.It will be held May 20th from 3-4:30 pm ET.  Rachel Simmons is one of the featured speakers (perhaps you’ve read Odd Girl Out?). It should be a good session, particularly for those of you who work with adolescents frequently. Details after the jump:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 5/12/14

I’m getting ready to head to Kansas City for the Forensic Investigations Conference–if you’re going to be there please come by and say hello. It was a pretty lovely weekend in our household, but by Sunday I was putting all of my people on planes, so last night I spent the evening dividing my time between perusing my Twitter feed and binge watching The Newsroom (damn you, HBO To Go!). Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke: Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Who schedules the start of a brand new off-site project with a steep learning curve the day after she returns from vacation? This girl. So no prolonged post today. Just want to make sure you’ve seen some of the latest on campus sexual assault, including the White House Task Force report published last week, the associated resources at the site, and the substantial NY Times article in this Sunday’s paper, Fight Against Sexual Assault Holds Colleges to Account. Google campus sexual assault and you’ll find plenty that’s been written in the past week (including this Slate article, bookmarked for my metro ride tomorrow), but this is what I’ve been working my way through since last we spoke…still catching up post-Argentina.

Sexual Assault

Happy Nurses Week 2014

In my haste to get my life back to normal, I almost forgot it’s Nurses Week, so a happy one to all of my nursing colleagues out there. This week marks a year since three women (and the child of one of the women) escaped from the home of Ariel Castro in Cleveland after a decade in captivity, and the local Fox affiliate interviewed the nurses involved in their care at MetroHealth that night when they were brought in.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4/21/14

I have had a lot of emails asking if I will be at the EVAW Conference this week in Seattle–many good friends are out there, but I will not be. I am heading to Indianapolis on Wednesday to teach some of the advanced SANE sessions at the INCASA Conference,  so I am looking forward to seeing many FHO readers there (and if we have never met, please come introduce yourself–I love meeting readers). And then I am heading to Argentina for a week of food and wine with my best friend. I will not be working (it’s 100% vacation), but I will be rerunning some of FHO’s greatest hits the week I’m gone, so the site won’t be dark. However, I *was* working a bit this weekend, and managed to do a decent amount of reading–here’s what caught my interest since last we spoke:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Full-Text Friday: Normalizing Sexual Violence

Many articles, tweets and Facebook posts have focused on this article, but it still seems important enough to highlight for this week’s full-text offering. So click through to read more about our featured article:


Stalking Basics and Transgender Individuals

FORGE has an upcoming webinar, Stalking Basics and Transgender Individuals, May 9th from 2-3:30pm CT. Rebecca Dreke from the Stalking Resource Center will be the featured speaker. Details after the jump:


Human Trafficking: The Role of the Health Care Provider

The National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse is hosting a webinar, Human Trafficking: The Role of the Health Care Provider, May 14th, 12-1:30pm PT (for some reason the registration link says April 23rd, so hopefully they will get that fixed). Free CMEs are available (sadly, no CEUs for nurses). Click through for details:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Digitizing Abuse

The Urban Institute has a project, Digitizing Abuse, examining the role of technology in teen dating violence, harassment and bullying. Their project page has several articles and resources on the topic, worth a look for sure. {You can see all of the Urban Institute’s publications on crime and justice here.}

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4-14-14

This is my last full week in the office before vacation, save some work with the Army JAGs here in town, so I am glued to my to-do list. That being said I did manage to get some reading done this weekend (although the pull of 70+ degree weather and sunshine was irresistible), but much of it had to do with the terrible tragedy in Kansas yesterday. I know it will be part of our conversation around the Seder table tonight as we celebrate Passover, keeping the victims and their families and community in our prayers. A happy Pesach to all of you who observe. Click tghrough to check out what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Military–Related Interpersonal Violence Survivors and Co-Occurring Conditions

BWJP is offering a webinar, Military-Related Interpersonal Violence Survivors and Co-Occurring Conditions. The session will be held April 17th from 2-3:30pm CT. Registration is required by April 16th to participate.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4/7/14

Lots of reading this weekend, so it’s a good list. But before I put it up, a quick reminder (again), since I got a nastygram from a reader who disliked one of the articles I posted last week: just because I read it doesn’t mean I agree with it. Everything on this site, be it articles in posts like this or webinar offerings or full-length reports, should be read with the understanding that, unless it is accompanied by a clear endorsement from me, is not actually an endorsement. This site is for information sharing. FHO readers are a smart bunch–you guys will decide what is relevant and what is valid for your own practices. That being said, here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Clinical Guide: Compassion Fatigue, Burnout & Vicarious Trauma

April is both Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month: two issues central to many of our practices, both of which can take a serious toll on clinicians. It seems like compassion fatigue (and its sisters, vicarious trauma and burnout) don’t get nearly enough attention in our professional circles. But really, they should–a recent study found that 85% of emergency department nurses surveyed reported moderate to high levels of compassion fatigue. I’d be interested in what the results would look like if they surveyed a group of forensic clinicians.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/31/14

I’m hustling today, big time. The weekend was a busy one, with my kiddo heading back to school and deadlines closing in. So a short list for you today, but still interesting. Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke: