The Institute of Medicine has an upcoming workshop, Means of Violence. It will be held December 18th and 19th in Washington, DC, beginning at 8:30 am. Although this will be a live workshop, there will also be a simultaneous webcast that will be available globally. Click through for details:
Tag: youth violence
How fantastic was this year’s IAFN conference? I’ve been going to it for I don’t know how many years, and I truly don’t recall a better one. Kudos to the IAFN staff, Board and planning committee for making it such a great one. I loved meeting so many of you, and I was blown away by how many folks are regular readers, so thanks for supporting our nerdy little site.
By the time you read this, I will be in Italy for a court martial. Sunday was spent crossing the country, kissing my wife goodbye at Dulles and then hopping a flight to Venice via London. I’ll be here all week, so it’s possible posts will be light this week, too. I promise to get back to regular posts next week. Honest. In the meantime, here’s some of what’s caught my attention since last we spoke:

A couple weeks ago I posted about the recently released report, Connecting the Dots. It looks like the CDC and Prevention Institute will be hosting a related Twitter Q&A, Links Among Forms of Violence. The chat will take place November 4th from 2-3pm ET, using #ViolenceLinks. Looking forward to the conversation.
(h/t VAWnet)
I’m heading home from CLE today after a long weekend with my daughter and parents, so I spent way more time playing than being online. All in all, a really welcome reprieve from what will be a fairly hectic couple of weeks–prepping for and attending the IAFN conference, and then immediately heading to Europe for a military trial. Still there was plenty of news to catch my eye, so here’s what I’ve been checking out since last we spoke:

The CDC and the Prevention Institute published Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence recently, but it didn’t seem to get much in the way of fanfare when it was released. That being said, I think it’s an important read. Our patients frequently experience multiple forms of violence in their lives, and understanding the overlap allows for more trauma-informed care and more targeted assistance. What’s nice about this report is that it also comes with its own slide deck for teaching purposes, so this is a great resource to bookmark for future use.
(Image via)
Greetings from Montgomery, AL, from where I am currently trying to escape after a brief lecture at Maxwell AFB. If you’ve been playing along at home, you know that I have managed to hit all 4 time zones in the continental US over the past week, and I’m on day 8 of travel, which is making me cranky. Assuming the weather holds I’ll be home tonight and for the next couple weeks. Let’s not talk about October right now; I’m going to pretend it’s simply not happening. My failed attempt to get an earlier flight home means I am sitting at the airport with all kinds of time to catch up on the interwebs; here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:
This week’s Full-Text Friday offering addresses the issue of multiple perpetrator rapes of adolescent girls (sad commentary: I can’t combine those words in the title of this post because of the disgusting trolls that come out of the woodwork). I hear a lot of speculative testimony, and occasionally it is about expectations of injury following sexual assault by multiple assailants. There’s not a ton of research on this topic, so I am pleased to offer this article up as a way to help inform us about the clinical picture of this patient population:
Here’s a piece worth your time: the National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse at NDAA just published Crimes Against Children: Examining Technology’s Impact on Victimization and Witness Intimidation (PDF). Want to better understand how technology is impacting our pediatric patients and how offenders are gaining access to them? This is a great (and brief) overview of what’s out there right now, and what the issues are. Good for parents, as well. {Full disclosure: the author is my wife.}
Reproductive Coercion
The Family Justice Center Alliance has another webinar coming up–this one on reproductive coercion. The session will be held June 26th from 10-11:30 am PT. Click through for details:
Digital Girls
Apologies for the absence yesterday–I am battling a migraine that is getting the best of me and it was just not a good day. But I am trying to muscle through it (as I post from ORD on my way to MCI), and this webinar is worthy of notice. SAMHSA has been hosting a Girls Matter webinar series and the next offering in the series is one called Digital Girls: Confession, Connection and Disconnection.It will be held May 20th from 3-4:30 pm ET. Rachel Simmons is one of the featured speakers (perhaps you’ve read Odd Girl Out?). It should be a good session, particularly for those of you who work with adolescents frequently. Details after the jump:
Digitizing Abuse
The Urban Institute has a project, Digitizing Abuse, examining the role of technology in teen dating violence, harassment and bullying. Their project page has several articles and resources on the topic, worth a look for sure. {You can see all of the Urban Institute’s publications on crime and justice here.}
Since Last We Spoke 4-14-14
This is my last full week in the office before vacation, save some work with the Army JAGs here in town, so I am glued to my to-do list. That being said I did manage to get some reading done this weekend (although the pull of 70+ degree weather and sunshine was irresistible), but much of it had to do with the terrible tragedy in Kansas yesterday. I know it will be part of our conversation around the Seder table tonight as we celebrate Passover, keeping the victims and their families and community in our prayers. A happy Pesach to all of you who observe. Click tghrough to check out what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:
Sorry to have been absent so much last week–the one-two punch of a difficult trial and an epic migraine made the latter half of last week challenging (I have a string of four-letter expletives that’s probably more accurate and descriptive, but we’ll stick with challenging for now). However, my kid is in town and we are heading to my happy place this week (Eagle, CO) for some family time. Posts should be regular–I’m stacking them in advance, and I’ll periodically check emails if you’re looking for me. But don’t expect responses during prime ski hours. I’ll be busy:)
Speaking of vacations, in an unprecedented move I am taking time off during two consecutive months, and need some input from my well-traveled readers. Next month, my best friend and I are heading to Argentina–Buenos Aires and Mendoza specifically. If anyone has some ideas for must-see/eat/stay places, please do let me know. Off the beaten path is particularly appealing. This will be my 1st trip to South America, so I’m pretty stoked.
Anyway, let’s get back to the matter at hand–a little taste of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:
The Fight Against Bullies
The movie Bully opens in the US tomorrow and Clear Channel and are making contributions to an anti-bullying organization every time someone watches the trailer on their page. Check out the movie trailer and info about the campaign here.
The National Women’s Law Center is hosting a webinar Thursday, March 22nd from 3:30-4:30 ET– Spotlight on Bullying and Harassment: The Law and One School’s Response. I’m particularly interested in the content as the parent of a pre-teen, and not just as a clinician.
The Interrupters on PBS
I just discovered that PBS is showing The Interrupters in its entirety on their website. It premiered last night on tv; you can check the website to see when it will air again in your area. If you aren’t familiar with the film, it specifically looks at the work of CeaseFire, an organization dedicated to preventing gun violence. I’ve heard amazing things about the film–seeing as I don’t have plans, it may be what’s happening at my house tonight…
Teen Dating Violence 2012
February is Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month. For those of you looking for an introduction to the issue, Break the Cycle is hosting a webinar on February 23rd, at 1pm ET: Empowering Youth to End Domestic Violence.
PreventConnect has a fantastic webinar coming up that I would strongly recommend: Links Between Bullying and Sexual Violence. The webinar will be offered twice, once on February 27th, and again March 2nd. Both sessions begin at 11am PST. The session will be centered around the recently published article, Bullying Perpetration and Subsequent Sexual Violence Perpetration Among Middle School Students (Journal of Adolescent Health).
The CDC has a free, online violence prevention course available at their VetoViolence site: Principles of Prevention. It includes 1.7 hours of continuing educations for nurses; 1.75 for physicians.